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Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


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Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


Does anyone use the version of Foxbat Heroic Publications had?




I remember reading up on that. There was a section in the web page at one point detailing the "further adventures of Foxbat." I seem to recall it reading like transgender fanfic toward the end.... Foxbat, along with pretty much every character even remotely near him who wasn't already, got turned female, with lots of sloppy lesbian makeouts and more. That seems to have been replaced with "The Untold Adventures of the Flying Fox," with less transgender fanfic and fewer lesbian makeouts.

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Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


I remember reading up on that. There was a section in the web page at one point detailing the "further adventures of Foxbat." I seem to recall it reading like transgender fanfic toward the end.... Foxbat' date=' along with pretty much every character even remotely near him who wasn't already, got turned female, with lots of sloppy lesbian makeouts and more. That seems to have been replaced with "The Untold Adventures of the Flying Fox," with less transgender fanfic and fewer lesbian makeouts.[/quote']


Hmm. That makes it sound less interesting.


I always figured Foxbat for comic relief. The way it's written in the link, Foxbat trying to get rid of his heroic persona, sound like it had potential for some funny moments.


Also, I was more interested in the story of how he got cursed and gained powers. I don't remember seeing it there.

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Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


It's all part of his Master Plan. :sneaky:


He won't actually be in the Where's Foxbat book. While everyone's busy looking, though, he'll be slipping his favorite recipes into the next edition of the Joy of Cooking. Once the world realizes the culinary treats he's capable of, everyone will join the Foxbattalion. Then, with the whole world at his command, he'll TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

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Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


Hmm. That makes it sound less interesting.


I always figured Foxbat for comic relief. The way it's written in the link, Foxbat trying to get rid of his heroic persona, sound like it had potential for some funny moments.


That might have happened over the long term, had Heroic Publishing not lost the licenses to do the Champions characters.

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Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


A player suggested I have the fifth member rotate from time to time' date=' which I still might do, but I still have too much fun with Garble.[/quote']


You could have a member that is like the drummer in Spinal Tap and is never the same from one adventure to another. Make sure they die in horribly funny ways, and it could be a hit.

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Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


Is anybody else suddenly envisioning the 'Where's Foxbat?' children's books' date=' featuring everyone's favorite superflake wearing a red and white striped sweater hiding in various locations?[/quote']


Oh MAN!! I've got to work that into my campaign. ;)

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Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


That might have happened over the long term' date=' had Heroic Publishing not lost the licenses to do the Champions characters.[/quote']


If you want to get nitpicky they still have their own version of him, but they call him the Flying Fox now. At least, they did a year or two ago.

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Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


If you want to get nitpicky they still have their own version of him' date=' but they call him the Flying Fox now. At least, they did a year or two ago.[/quote']


He was replying to my post about just that.

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Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


Well, he is one of Hero's iconic villains, right up there with Mechanon and Dr. Destroyer.


Edit: And, I might point out, a Bruce Harlick character, as was Marksman (who also appeared in the Heroic Publishing comics). It really made sense to put the two of them together.

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  • 6 months later...

Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


Dipping into my library turns up Foxbat in Enemies II, appearing on the front cover with Grond, Radium, Oculon, and The Monster; they're facing-off against some of the Guardians (on the back cover), Gargoyle, The Marksman, Ice Star, and Goliath. Foxbat's stats are on page 20 (weighing in at 335 2nd edition points).


His "Sidekick," The Awesome Exo-Skeleton Man makes his appearance on pages 6 & 7 of Adventurers Club #1. (I'm in the process of updating him for my own campaign.)


The next listing I have for Foxbat is Classic Enemies, on page 60 (weighing in at 338 4th edition points).


I also have the write-up for Lenore, the ahhh... "charming young lady" who found Foxbat's HQ after the events documented in comic-form in Champions III. She appears on pages 51-54 of Adventurers Club #8.


I only have a very few issues of the old Champions comicbook, so I don't have that version of Foxbat (I find comicbook write-ups for Pulsar, Olga Gottmann (Flare's sister), and The Galloping Galooper!.) :jawdrop:

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Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him?


Foxbat also stars in the adventure book Foxbat Unhinged (Atlas Games, 1996), where, among other things, he acquires Aladdin's Lamp and uses its power to become The Greatest Villain Of All Time.


No henchmen like in Enemies Assemble! but the Centipedemobile is included, as is a plane--The FoxBAT--although it should have been a MiG-25. The write-ups are (of course) for 4th Edition.

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Re: Foxbat....Where have I used him?


A few years back I was running an ISIS campaign. One of the PCs was a young light manipulator who was part of the group as work furlough/community service. Seems she had a weakness for glittery objects.


In this world, Batman existed in the Golden and Silver Ages, but retired in the 60s and his successor (Dick Grayson) was killed in action in the early 80s. Since then, Huntress (Helena Wayne) and Nightwing (Bruce Grayson) have guarded the Batman legacy and there has not been another Batman.


Foxbat decided that (1) Radiance was his sidekick, or maybe girlfriend, or maybe both and (2) the way to best impress her was to be the ultimate super hero, Batman. So Foxbat became Batman. He was surprisingly effective, merging both Freddy and Batman into a super-suave man of the world impressing the impressionable young super heroine. He "flew the bat" for several arcs until he received an off-screen visit from Huntress and Nightwing and went back to being Foxbat.

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