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How would I write up this power

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Re: How would I write up this power


I'm trying to develop a npc villian with the ability to absorb ambient energy from his surroundings and convert or transform it into a creature or monster as the case would be. Kinda of confused on this one' date=' help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks[/quote']


Sounds like Summon with a Limitation on where it can be used.

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Re: How would I write up this power


Not to confuse things, but what does the monster do? Is it just an energy construct or is it an independently animate creature? For the latter, the Summon sounds right. For the former, you might build it as a Telekinesis with the limitation that it is dispelled when it takes sufficient damage. You could even build it as a continuous EB if all the creature did was attack people.



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Re: How would I write up this power


Ockham is correct in confusing matters. Summon sounds right but we really have no idea what this monster does or how it acts, how long it lasts, etc.


Also, what effect does this drawing of energy from the environment have on the environment?

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Re: How would I write up this power


Sounds like Summon with a Limitation on where it can be used.


My initial thought was Summon powered from an Endurance battery where the REC of the battery was dependent on there being available ambient energy.


Like the thought of potential effects on the environment - possibly just SFX but the local temperature dropping when the villain is about and recharging his battery would be colourful.




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Re: How would I write up this power


How would I write it up though?


Here's one way:


40 1 Acme Dehydrated Monster, water not included: Summon 200-point creatures, Slavishly Devoted (+1) (80 Active Points); Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (Needs water; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4) - END=8


Play with as you wish.

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Re: How would I write up this power


How would I write it up though?


The biggest question is - is the monster summoned autonomous (act on its own) or does it perform some specific effect and then disappear again?


The super basic description you gave in the first post I could use to create an entire Character with a whole suite of powers.


You've given us some basic Speciall Effects, what's being accomplished?

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