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New To Character Design, need a little help


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Hi peeps, I am brand new to this system. I am starting a new game next week and I haven't had a chance to look at all of the books.


I am attempting to build a Ghost like character that is very much like

Jonn Jonzz the Martian ManHunter. I am just confused on how to build

the starting character.


I have seen some conversions on the web, but I only have 350 points to

start with. So does anyone have any suggetions on how to start this



Not sure how much I should spend on characteristics, and how much on

powers. I can figure the 150 disadvantages, but not sure about the rest. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




The Midnite Ghost


PS. I hope this is the correct forum for this. Sorry in advance if it isn't.

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Re: New 2 Character Design, need alittle help


Hi peeps' date=' I am brand new to this system. I am starting a new game next week and I haven't had a chance to look at all of the books. [/quote']


Welcome !


I am attempting to build a Ghost like character that is very much like

Jonn Jonzz the Martian ManHunter. I am just confused on how to build the starting character.


I have seen some conversions on the web, but I only have 350 points to

start with. So does anyone have any suggetions on how to start this



Not sure how much I should spend on characteristics, and how much on

powers. I can figure the 150 disadvantages, but not sure about the rest. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Well, here is a 250pt version of J'onn J'onzz (AKA MArtian Manhunter).




It's based off the Justice League/Justice League Unlimited version.

Tho' the charcter description at the bottom of the page is (I think)

meant for another character at the same site.... :) But the Elemental

Control used in the design might help get you started with your



When in doubt on how to build something I always take a look (in

addition to posting here of course) at the following sites:




A collection of 250pt base characters mostly....




A very broad collection of Hero characters, including The Tin

Woodsman and other Oz characters, Velma Dinkly from Scooby Do,



And of course:




A spectrum of Hero related characters that run the gamut from

Tarzan to Steven Segal with Jackie Chan and Battle Angel Alita

in the mix as well..... :hail::hail:


I'd also heartily recommend potentially buying Hero Designer 3. It

handles the math and lets you worry about what you want things

to 'look like'. It and the character packs (add ons that have extra

stuff from books other than just the 5th Edition rules - such as the

martial arts and stuff from Ninja Hero and the Ultimate Martial Artist,

the species package deals from Star Hero, etc) are available online

thru the Hero Store here on the site.


Hope that helps and again, welcome !!



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Re: New 2 Character Design, need alittle help


The Champions forum might be a better place for a full character build. However, I dont think anyone here is going to stress about that.


Starting any character you need to sit down and decide what are going to be the main features of the character. Do it in words rather than game stats.


You should have a few bullet points that cover your schtick, your main offensive capability, main defensive, main movement and a few nice extras.


Post back with those and then we'll give you lots of suggestions on how to go forward - someone will even probably put something together like a character sheet at some point if the discussion is interesting enough. :)


So. Give us a few prioritiues to look at and we'll discuss the possible ways you could do it and it becomes a discussion that definitely should be done here!




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Re: New 2 Character Design, need alittle help


Hello and welcome to the Hero System. This is a great place for this type of question but I might also post a similar question the Champions forum for the superhero peeps to have a look at.


I must say, you picked a doozy of a character to model for your first jump into the game. I'll try to answer your question point by point, but without actually making a character, my suggestions will be general at best.


Characteristics - In most 350 pt. campaigns I have played in, a 60 AP (or 12 dice attack) is usually the maximum. If you want STR to be your primary attack, and PD/ ED to be your primary defense, you are going to spend alot more points here than if you model your attacks and defense with powers. Either way would work well. For a 60 AP campaign, 30/ 30 defenses are usually the max. Dex 30/ SPD 7 is usually the max for super fast characters. You probably will not have enough points max out all these things so you will have to decide if you want to be stronger, faster, or a mix of both.


Powers - To simulate alot the Manhunter's abilities, take a look at the Power Framework called a multipower. It is a cheaper way to buy multiple powers, but you can only use 1 power at full points at a time. To make a well balanced character, I would try to incorporate one attack power (or STR in this case), one defense power (or high PD/ ED, but don't forget some damage resistance to you don't get wiped out by killing attacks), one movement power (such as Flight), one sense (perhaps Mind Scan if you want a mentalist element to the character), and one miscellaneous power based on your special effect or what makes you unique (maybe shapeshift like the manhunter).


