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Faerie's Tale

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Re: Faerie's Tale


Posted some quotes from last night's game. I'll try to put up the recap later this week. :)


Awww mannn! I'm gonna be late home tonight. Because that link led to another link and I just wasted an hour reading PvP instead of ... um... designing a spreadsheet.


OK, so maybe it wasn't wasted, per se.


Anyhow, I forgive you, because my heart is big, but also (actually pretty much entirely) because of this.




cheer, Mark

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Re: Faerie's Tale


Once (again) upon a time…


Night was rapidly approaching the forest of Brightwood, and the Faeries knew they had to rescue the children from that mean ol' witch quickly! They set out in a hurry and once again found themselves before Rapunzel's tower.


Bri and her bird friend flew up to the top of the tower to see if the witch was there, and she was – along with Rapunzel, Cinderella, and Jack. But something was different – Rapunzel had short hair, and Cinderella had abnormally long (like, 30'+) hair! Also, Rapunzel was dressed in a beautiful gown – quite possibly the gown that Cinderella found in the woods. Bri flew back down to report.


The witch was combing Rapunzel's hair, and this gave Flynn an idea. He had Jaxx turn into a bird and fly Wilkin to the top of the tower. Wilkin turned invisible and used his Brownie magic to steal the witch's comb when she wasn't looking. He placed the comb on the edge of the window sill. Meanwhile, Jaxx turned into a common housefly and flew into the room, behind the witch.


When the witch reached for her comb, she found it missing. Furious, she looked around and spotted it on the window sill. Wilkin (still invisible) then kicked it off the ledge. The witch stormed over to the window to look out, and that's when Jaxx acted! He transformed himself into a billy goat and head-butted the mean old hag right out the window!


With a shriek, she plummeted to the ground and landed in some brambles! Hooray!


Wilkin and Jaxx then revealed themselves to the children, who were shocked that faeries really exist! After convincing the kids that they were good guys, they told Jack and Rapunzel to climb down Cinderella's hair. Jack quickly scurried down the rope, but Rapunzel was afraid of heights and didn't dare try it. Wilkin convinced her to climb down by telling her that her Prince Ambrose was waiting for her at the bottom.


Meanwhile, Twylla, Flynn, and Bri ran over to the witch to make sure she was hors d' combat, but they didn't have any rope long enough to tie her up. Wilkin and Jaxx thought that a long piece of Cinderella's hair might do the trick, so they looked around for something to cut it with and found a pair of shears. They cut off a long lock of hair and tossed it down.


Cinderella was unhappy. "How am I supposed to climb down?" she asked. "It's my hair!" Wilkin then showed her the shears. "I can cut your hair with these," he told her. "What style would you like?" He then proceeded to cut and style her hair for the big party that evening. Meanwhile, Jaxx wove the hair clippings into a rope and tied it off on the bed so she could climb down.


At the bottom of the tower, Rapunzel was reunited with her beloved Prince Ambrose. One froggy-kiss later and the witch's evil spell was reversed. "I shall take you back home to the castle, and we will be married at once!" Ambrose declared. "And we owe our happiness to our tiny new friends!" The Faeries wept with joy at this good news.


However, there was still one problem: How was Cinderella supposed to get to the party? The witch had given her dress to Rapunzel (who was unwilling to give it back – that would be scandalous!). "If only we had some chiffon, lace, and pearls," Jaxx mused out loud. "Then we could make her a dress!"


"There's some at the top of the tower," Rapunzel volunteered. "The witch fancied herself a seamstress."


Jaxx flew Wilkin back to the top of the tower and they found the witch's sewing supplies. Using his amazing Brownie magic, Wilkin began creating a dress. Jaxx helped by gathering up the necessary materials, but foolishly, he brought over a pane of window-glass just as the Brownie was putting in the finishing touches – the shoes!


"You idiot!" Wilkin berated his friend. "Who wears glass slippers to a ball? She'll never be able to dance in those!"


