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Gravity Well Power


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Density Increase + Shrinking + Telekinesis? I'm tinkering with the system, trying to manage it. Mass Increase 50 times, gives me a mass roughly like the dwarf planet Varuna, and Shrinking 30 times, a size describable only in scientific notation. The two, linked. The third part, a Telekinesis effect to simulate the gravity well created by becoming a planetoid's mass the size of a body cell. Someone have the idea of how to do this in the system?

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Re: Gravity Well Power


You need to reason from effect - what do you expect doing this to a target to accomplish (or were you planning to do it to yourself?)


DI does not, no matter how much of it you buy, create gravity anomalies. You need to buy them yourself.


I'm assuming that it either kills the target outright (that would be the logical consequence of that sort of thing), in which case it is probably some sort of NND Does Body Killing Attack, or it basically takes them out of the combat, in which case I'm thinking (teeth gritted) a UAA EDM power.


I suppose that it could simply act to make someone sink into the planet, in which case some sort of UAA tunnelling, or even a teleport with extra time (to the Core!).


Oh, I've read it again and you DO want to do it to yourself. Right. Well, before I comment on how to build it, I'd say you need to ask yourself why?


I take it you mean 250 points of DI?


M'kay. Lot of points. Tiny little character. Gravity would be pretty horrendous close to, and tidal forces probably enough to rip anything nearby to shreds (and by nearby, I'm talking tens, possibly hundreds of miles).


You wouldn't be able to actually DO anything, except sit in a ball of acreting matter.


You could probably do it with, oh I'd don't know, 15d6 RKA explosion megascale.


Or you could sit down and work out the actual gravitational forces, and create some sort of TK megascale explosion.


I don't want to discourage creative thinking, but I really cannot see the point of a power like this. On the other hand there can't be many game systems that could even have a crack at building something like this.

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Re: Gravity Well Power


DI does not' date=' no matter how much of it you buy, create gravity anomalies. You need to buy them yourself.[/quote']


sure it does. Ultimate Metamorph p21.


With 165 points in Density Increase (~800 Megatons) you effect a 1G Pull on the Hexes immediately around you (1 Hex Radius).


This is, of course, dependent on the idea of using Dramatic Sense when applying DI and really really high Densities.

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Re: Gravity Well Power


sure it does. Ultimate Metamorph p21.


With 165 points in Density Increase (~800 Megatons) you effect a 1G Pull on the Hexes immediately around you (1 Hex Radius).


This is, of course, dependent on the idea of using Dramatic Sense when applying DI and really really high Densities.


I'm not sure that a 800 megaton character makes any kind of sense at all, dramatic or otherwise. I mean it is an interesting exercise in, you know, maths and looking up the old phyisics textbooks, but I'm at a bit of a loss to explain what such a character would be able to, for instance, stand on.

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Re: Gravity Well Power


I'm not sure that a 800 megaton character makes any kind of sense at all' date=' dramatic or otherwise. I mean it is an interesting exercise in, you know, maths and looking up the old phyisics textbooks, but I'm at a bit of a loss to explain what such a character would be able to, for instance, stand on.[/quote']



Interviewer: Well, can you... blow up the world?

Tick: Egad. I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Gravity Well Power


I'm not sure that a 800 megaton character makes any kind of sense at all' date=' dramatic or otherwise. I mean it is an interesting exercise in, you know, maths and looking up the old phyisics textbooks, but I'm at a bit of a loss to explain what such a character would be able to, for instance, stand on.[/quote']


Density Increase + Flight. A favorite flying Brick combo.


Be an 800 megaton character floating 1" off of the ground.

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Re: Gravity Well Power


There are times to just flush physics down the toilet and just build something that does what you want it to.


If you actually try to apply real life physics to the build you described, then the moon starts spiraling back towards earth and the tides go nuts and civilization takes a crotch kick. I doubt your campaign wants this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Gravity Well Power


Okay, here's the concept. First of all, Shrinking (30 levels, 300 Active Points), with a new modifier that prevents the loss of mass and Knockback. Linked to Density increase (50 levels, 250 Active Points), No STR increase, so you become a stationary supermass. The guy has the power to change into a planet destroying gravity core.


Question is...how do I stat the gravity well itself? And what value/cost is Shrinking(No Mass Reduction?)


And, for the matter of -why-, it's a mutant power's top limit. The character, Sing (short for Singularity), usually just pulls a Puck, goes half size, double mass, and whomps people. But I want to stat his power at absolute potential, representing the horrible results of ever letting his powers get out of control...or what happens when you sic him on a cosmic being.*grins*

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Re: Gravity Well Power


Well, according to Metamorph, 250 points of DI gives a "free" 100 Strength gravity well, degrading in strength to a hearty distance, and according to the chart, 420 is a black hole. Guess that answers that.


