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Re: New to HERO/Discussion Board


Hugh makes a good point and I often lament that we tend to build to 'slightly super' characteristics as a matter of course - but they do make for an efficient build and it has become more or less accepted that is how you create a character. We have, in essence, created a 'soft template' for superheroic character design.


Mind you we also TEND to create characters who can survive well on their own, but are not necessarily team oriented. It is nice to see someone who can help the team by other means than just taking ddown oppoents. You COULD consider amending the heal to:


Healing Simplified 2d6, Explosion (+1/2), Selective Target (+1/4), Decreased Re-use Duration (1 Turn; +1 1/2) (65 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)


65 active/43 real - then you can heal the whole team in a single action (if they cluster properly). That is one of the beauties of Hero - options :)


When you get a few more points you might consider an 'Aid' slot - so that you can actually buff, not just heal, teammates. I know from experience that having such a character on a team can hugely amplify overall combat effectiveness.


You can get around the low DEX by spreading your EB (slightly less damage but better chance to hit) for offence and using dodge (combat manouvre) or cover to improve defence (amazing how many people forget cover in superhero games).


Low Speed is harder to get around - you have less options - but I can see Hugo, in a team situation, rushing in and laying hands on a team mate who needs a boost. You might (either now or as a later development) want to buy the 'variable effect' advantage for your heal - so you can restore any lost characteristics, not just BODY (and maybe stun).


Similarly CON tends to be quite high because:


1. It prevents you being stunned and

2. It is a really cost efficient way to up your figured characteristics


In Hugo's case it probably even makes sense to have a superhuman CON - given that he is brimming with life energy. You COULD have boosted characteristics OIHID, with GM permission, but I am slightly wary of the 'all eggs in one basket' approach.


Also, with OIHID I always require some specified method to 'power up', whether it be concentrating for a phase or, perhaps in your case, just wearing the wedding ring and willing it - the point is that there should be some way a aily opponent can either prevent you assuming Hero Form or take advantage of a momentary distraction/weakness whilst you change.


Sorry, don't mean to lecture but the concept of 'efficient' character build v concept build is one of the (many) topics I'm interested in.

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Re: New to HERO/Discussion Board


Sorry everyone I was out for lunch. I read all the posts and I just want to say that no one's comments have been offensive or to harsh to me. This is my first character with a brand new system so it's only natural I'll make mistakes to be fixed by all of you lol. So in turn I want to say thank you for ALL the posts so far. I wanted the instant change to be there so that I could protect my secret ID but didn't know I was using it wrong. Here is how I was trying to do it. When he is in "HERO mode" he looks like the Silver Surfer but when he starts using his powers like his force field, flight, and his elemental blast then the skin takes a glowing affect. Not a huge glow but more like a halo of energy. So how do I do that or is it just that is flavor and I just say that happens? If thats the case then all right lol less work for me to figure it out. Also, since I don't have any Super stats is that a disadvantage? The Normal Stats thing?



Thanks for helping fix my character everyone. To be honest I didn't realize I was munching the guy at all just trying to be to...




So if you could make his different what would you do? Just lessen his powers and raise his stats? I could knock off the Elemental blast and raise his physicals or something.


Last question. The healing. Can I use it more than once on someone if it's not regeneration now? When I was reading it was saying you can only heal someone once....well it didn't say that but made it sound like that.


My view is that you could use the sfx of virtually any (constant) power to disguise your normal appearance, although your GM may feel differently.


As for the regeneration it is not built 'self only' and so can be used to heal others as well as yourself. You can use it as often as you like buy no individual can benefit more than the full effect of the dice each turn (with the decreased re-use duration advantage in place).


The 'regeneration build' in the book is a special case IMO, and can only be used with those advantages and limitations in that precise configuration - but you can get something very similar with slightly different builds.

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Re: New to HERO/Discussion Board


Well, I've learned something new today :)




I only learned today myself. I didn't know how you put yours up and I remembered some post from Dan saying he had enabled some way for HD characters to be enabled and so went delvinh into the FAQs about posting.


Just like to apologise to Khelendros if my earlier comments were at all offensive - I did not mean to discourage your creativity, just rein in some of the excessive enthusiams. I love Hero Designer, but it can encourage some quite complex builds, which are not always necessary.




Can I also mention that you dealt with my (rather judgemental I admit I was thinking 'munchkin' and also that i was clearly wrong) criticism with good grace and treated the whole thing as a learning experience, which I think is a very admirable trait. Welcome to Hero and I hope you stay :D


Now see that's just nice! :)




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Re: New to HERO/Discussion Board


Okay, I'm back from the post office lol. I have to admit I'm exited about getting my first character done and polished. I want him to be support and handle it on his own if he has to. That make sense? Not sure if you can make someone like that. Oh I forgot to mention that he said his only real limit is that powers are 60 active points.

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Re: New to HERO/Discussion Board


Well the version I posted has slightly upped stats. He probably could not hold his own against a combat oriented character of the same points one on one, but he would not go down easy. The cheapest way to have him hit more often is 2 point skill levels with his EB, but that gives less overall utility than higher DEX: you could reduce the overall EC to 55 AP and up the stats like this:


Note that I've slightly amended the figured characteristics to take into account the 'bonus' points you get from increased CON and DEX, which also saves points.

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Re: New to HERO/Discussion Board


Ty..I like the end result. I'll be able to build up his stats with xp. He said we will progress pretty fast and gain 100 xp very early then drop back down to normal xp speed for HERO. I'll use that xp to get up his elemental control and continue to raise his stats from time to time str-body.

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