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Help me fill in the plot holes


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So, after going to GenCon and gaming with my college pal Rick, we’re both interested in getting some kind of game going again. (At least, when my schedule will allow.) We will probably want to play a superhero game, and I’m considering bringing back my old college campaign. I actually have a basic "reintroduction" plot in mind, but I’m having some difficulty getting from the beginning to the end. I will post my ideas here and see what you creative folk can build upon my foundation.

First, a little background: Back in college, my friends and I had a semi-regular supers game using the Villains and Vigilantes rules (which I still love, despite their clunkiness.) Our group consisted of Mongoose, a martial artist; Rumble, an ex-gang member turned brick; Eclipse, an energy projector with powers based on light and dark; Soulburner, a low powered Spectre type; Levin, a brick/energy projector with bionic limbs and electricity/magnetism powers; and Archangel, a young mentalist. I also had a NPC character called Blackstaff, a martial artist/gadgeteer who would be available if someone new showed up or just as a background hero.

During one game, I had the group confront a "goofy" villain team. Blackstaff faced off against the Skunk, who had a gas gun. Blackstaff got hit, failed whatever roll he was supposed to make to avoid the effects and became nauseous. I mean REALLY nauseous. This partially happened because I was slightly miffed at the guy who was playing Blackstaff during that game. (He did fail the roll, though! I swear!!) Consequently, Blackstaff became the laughing stock of the PC’s, and no one would ever play the character again.

The main plot: the characters have learned that their old team mate, Levin, has been murdered. The first character arrives to investigate Levin’s apartment, and is joined by Blackstaff. He tells the PC that he and Levin had been on the trail of a group of apocalyptic cultists. They are looking for some atomic material to create a bomb. They plan to set the bomb off in the city, thereby creating a huge sacrifice to summon some Cthulu-oid type creature that will destroy the rest of the world.

The characters trail the cultists and eventually get captured. The PC’s awaken to find themselves bound in a lab in one of the tallest buildings in the city. The high priest of the cult makes some speech about the glorious time they live in, dismisses the lower cultists and then begins to gloat. Eventually he will unmask and reveal himself as Blackstaff. (Since they PC’s really never knew anything about Blackstaff, they’ll have no idea who he is when he first removes his "high priest" regalia.)

After the misadventure with the Skunk, Blackstaff found himself the joke of the superhero community. He has decided he will make himself a notorious villain instead. He cares nothing about the goals of the cult, but he does plan on televising the PC’s humiliation and failure, as well as making sure the entire country knows who was responsible for the destruction of the city.

Now, there are a couple of ways for the PC’s to escape. They will be in restraints specifically designed for them, but they may be able to work on their team mates bonds and free them. I’m also considering having some or all of the cultists hear Blackstaff’s bragging and turn on him, thereby creating chaos so the PC’s can escape.

My problem is getting from the opening scenario to the ending scenario. I need to create a trail that will lead the characters to the ambush (which is Blackstaff’s plan all along), but not make it too easy or obvious for them to get there. I’m hoping that Blackstaff’s betrayal at the end comes as a complete shock.

Any ideas?

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Re: Help me fill in the plot holes


Well, hmmm. My first thought is to caution about capturing the heroes. From my experience, and from what I've read from other GM's, players HATE feeling helpless, and nothing creates that feeling more than being forced into a situation. Now, having said that... here are a couple ideas.


It sounds like you'll be using a lot of the same PC's. Considering Blackstaff's the main baddie, and a lot of his motivation is revenge, might he want to start playing some mind games. Perhaps lay a couple clues misleading the PC's. Levin wasn't really killed, he faked his death. It was another hero that killed him. It was the Skunk who returned to kill Levin, etc etc. Lots of red herrings, but all with some tie together (all leading back to Blackstaff). Of course since you want to keep it a secret he's the bad guy, that might not be what you want.

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Re: Help me fill in the plot holes


Remember the old gag about leaving marks at the scenes of crimes? Say a long black line on a wall of pavement? Such things slipped into the narrative will be picked up by the sharper players. How many intermediate scenes will you have between the opener and the last two where they get captured and then escape to foil Blackstaffs plot? For a 'trail' you'll need at least three.

