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Stun Reserves and?


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So... there's Endurance Reserves that gives a battery of power to use to use various abilities from. What about other stats? Would a Stun Reserve work? Get hit, the Stun Reserve takes it first! Sure, it would have to cost more (1/5 Stun perhaps) but you could use this for Body as well. You can't kill me, I have a talisman that eats up the damage first!


I know that's a weird use of the power, but that's part of the fun of Hero games, really. I apologize if someone has brought this up in the past, I haven't kept up much since the email mailing list died, sadly.

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Re: Stun Reserves and?


One of the reasons END reserves are so cheap is that each power must decide whether it uses END from the character or from the reserve, or pay a +1/4 advantage to use both of them. Since Stun isn't 'used' in the same way, that particular aspect of an END reserve wouldn't apply to a Stun reserve. However, I see no reason why you can't just buy extra Stun (or Body) limited to reflect that it recovers more slowly, or with limited Recovery to make it recover faster.

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Re: Stun Reserves and?


I'd have no problem with this concept though I'd have to be sold on the whys of it before I would allow it.


I can see potential advantages and disadvantages of having a STUN battery - though not immediately the need for it (END batteries model stuff like Green Lantern's ring or robot batteries quite well). What do you see your STUN Battery modelling?




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Re: Stun Reserves and?


I didn't really have anything specific in mind, it's just something that came up when I was looking over some builds of spells.


One use that does pop into mind is the Dark Secrets magic I'm working on for Volume 2 of the Codex: they use Body instead of END to cast spells (costs 4 times as much END and recovers more slowly, so it's a pretty good limitation). This represents aging and the cost to the soul of evil mages to use this sort of magic, one of the Sindbad movies had a sorcerer who used magic like this.


Two of the spells create an item by sacrificing someone else that gives a pool of Body to use to cast spells with; a Body Reserve would work for this (2.5 Body for 1 point, I would guess).

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Re: Stun Reserves and?


So... there's Endurance Reserves that gives a battery of power to use to use various abilities from. What about other stats? Would a Stun Reserve work? Get hit, the Stun Reserve takes it first! Sure, it would have to cost more (1/5 Stun perhaps) but you could use this for Body as well. You can't kill me, I have a talisman that eats up the damage first!


I know that's a weird use of the power, but that's part of the fun of Hero games, really. I apologize if someone has brought this up in the past, I haven't kept up much since the email mailing list died, sadly.

Isn't that what defenses are for? :think:

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Re: Stun Reserves and?


35 STUN & BODY Reserve : Aid STUN 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), [two powers] simultaneously (STUN & BODY; +1/2) (70 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2) - END=7


32 STUN & BODY Reserve 2: Armor (24 PD/24 ED) (72 Active Points); Ablative BODY or STUN (-1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) - END=7

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Re: Stun Reserves and?


STUN And BODY Talisman

10 +10 BODY (20 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (-1/2), Only Recovers From Talisman REC (-0)

13 +20 STUN (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Only Recovers From Talisman REC (-0)

5 +4 REC (8 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

Total cost: 28 points


You could drop the REC, and have the Talisman Recover from the character's REC.


For the dark magic version:


BODY Talisman

10 +10 BODY (20 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (-1/2), Only Recovers From Talisman REC (-0)

3 +4 REC (8 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Requires 2 BODY From A Living Being To Recover 1 BODY (-1)

Total cost: 13 points

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