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Hulk vs Superman


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Re: Hulk vs Superman


It's been done. More than once.


Sadly, it was so forgettable that I can't recall if I even got to the end, or fell asleep, nevermind how it resolved.


To my mind, Hulk ought to win. He's green and radioactive. Kryptonite is green and radioactive. Comic book physics rules, Superman's toast.


OTOH, Hulk's weakness is getting bored and losing his rage. Superman's a boring guy. So, Hulk's toast.

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Re: Hulk vs Superman


My theory is that Superman is as arrogant as Thor, but hides it with his "aw shucks" attitude. He tends to fight to the level of his foes. If they're smart he wants to out wit them, if they're fast he wants to out speed them. He fights at his best when he's facing normals because he doesn't want them to get hurt.

Against foes that can shrug off his standard blows he sits back and trades punches until one falls. At least this is what Doomsday showed us.



Either that or he has a self inflicted INT drain when fighting large foes.

Fight goes on long enough, Hulk can do some damage.

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Re: Hulk vs Superman


Nucleon writes the comic. :sneaky:


The Last Son of Krypton should win, exept if he persists to take on the Green Behemot in a brawl. If he does that he is (stupid and) toast, as Greengenes is the brick to end all bricks. In Nucleon's book, the Green Goliath starts at the Man of Steel's level, and then goes up with absorption.


In defense, Purple Pants may be a bit below Boy Scout, but what he lags there is compensated by stupendous healing.


And, Nucleon likes him better, anyway.



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Re: Hulk vs Superman


Superman wins.


Granted the Hulk does a bang up job of knocking Supes around for 3 or 5 pages. Then Supes gets the Hulk somewhere without a crowd and then shuts off the Hulks consciousness.


Heck Batman beat the Hulk with a Bat-Gas Grenade and a well placed kick to the solar plexus.



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Re: Hulk vs Superman


Superman wins.


Granted the Hulk does a bang up job of knocking Supes around for 3 or 5 pages. Then Supes gets the Hulk somewhere without a crowd and then shuts off the Hulks consciousness.


Heck Batman beat the Hulk with a Bat-Gas Grenade and a well placed kick to the solar plexus.



You obviously haven't read anything in the last 18 issues of the Incredible Hulk.


The Hulk would turn Batman into a pink smear.


Yeah, I said it.



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Re: Hulk vs Superman


It doesn't really matter. After all I'm referencing a really old Marvel/DC "crossover" book that was printed in in Jumbo format.

Batman and the Hulk vs. Joker and Shaper of Worlds 9w/a cosmic cube).


I mean how serious can you take any "Who would win" question?

Take a look through the forums history, people around here take vs. questions very seriously.:D



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Re: Hulk vs Superman


If the thing is written intelligently then Superman wins, easily ! He is a LOT faster than the Hulk,has Heat vision etc and can dictate the terms of the fight. If he is smart he won't go in for a stand up slugfest; In fact he won't let the Hulk land a punch on him while he pounds him into green paste ! This idea has been thrashed to death on other fora with supporters of both sides arguing ad nauseum. Regardless of what is said partisans of both sides will refuse to accept the other side's arguments. It's a no win argument , but for mine "Superman" wins !

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Re: Hulk vs Superman


While acknowledging that anyone's opinion is subjective and thoroughly disputable, and that the writer of such a story could reasonably resolve the conflict either way, I'm going to essay this as an intellectual exercise anyway. ;)


Based on existing precedents I'd say that Superman is significantly stronger than the Hulk at the latter's base strength level. If Superman knows in advance how dangerous the Hulk can be and hits him hard and fast early on, Hulk would certainly go down fairly quickly. But Superman always holds back against a foe he's not familiar with for fear of seriously hurting him, until he can gauge how tough his opponent is. If that gives the Hulk time to build up a major head of rage-steam he'll eventually become stronger than Supes, perhaps even a lot stronger.


However, Superman has many more powers than the Hulk, and is capable of fighting very intelligently once he realizes that simple power won't cut it, so I'm confident that he would find a way to take down even an enraged Hulk in the end. He'll probably be very sore next morning, though. ;)

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Re: Hulk vs Superman


150,000,000,000 tons lifted... Shatter an asteroid twice the size of Earth with a single punch... Staggering regenerative powers... The Hulk's a lot more powerful than people seem to give him credit for. Plus, Supes had problems with another regenerating brick of lesser ability (IMHO) not so long ago.


No, the Hulk can't move planets, generally speaking, because if he puts his hands on the ground and pushes, all he'll get out of it is a handstand or maybe he pushes himself into a clumsy leap. He doesn't have flight helping him move things the direction he wants.