Other stuff - You may want to consider having a few limitations on your powers to save points, expecially for a character with this type of versatility. Only In Hero ID is a good way to save points on your powers and characteristics if you have another form (like the Hulk or Captain Marvel). If any of the other players (expecially the GM) in the group have experience with system, ask their aid as well as they may be familiar with the power level expectations for your campaign.


My final suggestion is to throw together a few characters then let us critique the for you. Enjoy and have fun with hero.

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Re: New 2 Character Design, need alittle help


Hello and welcome.


If you want to build JJ, sit down and write down everything you think he can do, then cross throught he bits you can live without then try to model it.


JJ is a character who has a massively variable power level, depending on the writer, so you need to fix on a particular version, or you'll go mad. You probably won't get close to most comic presentations of JJ on just 350 points.


You've got a flying brick character with invisibility, shapeshift and telepathy. You can probably cram most of that in a multipower, tacked onto a decent brick base.


Personally though I tend to suggest that, whilst it is cool to draw inspiration from other work, you are usually better coming up with your own concept as, at least, tehre won;t be any argument over what it can do, or disappointment when it does not live up to expectations.

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Re: New 2 Character Design, need alittle help


Wow thanks for the great responses. Also thank you for making a noob feel welcome.


I picked the Martian Manhunter because I believe he is a swiss army knife type hero, and since I am new to this system I wanted to have some versatility.


So my concept is the Midnight Ghost.

Basically he is like The Martian Manhunter except his powers are mystical in nature.


Kind of like when Jonn Jonzz became Bloodwynd for a short time.




So lets see. If I base him off of the Martian Manhunter 250 build as a



The Midnight Ghost

Real Name: Malcolm Stranger

Occupation: Odditys and Curiosity's Store Owner




35 STR 25

18 DEX 24

18 CON 16

12 BODY 4

18 INT 8

18 EGO 16

20 PRE 10

8 COM -1

10 PD 3

6 ED 2

4 SPD 12

11 REC 0

36 END 0

39 STUN 0

Characteristics Cost: 119


Powers, Skills and Equipment


12 4/4 Armor

4 1 LVLS Density Increase(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),"Stone

form."(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),Concentrate(-1/4) 0

8 5" Flight,Concentrate(-1/4) 1

16 EC (20),"Ghost powers.",Concentrate(-1/4)

16a) Desolid,Vulnerability: Magic 4

16b) 6D6 Mind Scan,+5 Plus To Roll 4

20c) Shape Shift,any shape,0 END(+1/2) 0

13d) 8" Stretching,No non-combat stretching bonus.(-1/4) 4

16e) 8D6 Telepathy 4

3 Acting 13-

3 Tracking 13-

2 TF,Other Air Vehicles,Small Spaceships

2 Radio XMIT/REC," communicator.",OAF(-1)

Powers Cost: 131




Base Points: 100

15 No Longer Identifies with Common Humanity

20 Hunted,"by magicians and mystics.",as powerful,

non-combat influence,harsh,appear 11-

15 Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing.",common,strong

20 Psych Lim,"Distances himself emotionally from others. ",very


10 Rep,"The Ghost who walks.",occur 11-

10 Unluck,2D6

20 Vuln,"Magic",common,x2 stun

5 Watched,"by the U.S. government.",as powerful,non-combat

influence,mild,appear 8-

Disadvantages Total: 115


How does this look??


thanks again for all of your help

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Re: New 2 Character Design, need alittle help


OK here we go


The Midnight Ghost




35 STR 25

18 DEX 24

18 CON 16

12 BODY 4

18 INT 8

18 EGO 16

20 PRE 10

8 COM -1

10 PD 3

6 ED 2

4 SPD 12

11 REC 0

36 END 0

39 STUN 0

Characteristics Cost: 119





12 4/4 Armor

4 1 LVLS Density Increase(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),"Stone

form."(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),Concentrate(-1/4) 0

8 5" Flight,Concentrate(-1/4) 1

16 EC (20),"Ghost Powers.",Concentrate(-1/4)

16a) Desolid,Vulnerability: Magic 4

16b) 6D6 Mind Scan,+5 Plus To Roll 4

20c) Shape Shift,any shape,0 END(+1/2) 0

13d) 8" Stretching,No non-combat stretching bonus.(-1/4) 4

16e) 8D6 Telepathy 4

3 Acting 13-

3 Tracking 13-

2 TF,Other Air Vehicles,Small Spaceships

2 Radio XMIT/REC,"communicator.",OAF(-1)

Powers Cost: 131


But I need Inviso.

