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Villain Campaign: need help


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Re: Villain Campaign: need help


I'd like to say thanks for the discussion here on a Villains Campaign. I'm just launching one via pbem and the insights have been fantastic.


Just to promote cross-pollinating threads (and pull in some interest from potential players) here's a link to the Player Finder section:




I'm using a Mission Impossible style of play where the villains will receive a dossier on a hero they need to neutralise for a bounty. As the game goes on they will also have to contend with other villains after the same target.

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Re: Villain Campaign: need help


Use their previous Superhero Characters as the foil for them to battle.



"Curses, foiled again"










Secret Six



Suicide Squad


More later

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Re: Villain Campaign: need help


A main assertation by my players was a desire to have a less reactive game.


This is the core of your situation.


What has happened is that your players percieve the superhero genre as 'wait for the supervillians to do something and then go fight them.' They have forgotten Batman: He does not wait for the villians to act, he acts himself to go find them.


Investigation is the core of a proactive superhero game. It allows the heroes to set the pace, rather than waiting for the villians to do so! :thumbup:

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Re: Villain Campaign: need help


I must admit that I have shot down my 5th players idea for a character or at least shot down his power. He led with powers which I always think is a no no. He wants to play some form of paper manipulator based on a manga or anime he is familliar with. As it was explained to me this could be a paper green lantern. For some reason I am just not enthused by this idea and I asked him to work on it. I realize by writing this how totalitarian this sounds but for me to do my best I have to be interested and supportive of the characters in order to give my best to my players.


Read Or Die! was the anime. I reccomend watching it to see what the player is thinking about, and it's pretty good on it's own merits as well - assuming you like anime in the first place.

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