"Still... they look nice," Jaxx said. "All sparkly and shiny like that..."


"Well, we haven't time to fix it, so they'll just have to do," Wilkin determined.


While those two were working, Flynn noticed that Jack had disappeared. "Where'd that confounded boy get off to?" he yelled.


"He ran off back towards his farmhouse," Ambrose said. "He mentioned something about the magic beans growing tonight."


"Yes," Rapunzel confirmed. "The witch said that the beans would grow to an enormous size at the stroke of midnight."


"Well, we'd better go after him, to make sure he doesn't get into any more trouble," Flynn sighed.


The Faeries split into two groups – Willow, Wilkin, Jaxx, and Twylla would go with Cinderella to make sure everything went OK at the ball. Flynn and Bri would go to Jack's farm to ensure he stayed safe.


Willow used her Pixie Dust to transform a pumpkin into a grand carriage for Cinderella. Jaxx and Twylla changed into two magnificent horses to pull the carriage, and the entourage was off. Everything went really well at the party – Ambrose introduced his bride-to-be, and his brother was completely swept off his feet by the beautiful and mysterious princess with the glass slippers. Jaxx, still in horse-form, crashed the party, drank all the punch, and got chased around by the guards. All in all, it was a memorable night!


Since the Faeries wanted to get back together in case Jack was in trouble, they told Cinderella that the enchantments they gave her would fade at the stroke of midnight. Though she didn't want to leave the party, she dutifully did so when they called her.


Meanwhile, at the farmhouse, the magic beanstalk had already begun to grow. Jack, upon seeing it, decided to climb it and see where it went. I mentioned already that Jack wasn't the smartest kid around, didn't I?


He began climbing, and the faeries followed along at a distance. He reached the top and found a giant castle in the clouds. Despite Bri and Flynn's warnings, the boy decided to explore, and eventually found a sack full of gold coins. At that moment, they all heard a terrible sound, like thunder. Jack became frightened and ran away, carrying the sack back down the beanstalk. Flynn and Bri hid and watched as a huge giant entered the room. He immediately noticed that one of his sacks of gold was missing, and he vowed to find the thief!


The two faeries beat a hasty retreat and climbed back down the beanstalk, where they found the others waiting for them.


"What did you find?" Twylla asked, and Bri told them the tale. All the faeries agreed that Jack probably shouldn't take such risks (except for Jaxx, who though it sounded like a grand adventure!). As the morning light dawned, the beanstalk vanished like a puff of smoke, but the faeries, who could sense such things, knew this wasn't over.


The next day, Wilkin and Jaxx went back to Cinderella's house. They had to get her prepared for the second night of festivities. First they invisibly helped her with her chores. Then Wilkin got crackin' on making her a new dress. Jaxx found a peacock feather in the forest, and Wilkin decided to make that his theme. Once again, the party was wonderful – the Prince only had eyes for the mysterious young woman in the peacock dress, much to the disappointment of the other girls at the ball.


Back at the farm, the beanstalk reappeared at the stroke of midnight, and true to form, Jack climbed up it – despite Flynn and Bri's dire warnings. Once at the top, the boy discovered a gigantic hen that laid eggs of purest gold! He grabbed the chicken, tossed it in a bag, and carried it back down.


The third night, things went much the same – but at the stroke of midnight, when Cinderella was leaving the ball, she lost one of her glass slippers. Jaxx tried to run back and get it, but he almost got spotted by the Prince, so he ran away. Wilkin was livid. "How could you let her lose one of her shoes?" he demanded.


"Hey, you're the one who didn't like those shoes in the first place!" Jaxx retorted.


Meanwhile, at Jack's farm, the boy once again climbed the magical beanstalk. But this time, just as he was sneaking into the house, a giant cage dropped down on him. "Now I've got you, you little thief!" the giant laughed. He hung the cage up on a hook and said, "I'll deal with you tomorrow. I'm going to bed now."


