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Disad: Sensory Overload ?


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Has anyone ever worked up a disad - or attack, which could be

re-written into a disad - based on the concept of 'sensory overload' ?

Let me explain what I mean:


Our hero, Andrea The Android, is basically a brick. High STR, built in

toughness, etc. Standard PC robot/android abilities. But she has a

weakness...Due to the advanced hueristics of her persona

programming, she is sometimes immobilized by random smells, sounds,

tastes, etc. This is in addition (or beside) sensory attacks like Flash

and such. So lets say that she is chasing a mugger down a street and

passes thru an outdoor flower market. Because her persona

programming begins to attempt to analyze and categorize all the

various aromas and such, her processor is temporarily overloaded

and she freezes in a not quite catatonic state. In short order her

systems will recycle and she'll drop out of the processing loop, but

by then the opponent could have escaped...or be prepared with an



I'm thinking that it would be similar in 'damage' to a Flash attack,

but possibly based on ECV....And it would almost have to be listed

as a Psych Lim, just like Claustraphobia or some such... :think:


Opinions/thoughts/pointers to existing similar disads ?





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Re: Disad: Sensory Overload ?


It sounds to me like something I do as a variant of Enraged/Berserk - a disadvantageous reaction to a particular circumstance.


Although I've never used a "sensory overload" version, I've used these:


Dispair - In some defined circumstance, the character can do nothing but stand there, emotionally drained, with no hope. The character may cry, surrender, fall to the ground and curl up in a fetal position, etc.


Fear - In some defined circumstance, the character is overcome by fear. He will run away at maximum speed from whatever is causing the fear. If all his exits are blocked, or he is otherwise unable to flee, he'll just sit there screaming or whimpering.


Decide how common the situation is (Uncommon 5, Common 10, Very Common 15). Pick the Chance to Affect (8- +0, 11- +5, 14- +10, Always +20). Pick the Chance to Recover (14- +0, 11- +5, 8- +10). And if it's an extremely dangerous or disadvantageous reaction* (like Berserk, as opposed to Enraged), then it's another +10 points.


You can do the same kind of thing with Sensory Overload.


*In the case of Dispair (as I wrote it above) it might qualify for the +10 bonus, because you're essentially handing yourself over to your enemy - you aren't removing yourself from danger. In the case of Fear, I would generally consider this a "Not Extreme" disadvantage - not worth the extra 10 points, since you're running away from the danger, and not causing any harm to others. Although there could be a more extreme version of Fear (I'd call it "Panic"), in which you can't even make rational decisions as to where and how you flee - you may dive into some other dangerous situation (run off a cliff to avoid the scary thing), or attack friends trying to snap you out of it or prevent your retreat.

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Re: Disad: Sensory Overload ?


Susceptability to Intense Sensory Input (definition of intense defines the commonality.) Androids experiencing systems crash/overload and meat being Stunned look awfully similar. Her reboot time is determined by her REC and her ability to get out of the influence area of the sensory overload.

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Re: Disad: Sensory Overload ?


Has anyone ever worked up a disad - or attack, which could be

re-written into a disad - based on the concept of 'sensory overload' ?

Let me explain what I mean:


Our hero, Andrea The Android, is basically a brick. High STR, built in

toughness, etc. Standard PC robot/android abilities. But she has a

weakness...Due to the advanced hueristics of her persona

programming, she is sometimes immobilized by random smells, sounds,

tastes, etc. This is in addition (or beside) sensory attacks like Flash

and such. So lets say that she is chasing a mugger down a street and

passes thru an outdoor flower market. Because her persona

programming begins to attempt to analyze and categorize all the

various aromas and such, her processor is temporarily overloaded

and she freezes in a not quite catatonic state. In short order her

systems will recycle and she'll drop out of the processing loop, but

by then the opponent could have escaped...or be prepared with an



I'm thinking that it would be similar in 'damage' to a Flash attack,

but possibly based on ECV....And it would almost have to be listed

as a Psych Lim, just like Claustraphobia or some such... :think:


Opinions/thoughts/pointers to existing similar disads ?






Interesting idea. But for Andrea The Android, that speaks of a significant inability to prioritize and multitask. It reminds me of the quote: "Ooo, Shiney!!". :D


I just wrote this up:


Psychological Limitation: Distracted By Strong Sensory Stimuli


Allowed Parameters: Any Frequency, Any Intensity except Total


This character pays excessive attention to sudden, strong sensory stimuli, like the smell of an open-air market where a wide variety of foods are being prepared, the sight of a kelidascope image on a movie screen, the feel of a new piece of leather, etc. Almost always the stimuli are never repellant or painful to the character.


The frequency is how often the character is likely to come across stimuli that rise to this level of distraction. The intensity is how likely the character is to be distracted by the stimuli. For instance: The character is on a stakeout waiting for someone and begins to smell the most wonderful aroma of something being cooked.


At Minor, the character might fidget, and say something about wanting to find where that smell is coming from, and will likely revisit the location at a later time in an attempt to do so. At Major, they will have to make an Ego Roll to avoid leaving their post, and even if the roll is made, will likely attempt to position himself so as to catch as much of the aroma as possible. Total comittment is not recommended, as this could lead to an excessivly distracted character that can never complete a task.


If the character himself is the source of the stimuli (like a Chef cooking and being caught up by the aroma of his preparation), the risks are similar. At Minor, the character will likely just have a dreamy expression upon his face as he continues to make his latest masterpiece. At Major, the character will have to make an Ego Roll to avoid becoming so enthralled that they stop what they are doing to focus exclusively upon the stimuli (likely burning what they are making). If they make their roll, they will still tend to take longer than normal to stretch out the experience. Total comittment is not recommended.


Generally, whenever a character becomes distracted, they will stop what they are doing (to persue the stimuli) for at least a full Turn. Less if the stimuli is removed before then. Another character can attempt to "snap them out of it", giving this character another Ego Roll to resist the effect.

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Re: Disad: Sensory Overload ?


Interesting idea. But for Andrea The Android, that speaks of a significant inability to prioritize and multitask. It reminds me of the quote: "Ooo, Shiney!!". :D



Hmmm..... Well one concept was that she was (previously) just a program.

And now that she is in a body with senses, she can be

overwhelmed by the stimuli. But failure to multitask could be a

logical evolution of that....Hmmmmm. :think:



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Re: Disad: Sensory Overload ?


Some excellent ideas here, but personally I'd be tempted by a straightforward Physical Limitation, assuming that the 'overload' occurs in specified circumstances and the character cannot really affect how long they are subject to it (although, from your description it sounds like a pretty short time.


You COULD do it this way:


Physical Limitation: stunned by extreme or unexpected sensory overload (Frequent, Fully) 20 points


That way when an extreme or unexpected sensory situation occurs the character basically stands there doing very little and is vulnerable for a few seconds.


The frequency is obviously up tot he GM, and it does not have to be 'automatic' - the GM could roll, and apply the limitation on 11-, for example.

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Re: Disad: Sensory Overload ?


You COULD do it this way:


Physical Limitation: stunned by extreme or unexpected sensory overload (Frequent, Fully) 20 points


That way when an extreme or unexpected sensory situation occurs the character basically stands there doing very little and is vulnerable for a few seconds.


The frequency is obviously up tot he GM, and it does not have to be 'automatic' - the GM could roll, and apply the limitation on 11-, for example.


Indeed. I think that, after due consideration, I will end up with a

build something like that...But with an 8- 'activation roll', since it's

chronic but not that chronic. If you take my meaning... :)



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