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How would you do this?


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I had a concept that I wanted to construct, but couldn't quite figure out how to do it.


The character can summon extra-dimensional tentacles to appear and entangle someone. Once entangled, the character can execute a transfer/drain against the held victim. The transfer is continuous until they break free of the tentacles.


The entangle was pretty straightforward: An entangle attack w/ indirect (+3/4 any place, any direction), area effect (+1/2, one hex, accurate).


The question is on the drains that occur after being entangled. Should this be done as a 'linked' attack to the first attack? Should it be a second attack w/ another attack roll? Is it also an indirect power? What is the limitation modifier since it the drain only works on someone caught by the tentacles?

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Re: How would you do this?


It will definitely also require the same level of Indirect in order to affect the target where the Entangle is. Personally, I would include Linked as you can't use it without first using Entangle. Others may not as Entangle is Instant. The value of the "Only Versus Targets In [specific Entangle]" will vary with the effectiveness of the Entangle versus the average target in the campaign. For example, if the Entangle is weak and easily broken out of by most targets, the value might be placed at -1 or more. If it is strong and few targets can break out of it easily or without help, it might be worth -1/4 or less.

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Re: How would you do this?


I'd go with Dust Raven's build - I think I would make it linked and the drain to have a delayed effect - thus the drain would not startuntil the following phase.


I reckon that linked is the game way to do it - MPA would give you the option of draining or not or require another to hit roll. I reckon linked is the way to get the single to hit roll.


As pointed out the value of the "only while entangled" will vary depending on the strength of the entangle and I might wrap it into the linked limitation - specially if you were going to buy the drain with delayed effect.


You could, to avoid the instant/continuous thing, buy the entangle as continuous as well to simulate the effect of the tentacles slowly getting a better grip of the person unless they managed to break out early. Gets pretty nasty pretty quickly that way...




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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: How would you do this?


15 Black Tentacles [Conjuration (Creation)]: Telekinesis (20 STR), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; Tentacles Grab Immediately Upon Target Entering Zone; +3/4), Area Of Effect (5" Radius; +1) (82 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1), Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Tentacles Only Grapple; -1), OIF Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; A piece of tentacle from a giant octopus or a giant squid.; -3/4), Requires A Conjuration (Creation) Roll (-1/2), Spell (Conjuration; -1/2), Limited Range (25" Maximum (Medium Range); -1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4)

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