Soon, the giant was snoring. Bri climbed up to the cage and berated Jack. "Stealing is wrong!" she told him. "See what happens if you become a thief? Eventually, you'll get caught. Now I want you to promise you'll never steal again!"


Jack made a solemn vow; only then did Bri agree to help him escape. Together, she and Flynn snuck over to the sleeping giant and carefully, quietly lifted the key off of him. It was hard work for the tiny faeries, but they managed to get the key across the room and up to the cage, where they unlocked the boy and helped him down.


Jack took one long look at all the treasures of the giant, but he remembered his oath and instead of taking anything, he snuck out of the castle and back down the beanstalk.


Jaxx, Twylla, and Wilkin were waiting at the bottom of the beanstalk. Having anticipated these events, the three faeries had gone back to Wilkin's house and borrowed the woodcutter's axe. Bri told Jack to cut down the beanstalk, and reluctantly he did so. Still, he got away with a sack of gold and a magic hen, so he and his mother could repair the farmhouse and live happily ever after.


The next morning, the Prince sent out a proclamation across the kingdom: "The woman whose foot fits this glass slipper shall be my bride."


"Hey, that's our slipper!" Jaxx said.


"Yeah, Cinderella should be a shoe-in! Ha!" Wilkin laughed. But when the two faeries went to Cinderella's house, they found that her evil stepmother had locked her in a closet! "We have to get the key!" Wilkin told his friend.


And quickly!, for the Prince's entourage was riding up to the house at that very moment. "Distract the woman," Wilkin said. "I'll get the key!"


Jaxx turned into a large, dirty dog and ran up to the woman, jumping up on her dress and barking. Wilkin used the opportunity to sneak over to the woman and surreptitiously grab her ring of keys. He ran back to the closet, but had some trouble finding the right one to unlock the door.


The Prince offered the shoe to the first of Cinderella's stepsisters, then left the room. The shoe didn't fit (of course), but the evil stepmother had a plan. She drew a sharp knife from under her dress and chopped off the girl's heel! The shoe slipped right on, and she was presented to the Prince.


Dismayed at how badly the Prince failed his perception roll, Jaxx turned into a bird and flew over to him. "Look at her foot!" he whispered. "She's not the one you want!" The Prince looked down, saw the blood, and rebuffed the girl.


The second step-sister tried on the shoe. When it didn't fit, her mother chopped off her toes. Once again, the Prince failed to notice, but Jaxx turned into a fieldmouse and again whispered a warning in the Prince's ear. "Are there no other girls in this house?" the Prince demanded.


Just at that moment, Wilkin managed to find the right key. The door opened and Cinderella tumbled out. "But she's just the scullery wench!" the stepmother protested.


"Nonetheless, she must try on the slipper." Cinderella tried it on, and of course it fit perfectly. The Prince declared that he would marry her, and the two of them rode off back to the castle to live happily ever after.


Exhausted after three days of hard work, the faeries all went back to their homes to sleep. Who can say what their next big adventure will be?


The end!

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Re: Faerie's Tale


Awww mannn! I'm gonna be late home tonight. Because that link led to another link and I just wasted an hour reading PvP instead of ... um... designing a spreadsheet.


OK, so maybe it wasn't wasted, per se.


Anyhow, I forgive you, because my heart is big, but also (actually pretty much entirely) because of this.




Um... you're welcome? :o

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Re: Faerie's Tale


Well, it's a "300" in-joke. If you haven't read the TPB or (especially) seen the movie, it will be meaningless.


If you have however ... let's just say that I only kept my keyboard coffee-free by a supreme effort of will.


Oh, I get the PvP joke. I'm just not sure how my post led you to it. :confused:

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Re: Faerie's Tale


Oh' date=' I get the PvP joke. I'm just not sure how my post led you to it. :confused:[/quote']


Ah. Clearness. Your post contains a link to the memorable quotes thread. The memorable quotes thread contains a post with a link to PvP, which in turn links to the cartoon that nearly made me spit my coffee up. Quod erat demonstrandum. :D


cheers, Mark

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