Power: Shrinking


Shrinking (5.96E-8 m tall, 2.647E-21 kg mass, -50 PER Rolls to perceive character, +50 DCV, takes +75" KB) (250 Active Points); Linked (Density Increase; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Gradual Effect (5 Minutes; -3/4), Easily Perceived (-1/4), No Growth Momentum (-1/4)

Easily Perceived


Gradual Effect

No Growth Momentum


Power: Density Increase


Density Increase (1,909,526,242,005,100 kg mass, +250 STR, +50 PD/ED, -50" KB) (250 Active Points); Linked (Shrinking; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Gradual Effect (5 Minutes; -3/4), Visible (-1/4)



Gradual Effect

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Re: Gravity Well Power


Any idea on that "No loss of mass" mod on Shrinking?



Essentially the no loss of mass is covered by a portion of the Density Increase. You should simply purchase sufficient Density Increase to counter the loss of mass incurred by the Shrinking...


You could probably work out the cost of that and make it an advantage on the cost of Shrinking if you wanted - possibly slightly lower as you would not get the added value of increased PD etc.




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Re: Gravity Well Power


Hmm....well, here is a "compactor" style super who shrinks and grows dense:


White Dwarf


But, exerting gravity isn't part of his shtick. The addition of a power like the one Blackstar from the Ultimates has would complete the concept for you; I don't feel like doing the math to find the right level of effect to work proportionally w/ White Dwarf's concept, but here is Blackstar's power as a starting point:


Selective Gravity: Telekinesis (40 STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (90 Active Points); Only To Pull Objects To Him And/Or Stick Them To Him (-1/2)



I will say this, the logical problems you run into w/ a hyperdense hypersmall character add up and become very distracting to actual gameplay. I was never fond of White Dwarf and didnt allow him in play when I was the GM, but another (much less experienced) GM in the campaign was ok with him and allowed the character during the arc he ran. The character was a "seesaw" -- either totally ineffective due to a variety of factors, or massively dominating with other factors in effect; rarely a good idea in my opinion.

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Re: Gravity Well Power


Yes, White Dwarf and Sing are very much on the same track, though White Dwarf has already seemed to master quite a few tricks, like being able to -move and fight- while compacted to that size. Sing becomes so massive that he is again, all the density of the dwarf planet Varuna, in less space than a single human body cell. Though I intend to thoroughly crib off his sheet now, as Sing masters his powers.

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Re: Gravity Well Power


Density Increase + Shrinking + Telekinesis? I'm tinkering with the system' date=' trying to manage it. Mass Increase 50 times, gives me a mass roughly like the dwarf planet Varuna, and Shrinking 30 times, a size describable only in scientific notation. The two, linked. The third part, a Telekinesis effect to simulate the gravity well created by becoming a planetoid's mass the size of a body cell. Someone have the idea of how to do this in the system?[/quote']



Why pay such a huge cost for the Shrinking and Density Increase when by 5ER rules they aren't going to get you any "gravity" just like Growth doesn't grant AoE attacks.


Build it as a Multiform. The alternate form just takes the Disadvantages to represent being really Dense. Black Holes may be small (relative to their mass), but they don't dart around trying to avoid being hit, so the DCV bonuses from beign small are mitigated if not eliminated.


If you want, you could buy Desolidificaiton to represent that nothing that falls in reaches the singularity at the center.


The main points of the form go into a SPD 12 (Gravity affects every Segment), and an EC: Intense Gravity Well:


1) Drain Body 20d6 + Explosion(+½), Megascaled Area(1"=100,000 km; +1½) + Zero END(+½), Personal Immunity(+¼)(Active Points); No Range(-½), Not Vs. Targets with Gravity Powers, Negative Energy Powers, or being Insubstantial; -½)


2) 1000 STR TK + Zero END(+½), Explosion(+½), Megascaled Area(1"=1000,000 km; +1½), Affects Whole Object(-?), Only Pulls Towards(-?).


Note: I didn't run the numbers, haing just picked large numbers out of the Æther.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Gravity Well Power


Egad, this conversation has gotten off track. The answer is, buy Ultimate Energy Projector and use the alternate Gravity rules. I don't see a need to 'shrink' or 'grow,' really, but if you want to go that route, then you'd buy:


Shrinky-Dink (Appropriately bought up) linked to Some Density Kinda Power, like a Gravity SFX AOE, plus whatever else you wanna be able to do, make it all bound up, and then empty your END battery every time you turn it on. :D

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