How do I fit that in?


Also on disadvantages, is Magic good enough. Or do I need to make

it something more common??



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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


It's a good first try.


Fitting Invis in shouldn't be too hard as, unless math is failing me, you have 100 pts. left.


Magic (as the sfx that affects Desol) would be fine in my campaign as it's reasonably common, final word is up to your GM.


IMHO, I would spread your left over points into increasing his STR (a 10-12 dice should be on par for a typical 350 pt. power level level), Armor (shooting for 25-30 total defense with resistant defenses around 15ish), and CON (as right now you will be stunned almost automatically by any attack above 9 dice or so). I would put any left over points into combat skill levels as right now your OCV and DCV are 6. It varies from campaign to campaign but I wouldn't be surprised if you come across some villains with DCVs of 8+. I hope that helps. The base looks good so far!

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Re: New 2 Character Design, need alittle help


OK here we go


One key thing you absolutely need to know is the campaign norms.

A typical Supers game tends to have 12 DC attacks, 20 - 25 defenses, etc. If you don't know the standards for your game, you will likely be under or over powered.


Is this supposed to be a standard Super character? If so, you've still got 100 points to spend (200 base points + 150 disadvantages).


The Midnight Ghost




35 STR 25


Assuming a Standard Supers game, this is quite low as a primary attack power. 10d6 to 12d6 is the norm for most Super games, so 50 - 60 STR.


18 DEX 24

18 CON 16


These are also quite low for a Super Brick. DEX and CON of 23 is a pretty typical standard Super. Bricks tend to a bit lower DEX (18 is at least workable) and higher CON.


12 BODY 4

18 INT 8

18 EGO 16

20 PRE 10

8 COM -1

10 PD 3

6 ED 2


Unless you have other defensive abilities, these are also pretty low for a standard Supers game. A typical 10d6 hit will get 25 STUN past your PD (29 past your ED) and leave the character Stunned, as this is more than his CON.


4 SPD 12


This is on the low end of the usual Super range. 5 is more typical, but high STR Bricks tend to the low end of the range.


11 REC 0

36 END 0

39 STUN 0

Characteristics Cost: 119




12 4/4 Armor

4 1 LVLS Density Increase(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),"Stone

form."(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),Concentrate(-1/4) 0


That brings STR up to 40 and defenses to 15/11, both still well under the norm for standard Supers. You might consider more Density Increase to further increase STR.


8 5" Flight' date='Concentrate(-1/4) 1[/quote']


This is a very slow flightspeed. Default running is 6".


16 EC (20),"Ghost Powers.",Concentrate(-1/4)

16a) Desolid,Vulnerability: Magic 4

16b) 6D6 Mind Scan,+5 Plus To Roll 4

20c) Shape Shift,any shape,0 END(+1/2) 0

13d) 8" Stretching,No non-combat stretching bonus.(-1/4) 4

16e) 8D6 Telepathy


I doubt many GM's would consider "Ghost Powers" for purposes of an EC to include most of these abilities. An EC needs to be a tight group of powers all of which have the same SFX. Other than Desolid, none of these are classic "ghost" powers.


Putting Concentrate on all your abilities will mean you're very easy to hit, although your low DCV means you won't be a tough target even if you aren't concentrating.


3 Acting 13-

3 Tracking 13-

2 TF,Other Air Vehicles,Small Spaceships

2 Radio XMIT/REC,"communicator.",OAF(-1)

Powers Cost: 131


But I need Inviso.

How do I fit that in?


Also on disadvantages, is Magic good enough. Or do I need to make

it something more common??


Depending on the game. I think most standard Supers games would consider magic sufficiently common.


I'd get some input from the GM on campaign norms. What kind of damage, defenses, etc. can you expect to be dealing with? If the typical DCV is 8 (23 DEX), you will have a tough time landing any hits with an 18 DEX and no skill levels.

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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


So I see where I can get some synergy with increase density.


Increasing my Density will give me more STR which means I hit harder.

Also it will add to my defense. So I really need to work out the numbers there.


It seems to me that for a 350pt build these are the most important stats for this concept toon.


Shapeshift- anyform


Density Increase

Mind Scan

Shape Shift



Mental Defense


Good Str 50-60

Good DEX

Good CON


I think these are the things I need to focus on. The nuts and bolts of this Character

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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


This is a good list, I think you are on the right track. You have narrowed him down to a pretty well focused set of powers.