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Re: Help me fill in the plot holes


I agree with Red Eagle about outright KO'ing and capturing the PCs, and really, you don't need to go that far. This can work equally well if the heroes are lured to the cult HQ (by clues left by Blackstaff), and they sneak past security far too easily. Eventually, they enter a room where an armored wall drops over the door they came through, the opposite door is fake, and then a side wall raises to reveal a (nearly unbreakable) transparent wall, behind which is the cult leader. Cue the big reveal, after which the room becomes a classic death trap (begins filling with water, or gas, or the ceiling begins to drop, or combinations thereof).


Now, as to getting there... In addition to using the same PC heroes, are you also playing with the same group of players from college? If not, I'd include info on Blackstaff being a laughingstock. (Cops might say, "You're working with Barf-staff?!") Nothing too blatant, but lay the groundwork.


Blackie is ultimately upset at his teammates, but don't forget Skunk's contribution. If he's not going to be a part of the campaign, maybe he went straight in prison and wrote a "tell-all" book (proceeds to charity, naturally, and the book also helped make Blackstaff a laughingstock), and Skunk came out smelling like roses (pun intended). But Skunk is then found dead, also apparently killed by the cultists, with info implicating him in the theft of materials for the bomb, and info in his apartment pointing to the cult HQ location.


It's cliche, but Blackstaff could also fake his own death, also at the hands of the cultists. Make it Levin, then Skunk, then Blackstaff, then maybe a reporter looking into the cult (who, incidentally, added to Blackstaff's looking foolish years ago). All tie in overtly to the cult, but they're also related to Blackstaff being a super-joke.


Each death leaves a clue that eventually gets the heroes to the cult HQ. Hidden in Levin's bionic arm is a strip of film (why not digital photos - because Blackstaff is a screw-up) showing cult activity at various warehouses across town, each a different company. Skunk's apartment has (planted) blueprints and guard shift info where the nuclear materials were stolen -- and the guards were gassed during the breakin. Blackstaff's journal details his "investigations" with Levin, including an observation that he saw Levin meet with Skunk, dated prior to the nuke theft -- but Blackie is "too good of a friend to seriously think his teammate is dirty." And the reporter has notes showing the different companies are all secretly owned by one mystery company (HQ where Blackstaff wants the heroes to go).

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Re: Help me fill in the plot holes


I'd have Blackstaff have some mildly humiliating incidents throughout the course of the story, kind of reinforcing his comedy-relief status. Should thoroughly throw off any suspicion that he's even involved with the cult.

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Re: Help me fill in the plot holes


I agree with Red Eagle about outright KO'ing and capturing the PCs, and really, you don't need to go that far. This can work equally well if the heroes are lured to the cult HQ (by clues left by Blackstaff), and they sneak past security far too easily. Eventually, they enter a room where an armored wall drops over the door they came through, the opposite door is fake, and then a side wall raises to reveal a (nearly unbreakable) transparent wall, behind which is the cult leader. Cue the big reveal, after which the room becomes a classic death trap (begins filling with water, or gas, or the ceiling begins to drop, or combinations thereof).


Now, as to getting there... In addition to using the same PC heroes, are you also playing with the same group of players from college? If not, I'd include info on Blackstaff being a laughingstock. (Cops might say, "You're working with Barf-staff?!") Nothing too blatant, but lay the groundwork.


Blackie is ultimately upset at his teammates, but don't forget Skunk's contribution. If he's not going to be a part of the campaign, maybe he went straight in prison and wrote a "tell-all" book (proceeds to charity, naturally, and the book also helped make Blackstaff a laughingstock), and Skunk came out smelling like roses (pun intended). But Skunk is then found dead, also apparently killed by the cultists, with info implicating him in the theft of materials for the bomb, and info in his apartment pointing to the cult HQ location.


It's cliche, but Blackstaff could also fake his own death, also at the hands of the cultists. Make it Levin, then Skunk, then Blackstaff, then maybe a reporter looking into the cult (who, incidentally, added to Blackstaff's looking foolish years ago). All tie in overtly to the cult, but they're also related to Blackstaff being a super-joke.


