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Help! Just returning to the game, need character build advice


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This is a copy of a post I placed under Other Genres, and I am copying it here with some editing for clarity, as it was suggested the forum would have more relevance or input.


I am running an urban fantasy game in a Dark City meets Dresden Files type setting. I want to keep a dark, slightly twisted feel and am having a hard time fashioning the magic framework.


It has been a LONG time since I have played and need to get a feel for the system back so here are a few points I am fishing for feedback on.


What point scale should I use for the characters? I was thinking 25+25points to give them one or two supernatural spells/abilities, but also to keep those things from winning every battle for them.


One of the players wants a bard type who shapes his magic with his music (violin and pocket harmonica). Can someone suggest how I might construct a spell for him that would cause people to not to notice him?


Another player wants mental abilities, specifically a mind control that she is not aware of but tends to make people not see her.


To keep the Bard and Mentalist from steppping on each other I was thinking the bards spell would disguise him and make lower observers perception rolls, while the mentalist's ability would be some sort of 'Don't Notice Me' mind control command.


A slight twist on the mentelest is she doesn't know she has her abilities. She wants to make suggestions that people follow, or really wish someone would do something and they just do. For her telekenesis, she reaches for something without looking and it flies to her hand and she thinks it was always just right there. Would this mean she has No Concious Control on her abilities?


Even if you guys can only point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thank you very much.

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Re: Help! Just returning to the game, need character build advice


Are the players new to Hero? You might want to give some consideration to keeping lots of the stats etc 'under the hood' to begin with. I have tended to give beginners very descriptive character sheets with only those things that they need to know - new players usually welcome less detail rather than more and Hero has LOTS to dish out.


For example, I would be asking the players the normal sorts of questions about their characters - do they see them as out of the ordinary in any fashion - unusually strong etc. I would leave anything that isn't unusual off of the character sheet (at 25+25 that would probably include most of the stats!)


Players usually want to know about their characters 'counter' stats - CV, STUN, END, BODY, PD & ED. They want to know where they are.


Other than that you can get away with ignoring minorly increased STR, CON etc At this level I would keep the speeds identical (unless this was one of the supernatural abilities) that means that eveyone moves/acts twice in a 12 second turn.


All of this keeps the detail from the bog standard stuff and allows the focus to be on the supernatural powers and prevents the detail obsessed withint he group wondering about what increasing each and every option might do, or worrying about them not being increased.


An easy character sheet for the mentalist might note the counter stats, then have a few rows for things like Strong Minded (High EGO with possibly a few addition things but described in genre words), Resistant to Persuasion (Mental defence and possibly high PRE as well) and Ignore Me! (Invisibility, only versus people with EGO 17 or below, does not work on machines or recording devices - but I would just describe the game effects rather than the mechanics).


You could add a few skills, possibly some combat manouevres and weapons and the character is good to go.



I would keep points absolutely away from the character sheet to begin with - they are a distraction from the game unless the players are designing themselves. Once they have accumulated experience points they may begin wondering what to do with them and, by that time, may be enjoying the game so much that they will be so much less put off by the complexities that you have hidden away.


25+25 keeps things very 'real' or low power and only seems a small amount when you are seeing every one spread over a huge range of possibilities.


Increasing the number of points available begins to make the game more and more high powered and you may have to put more thought into exactly what limits you want to place on power growth in the campaign.


Not sure if I have answered the actual questions you asked but I hope that my rambling is useful....




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Re: Help! Just returning to the game, need character build advice


One of the players wants a bard type who shapes his magic with his music (violin and pocket harmonica). Can someone suggest how I might construct a spell for him that would cause people to not to notice him?

Power Advantage - Invisible Power Effect

Another player wants Mental abilities' date=' specifically a mind control that she is not aware of but tends to make people not see her. [/quote']

Change Environment -6/-8 to PER - Social Invisibility - The Shadow

To keep the Bard and Mentalist from steppping on each other I was thinking the bards spell would disguise him and make lower observers perception rolls' date=' while the mentalist's ability would be some sort of 'Don't Notice Me' mind control command. [/quote']

Go with the Change Enviroment

A slight twist on the Mentalist is she doesn't know she has her abilities. She wants to make suggestions that people follow' date=' or really wish someone would do something and they just do. For her telekenesis, she reaches for something without looking and it flies to her hand and she thinks it was always just right there. Would this mean she has No Concious Control on her abilities? [/quote']Yes







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