I tried to build this out for you. It came out a wee bit on the expensive side. It kinda depends on how many skills and extra bits you have planed, besides just powers. A character like Jon-jon really needs a good set of supporting skills, in my opinion.


Here's the build. Critique as you like:


Character Name:									
Player Name:									

Total Points:		CHA	104					
		PWR	227					
		SKILL	0					
		DISA	0					
GRAND TOTAL			331					

Stat		Pts	A	L	Base	END		Skill Roll	
20	STR	10			10	2		13	
18	DEX	24			24			13	
25	CON	30			30			14	
12	BOD	4			4			11	
18	INT	8			8			13	
15	EGO	10			10			12	
15	PRE	5			5			12	
8	COM	-1			-1			11	

4	PD	0			0				
5	ED	0			0				
4	SPD	12			12				
10	REC	2			2				
50	END	0			0				
35	STUN	0			0				

OCV	6							
DCV	6							
ECV	5							

Pts	Power Description				A.P.A.	L	n.a.P.A	Base Pts.	END
50	Multipower: Strength and Density							50	5
5	(u) Density Increase: 8; Reduced END				0.25	9		40	5
5	(u) Desolidification; Reduced END				0.25	9		40	5
3	(u) STR: +50 STR No Figured characteristics				0	14		50	5
4	(u) Joint Breaking: 3d6 HKA					9		45	4.5
5	(u) Invisibility, No Fringe, All senses; Reduced END				0.25	9		40	5
5	(u) Shapeshift, any form, imitation					9		50	5
30	Armor: +10 PD/ED							30	3
20	Mental Powers EC							20	2
20	(e) TK Flight: Flight 16”; Reduced END							20	2
20	(e) Telepathy, 8d6							20	2
20	(e) Mind Scan, 8d6							20	2
30	Mind Link, any minds, 8 at once							30	3
10	Mental Defense, 10							10	1


He needs skills, perks, talents, skill levels and disadvantages. At 331 points already, there isn't much room left.


I added Mindlink because I thought it would be good for simulating an established Telepathic link. I also added Armor because Jon-jon tends to be pretty tough.


With Density Increase and Armor, his defense are 22PD/23ED and 10rPD/10rED, which really isn't all that tough for a super. It's not a major brick, that's for sure. He's far from wimpy, but still not a front line combatant in most games. His Desolidification should help him get out of tight spots though.


I was planning on boosting his speed with his multipower, but I ran so close on points I gave up.


There are some things you could shave off points, but saving lots of points could be tough. You could move his flight to a slot in his multipower, but then he'd have trouble fighting and flying at the same time. You could also drop Mind Link. Removing slots from his multipower won't save a ton on points, but if you need just a few it's a possibility.

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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


WoW thanks Gojira.I have a noob questions how does multi power work?I am going to try and google it. I have until Tuesday to get thisbuild correct. Also I was told I need to get him to 12d6 by some other peeps in this forum. Which sounds like a good idea. Let me get Hero designer up and start playing around with the numbers.thanks again"10 different ways I could take him out, I decide to use the rabbit"

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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


This multipower is all ultra slots. Coupled with the cost of the slots, this mean you can run one of those powers at a time. So you can be Dense, or Desolid, or Invisible, but only one of those.


His Density Increase gives him +40 STR. Add that to his base of 20 STR gives him 60 STR which is indeed a 12d6 attack. His straight strength increase gives him more (70 STR total, for a 14d6 attack), but he loses some defense because he's not Dense, just strong.

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Re: New 2 Character Design, need alittle help


And of course:




A spectrum of Hero related characters that run the gamut from

Tarzan to Steven Segal with Jackie Chan and Battle Angel Alita

in the mix as well..... :hail::hail:


I'd also heartily recommend potentially buying Hero Designer 3. It

handles the math and lets you worry about what you want things

to 'look like'. It and the character packs (add ons that have extra

stuff from books other than just the 5th Edition rules - such as the

martial arts and stuff from Ninja Hero and the Ultimate Martial Artist,

the species package deals from Star Hero, etc) are available online

thru the Hero Store here on the site.


I'll also point out that I'm slowly converting all of my material to Hero Designer, and including the HDCs with each character sheet. So if you have HD yourself, you can see exactly how I built something (and then modify it for your own use).