Each death leaves a clue that eventually gets the heroes to the cult HQ. Hidden in Levin's bionic arm is a strip of film (why not digital photos - because Blackstaff is a screw-up) showing cult activity at various warehouses across town, each a different company. Skunk's apartment has (planted) blueprints and guard shift info where the nuclear materials were stolen -- and the guards were gassed during the breakin. Blackstaff's journal details his "investigations" with Levin, including an observation that he saw Levin meet with Skunk, dated prior to the nuke theft -- but Blackie is "too good of a friend to seriously think his teammate is dirty." And the reporter has notes showing the different companies are all secretly owned by one mystery company (HQ where Blackstaff wants the heroes to go).


Thos are some very good ideas. I wasn't terribly crazy about the capture, but it did work for a lead up to the kind of "emotional response" I wanted when Blackstaff reveals himself as the mastermind. I do like leading them into a deathtrap, however. Especially if Blackstaff was captured in the scene preceding. To fit the scenario in my head, the deathtrap will just need to be an "unescapable" room, so that Blackstaff can gloat and broadcast his victory over the heroes who helped in his humiliation and that he's about to destroy a large portion of the city. He's looking for fame, but missing that, he'll go for infamy.


In the backstory I had in my head, Skunk was killed years ago. Blackstaff murdered him not long after Skunk got out of prison and when Blackstaff began to realize that he'd never be more than a joke. Sort of a "Comedian and Hooded Justice" kind of thing, for the Watchmen fans. I may revise that, however. The Levin/reporter thread my work well, since in her secret ID Levin was a reporter. Perhaps Blackstaff had used the Skunk's equipment originally to mis-lead the PC's and to make it seem he was after Skunk for some kind of pay-back.


Here's the rough part. I HOPE I'd be playing this with the folks who originally played the characters in college, but it might be awhile before that happens. My real life seems to often get in the way of my gaming. :confused:


I appreciate the great ideas! Keep them coming!



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Re: Help me fill in the plot holes


If I understand you correctly Blackstaff was once a member of the hero team. With that you might consider....

If he wants revenge go after their firends INDIRECTLY, not an attack but with causing them trouble that way when they finally meet Blackstaff he will enjoy having humiliated the heroes closest friends. Then he says; "Well now you know how I felt"

Go after the PC's secret id's, again INDIRECTLY. If one is a reporter lets say (always a favorite) make a call to where he works with a "mysterious" tip which turns out to be a trap. Would the player risk exposing their secret to escape ???

Wanna be cruel? Rob a bank, leave the money at their place (in the bags) and call the police.:sneaky: Even better do it in their hero persona's costume (leaving a copy of their costume in an easy to find location in the house) :eg:

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Re: Help me fill in the plot holes


Well, this works well with ongoing TV series. For the intervening scenarios you might want to spotlight each of the PCs. In each scenario you might have a plotline revolving around the disads of a particular PC each one intended to result in personal humiliation for that character.


In essence, Blackstaff is looking to personally discredit the PCs before going for the group humiliation and the final reveal.


Obviously in each scenario you have to insert something that begins to get the PCs looking at their Hunteds etc to see who they might have in common that would be doing these things and have the oblique clues and references that, in hindsight, point towards Blackstaff.


I think that the biggest danger in such a scenario is that a flash of inspiration by one of the players short circuits the campaign. My instinct would be to have a fallback - either the PCs work it out and catch him or Blackstaff realises that they are onto him. When the PCs are talking and the moment of inspiration arrives they look round and Blackstaff has gone though his personal belongings that he left in his rush to make his exit

lead to the final deathtrap....



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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Help me fill in the plot holes


The way I have it set up in my head, he is already passed the, "I'll discredit them and make them look foolish!" phase and has gone straight to the, "If I can't be a hero, then I'll be a the most infamous villain this city has ever seen!" point, and along the way, he'll kill the folks who helped make him a laughingstock.


I am almost all of these ideas and putting them together in what will be, I think, a pretty dang cool adventure!! :D



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