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[Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


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Re: [book Review] Champions Universe: News Of The World


That seems a little crunchy for the game. I wouldn't require a player's underwater character to take personal immunity for something like that. Sometimes you gotta run with the special effects.


It's a GM's call, but the official rules in Hidden Lands give GMs the official option of making characters who use electricity underwater without PI roll to keep from officially frying themselves. I don't blame Hydro for not wanting to be at the GM's mercy. :)

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Re: [book Review] Champions Universe: News Of The World


Did this MPA NND issue come up because of a character in CU:NotW?


Nope' date=' it came up because someone thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to allow MPAs of attacks in ECs.[/quote']


Actually, it all traces back to comments on whether Black Rose's Darkness powers would be more efficient as a Multipower than an Elemental Control.


Yes, it's my fault. I'm sorry. :hush:

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


Actually, I think *I* might have been the one to suggest that. ;)


So. . . how long before someone tries running "Sentinels vs Gravitar" or "Justice Squadron vs Gravitar"? ;)


( my initial thought: they'd both do better than Eurostar. If nothing else, they tend to have more members able to escape the Area TK attack. . . )

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


Ayup, though given Viperia's weaknesses in design, the CHampions now stand a much better shot of beating her.


( if I ever used her, I'd up her STR to 90, give her 50% damage reduction, and maybe a few points of Lack of Weaknesses )

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


Ayup, though given Viperia's weaknesses in design, the CHampions now stand a much better shot of beating her.


( if I ever used her, I'd up her STR to 90, give her 50% damage reduction, and maybe a few points of Lack of Weaknesses )



Well, if you use the updated champions, then of course Viperia of course should be updated a bit too starting with your suggestions.

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


Why in god's name would you need to update a character with a 140 point multipower? Just change her tactics.


Well, if Viperia was supposed to be a certain challenge to the Champiosn when they were created, and you look at the massive increases in some of the Champions it would call for revisions to Viperia..or downgrading her as a threat. Tactics alone wont make up the difference.


Maybe it depends on her roll in a campaign--not all villains increase at pace, or it feels the heroes get nowhere. But certain villains, the key foes--if they are to remain a challenge and threat, they need to change and adapt as well.

If Viperia isnt one of those key foes, then keep her at the original levels. In fact, maybe bring her back after a long period, just to let the players see how far they come, as they recall the desperate nature of their early battles..and now they trade blows much more evenly.

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


Why in god's name would you need to update a character with a 140 point multipower? Just change her tactics.


Because her writeup and description screams "Superman clone", but her mechanics are inadequate? She's just barely beyond 350 point level in her strength and toughness.


Or, to put it another way, she shouldn't *need* cleverness to beat a 350 point team. The 350 point team should need cleverness to beat, or at least survive, her. :)

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


Well, if Viperia was supposed to be a certain challenge to the Champiosn when they were created, and you look at the massive increases in some of the Champions it would call for revisions to Viperia..or downgrading her as a threat. Tactics alone wont make up the difference.


Maybe it depends on her roll in a campaign--not all villains increase at pace, or it feels the heroes get nowhere. But certain villains, the key foes--if they are to remain a challenge and threat, they need to change and adapt as well.

If Viperia isnt one of those key foes, then keep her at the original levels. In fact, maybe bring her back after a long period, just to let the players see how far they come, as they recall the desperate nature of their early battles..and now they trade blows much more evenly.


Agreed, except I think the campaign role is mispicked. Viperia isn't supposed to be a foe the players encounter early at all. She's supposed to be one of the foes they graduate up to being able to face, as part of realizing "Wow, VIPER really hates us, doesn't it."

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


I finally got my hands on this and am looking over the book now. I'm really geeking out over the updates. I find some of the directions the CU has gone into fascinating. I'm going to incorporate as many as I can.

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


I finally got my hands on this and am looking over the book now. I'm really geeking out over the updates. I find some of the directions the CU has gone into fascinating. I'm going to incorporate as many as I can.

Hermit: ....

Kirk: How do you find the new CU?

Hermit: Facinating, Captain.



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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


The only thing I'm disapointed by is (and I'm not done looking so I could be missing it) the lack of info on the major aliens species/empires in the CU current time.


No alien information is provided.

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


And a bit about a spot on the moon... thanks.


Le sigh. I was hoping for more on the Hzeel invasion. Perhaps it will be in a DH article with left overs.


Now, that aside I love the Goodman Institute's potential. Some of the background bits about each Champion's past few years were interesting and worthy of ripping off for use against PCs. :) I was glad to see a new Scarlet Archer.


I've only begun to glance at the new villains, but the Shadow Queen is just too tempting not to use. Of course, I'm a big Malficent fan :D

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


The alien stuff was pulled when we decided to add Champions Beyond to the '08 schedule. That book will have all the aliens you can stomach. Dividing that info over two books seemed counterproductive. (I know, "I want it now!" Yeesh, we gotta have something to print next year.) dw

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


I've only begun to glance at the new villains' date=' but the Shadow Queen is just too tempting not to use. Of course, I'm a big Malficent fan :D[/quote']


I was wondering if I was alone in noticing that.


"Now you face me, oh prince... and all the powers of Hell!"

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Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks)


The alien stuff was pulled when we decided to add Champions Beyond to the '08 schedule. That book will have all the aliens you can stomach. Dividing that info over two books seemed counterproductive. (I know' date=' "I want it now!" Yeesh, we gotta have something to print next year.) dw[/quote']


Ya keep stringing me along...

;) Thanks for the heads up though

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