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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


Is there a limit to the number of times you can take multipower in a 350pt build? If so what are my limitations, I need to finish this toon tonight for the first day of the campaign is on Tuesday night.



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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


Here si a quick stab at it. doing this much on 350 points with very few limitations is difficuly. sugestions--droppingthe mental powers multipower down to 30 active points inthe multipower, spend some of the saved points on mental defense, and a skill level.




Val Char Cost

30 STR 20

23 DEX 39

25 CON 30

15 BODY 10

18 INT 8

18 EGO 16

20 PRE 10

8 COM -1

20 PD 14

20 ED 15

5 SPD 17

11 REC 0

50 END 0

43 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

6" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 178


Cost Power

3 Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OAF (-1), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Hearing Group (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Limited to Certain Communication Frequencies.; -1/2)


35 Flight 15", x4 Noncombat

10 Damage Resistance (10 PD/10 ED)


51 Ghostly form : Multipower, 51-point reserve

5u 1) Invisibility to Sight, Hearing and Smell/Taste Groups ,

No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4)

5u 2) Desolidification , Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4)

4u 3) Stretching 8", Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4)

no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4)

5u 4) Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing and Smell/Taste Groups,

limited group of shapes), Imitation, Instant Change,

Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (51 Active Points)

4u 5) Density Increase (6,400 kg mass, +30 STR, +6 PD/ED, -6

" KB), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)


27 Mental Powers: Multipower, 40-point reserve, (40 Active Points); all slots Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4)

3u 1) Mind Scan 8d6 (40 Active Points)

3u 2) Telepathy 8d6 (40 Active Points)

2u 3) Mind Link , Human class of minds, Any Willing Target, No

LOS Needed, Custom Modifier (Must know or have met

target; +0) (25 Active Points)


Powers Cost: 157



Cost Skill

3 Acting 13-

3 Tracking 13-

4 TF: Combat Aircraft, Industrial & Exploratory Spacecraft, Personal Use Spacecraft, Small Planes

5 +1 with HTH Combat

Skills Cost: 15




Total Character Cost: 350

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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


Wow Incrdbil that is awesome.


Let me ask you a couple of quick noob questions please?


Can I possible save points by combining some characteristic cost into what I have seen called Elemental control, that includes Dmg Resistance?


Also instead of Radio Perception, should I get N-Ray vision to see through walls and stuff?


I have been told not to put things in a Multipower that I want to use together, instead place them in an Elemental Control. Like Flight, Desolidification and possible Invisibility. What do you think?


I also was told by a friend that if I want to keep Denisity Increase (I thought about dropping it) then I could create a group of powers for this with limitations based on his higher mass (6.4 metric tons!) to save some points as well as a separate group of powers when I have desolidified.


I think the mental power limitations work well and save points. But Mind scan needs to be outside the Multipower group becasue it is used in conjunction with telepathy.


And I possible still need to work in a little life support, I am told some attack powers that beef up my strike, some Mind attacks (Nightmares), and maybe martial arts, or some cool tricks to use with desolidification, etc. But I am not sure. Stuff where i put a hand into someone's chest and disrupt them or something.


thanks again for any suggetions.....i play this toon for the first time tonight.

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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


Wow Incrdbil that is awesome.


Let me ask you a couple of quick noob questions please?


Can I possible save points by combining some characteristic cost into what I have seen called Elemental control, that includes Dmg Resistance?


Not really, no. Elemental Controls require powers that cost END, so Damage Resistance is not going to be allowed. And putting Characteristics in there shouldn't be allowed.


Also instead of Radio Perception, should I get N-Ray vision to see through walls and stuff?


Depends? Do you want to see through walls? Is this something you think the character should do?


I have been told not to put things in a Multipower that I want to use together, instead place them in an Elemental Control. Like Flight, Desolidification and possible Invisibility. What do you think?


Do these powers all have a common special effect? That's a strong component of an Elemental Control.


I also was told by a friend that if I want to keep Denisity Increase (I thought about dropping it) then I could create a group of powers for this with limitations based on his higher mass (6.4 metric tons!) to save some points as well as a separate group of powers when I have desolidified.


You can Link things together into one "super power" (for example, Density Increase + Damage Resistance + extra STR + Damage Reduction, and so on). I'm not sure about a Limitation based purely on being 6.4 tons, though. You can also link together powers to Desolidification (such as Flight and/or Gliding).


