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Pathfinder Hero


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Re: Pathfinder Hero


Actually' date=' I disagree with this. I personally think the design team of d20 borrowed a lot from the HERO System. With the exception of a few arbitrary mechanics like AoO, its very easy to translate things from one system to the other. AD&D on the other hand required a lot more work to convert[/quote']


And you'd right, given that Monte Cook has stated several times that Hero was a big influence on him personally and the D20 design team as a whole. IIRC, he actually got his start working for Hero Games, back in the antediluvian past. Where do you think Feats came from?


cheers, Mark

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Re: Pathfinder Hero


And you'd right, given that Monte Cook has stated several times that Hero was a big influence on him personally and the D20 design team as a whole. IIRC, he actually got his start working for Hero Games, back in the antediluvian past. Where do you think Feats came from?


cheers, Mark


Yep. I've said it before; when I first saw D&D 3e at a prerelease demo I flipped thru the book, particularly the combat section and the skills section, and said "Wow, they totally ripped off the HERO System".


No one else knew what I was talking about. Later, when I saw Monte's name associated w/ 3e I had a good laugh.


He did some work on HERO during the I.C.E. days. I have some books with his name in the book for various capacities back home on the Champions shelves. At one point on his web site, years ago, someone was asking for his thoughts on using d20 for supers and he had some insights including at least one reference to his HERO Games / Champions work. This was before M&M, etc.

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Re: Pathfinder Hero


Thanks for the edit job there Killer shrike, I wasn't sure how to fix that, as I made it fit my pda and I understood it. I have it physically drawn out which is much clearer as I make use of the thin and thick lines from the rules book.


Thanks also for the great creature write ups as we have been making characters for the game, I am ending up with 7 players so character creation is taking a bit more time then I had originally thought. We should begin the first adventure soon and see how they far against the goblins in town.


I plan to use your stats pretty much as is and see how the party fares against them. I am envisioning the party will wipe the floor with them but then again maybe they won't.


I have also started up D20 game of Pathfinder as the Tuesday group had an accident with a TPK adventure which I didn't think would be a TPK but it was. Only the two NPCs escaped, a Raven Familiar and a Goblin follower. So we made characters on Tuesday, last night, and with just 3 players and in D20 went much faster. so next week we should have our first adventure with the goblins.


Thanks again

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