In the end, as always, it'll come down to whose name is at the top of the comic. The power of the pen trumps all...

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Re: Hulk vs Superman


I've got no original arguments to make; you folks have pretty much said everything I was going to say on the matter already. But I'm going to say it anyway.


In a raw strength-versus-strength battle, Hulk would stand a good chance, especially if the fight goes on for more than a few pages. Once he works up a good mad, there are few that can withstand it.


On the other hand, Superman is a LOT more versatile. Even if (and it's a big if) Hulk has a higher damage class rating, Superman can do a lot more different things. In the end, I think versatility beats violence.


And let's not forget that DC's top echelon heroes are almost always written as being much more powerful than Marvel's. In practically any such discussion, the DC character is going to win under normal circumstances.


"Normal circumstances", of course, depend on who's writing the book...

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Re: Hulk vs Superman


I have nothing to contribute to this agruement except that (IMO) the Hulk is much cooler than Superman, and therefore I would be cheering for the Hulk. Also, to Pariah, rep for your signature block Q&A. Love the geek joke.

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Re: Hulk vs Superman


Unless Superman has been as badly mooked as Firelord in the infameous Spiderman vs Firelord battle, Superman and Hulk trade punches for a page or two, then Kal-El grabs Hulk and flies straight up.


Who has life support?

This tactic wouldn't work any more.


Check out issue 106 of the current Incredible Hulk.


Just as the current Supes is absolutely NO LONGER able to move planets, the current Hulk is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more powerful than you DC fans are giving credit to him for.


He is not longer stupid (hasn't been regularly dumb for more than a decade), he is a near speedster in speed (most Bricks are in the MU with a few notable exceptions), and his regeneration is through the roof (he survived a ground zero planet destroying core breech which only made him angrier.)



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Re: Hulk vs Superman


Straight brawl, current Hulk probably wins against current Superman. Hulk's insanely pissed off at the moment. It's still hard to say since Supes did take down Superboy Prime a little while back, but he had help then. Prime was at Silver age levels of ridiculous power so taking him down, even with Silver age level help, is still saying something.


That said, even at his current power level Supes has COUNTLESS options compared to the Hulk. He really only has to take the fight out of the atmosphere to win. I'm not talking about Life Support here. Baring plot devices/GM favor, the Hulk has no real way to get back down to earth. This is ignoring the "fly him into the sun" maneuver, which seems to get brought up every time Superman faces a brick of roughly comparable level these days.


Even in a straight brawl, there is the off chance that Supes will remember he's one of the worlds premier speedsters. The combination of speed, strength and toughness is beyond what the Hulk could probably deal with.


Mind you, I'd much rather see the Hulk win, I just don't think it's all that likely...

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Re: Hulk vs Superman


Captain America would, like, totally win.


Unless Batman cheats.


In which case Thor would win.


But then Green Arrow has that nuclear warhead arrow...


So I'm definitely saying Spiderman wins.


Unless it's the original Karate Kid.




I'm so confused.

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Re: Hulk vs Superman


Superman loses.


Let me explain. It's not that Superman can't beat the Hulk, but the first battle, he's going to lose. In the first battle, Supes never uses his super blows that cause sonic booms, he never seems to use his incredible superspeed, in fact his most common tactic is to try and tire out his opponent without trying to seriously hurt them.


This is the absolute worst tactic to use on the Hulk who just keeps getting stronger and stronger until going into Silver Age planet-busting powers. So, the first battle, he's going to screw up and go down.


Good ol' Supes has never regained his demigod status that he had in the Silver Age (unless he's regained it in the last few years). Even Wonder Woman being part goddess, has shown to be too much for the Man of Steel. (Although I seriously doubt Clark was complaining at the time. :D I'm sure it was a welcomed change from Mr. "the world feels like its made out of cardboard")


So, the way I see it:

Superman is still a man, a kryptonian man, but a man none the less.

Wonder Woman is part goddess and, at least in raw stamina, can beat Supes and doesn't even break a sweat.

Hulk is a unstoppable force of nature. Usually defined as being stronger than any opponent, even if that opponent is a planet. The planet loses.

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Re: Hulk vs Superman


This tactic wouldn't work any more.


Check out issue 106 of the current Incredible Hulk.


Just as the current Supes is absolutely NO LONGER able to move planets, the current Hulk is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more powerful than you DC fans are giving credit to him for.


He is not longer stupid (hasn't been regularly dumb for more than a decade), he is a near speedster in speed (most Bricks are in the MU with a few notable exceptions), and his regeneration is through the roof (he survived a ground zero planet destroying core breech which only made him angrier.)



Does he fly?


If not, then parking him in LEO until he calms down would still work.

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