However, this is starting to sound like a lot of stuff for someone who's only 350.


I think the mental power limitations work well and save points. But Mind scan needs to be outside the Multipower group becasue it is used in conjunction with telepathy.


Exactly how many powers does this guy have? What's the justification for all of this?


And I possible still need to work in a little life support, I am told some attack powers that beef up my strike, some Mind attacks (Nightmares), and maybe martial arts, or some cool tricks to use with desolidification, etc. But I am not sure. Stuff where i put a hand into someone's chest and disrupt them or something.


This is stuff you can always add on later with experience points. Right now your guy is all over the map that he's not going to be very good at any one things, and runs the risk of being not very good at just about everything.

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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


I totally understand what you mean. I am building this toon to be a

Swiss Army Knife. He has many helpful abilities that would help him fill in for what ever a team is lacking.


Heck this toon is a variation of Jonn Jonzz. Here is a cool quote from wikipedia about Jonn Jonzz"


Martian Manhunter has been described as "the Swiss Army knife of superheroes," possessing a great variety of superhuman powers. Many of his powers are similar to those of Superman, including strength, speed, invulnerability, flight, and "Martian vision" (a power that includes both x-ray and heat vision). In various altercations with Superman, Martian Manhunter is usually able to hold his own against the Man of Steel, but ultimately loses the fight; however, he has fought Captain Marvel to a standstill.

Other than his Superman-type powers, Martian Manhunter's primary power is shapeshifting which he uses for various effects such as adopting human appearance, elongating his limbs, growing to immense size, and assuming monstrous forms. Possibly as an aspect of his shape-shifting powers, he can also turn invisible (in most Silver Age stories none of his other powers function while he is invisible), and can alter his solidity so as to become either incredibly dense or (alternately) intangible.

J'onn is also a very powerful telepath, capable of perceiving the thoughts of others as well as projecting his own thoughts. He often acts as a "switchboard" between other superheroes in order to coordinate the Justice League's actions. The Martian Manhunter has sometimes been said to possess 9 different senses, although these are poorly defined and generally ignored by most writers. J'onn has also demonstrated great regenerative abilities, once able to regenerate himself from only his severed hand but with great strain (due to the loss of matter he found it necessary to incorporate new mass from Martian sand).


Sorry for the long post.


So yes I totally understand that this toon has a ton of powers, and that he doesnt just fit into the mold of a Brick, Speedster, Martial Artist, Skill set guy, etc.


I will be starting a brand new Hero's campaign tonight with 3 other guys who have never played this system. So I wanted to make a Hero who could fill many rolls.


thanks again for your help and comments.

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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


The problem is, the Martian Manhunter has been kludged together over the years to have everything Superman didn't. It's going to be really, really hard to cram together all of that in 350 points.

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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


First everything Susano and others have said is totally true. You need a strong character concept in HERO or you're just munchkining.


However, a Swiss Army knife is actually a pretty decent character concept, especially if it fits in with your GM's campaign and the rest of the team.


Be very careful with this. Some GMs will flat out disallow this. Other times, it allows you to be able to be just as good as, or better than, other teammates, which is often really hard on the other players. You should talk to your GM and add some limitations to prevent you from overshadowing the other team members.


But if Swiss Army knife is your style, you can do it with a Variable Power Pool. Just put enough points into the pool to cover running two or three powers at once, and you're good (VPPs have some special limitations and a Control Cost, I'll try to get you some hard numbers in a bit.)


The basic pool looks something like this:


Variable Power Pool, 80 points, 40 point Control Cost.


That allows you to take a full phase, and change your powers out. You also have to make a skill roll, but only to change. It can be any skill you select and your GM approves, but you should probably choose Power Skill, and name it something like "Ghostly Proteous Powers."


You should also make a list of the power you can have, and present them to the GM for approval. This will speed play, because it's annoying to have to wait for a player to recalculate his powers every damn turn. (And please avoid inventing new powers on the fly, it's really boring for the rest of the group.)

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Re: New To Character Design, need a little help


I should also add: VPP's tend to be really tough for a new player to manage. You sound ethusiastic and smart, so I think you could do it.


However, you're really short on time. I'd use Incrdbil's build for tonight. You'd just be "locked in" to what powers you have available right now.


But also bring the VPP idea to your GM for approval. Tell him what you want to do, and get that process rolling. You'll need some time to get that list of powers made up, or you'll just be really slowing play tonight.

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