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Dungeons and Dragons


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The first time I rolled the dice, I was taken there. Each time I rolled the dice thereafter, I returned.


This campaign uses HERO 5E + Fantasy HERO.

The player starts off with a character that is 25+25. Upon arriving in the Realm they can add 1 package deal. They can have up to 25 additional in Disad to help round out their character.


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Re: Dungeons and Dragons


The Realm.


The Realm is ruled by 'The Eternal Emperor' aka 'The Eternal One' aka 'Eo'. Eo is a necromancer and tyrant. He commands undead legions and tries to enslave the living. Those who fail to swear fealty to him are hunted, killed and transformed into 'Undead'.


'The Fallen Living', those whom Eo enslaves are brutally governed by 'The Shadowlord'; 'Eo's' unfailingly loyal henchman. 'The Fallen Living' come from all races and walks of life. They live in fear. Their days are spent as laborers. They do not have anything to enjoy or anything that brings them happiness.


However, 'Eo' has opposition. They work everyday to end 'Eo's' reign. They are known as 'The Lifeforce'. Their numbers fall and their will weakens everyday, yet there is hope. 'The Heroes' that seem to come and go at will have given them a legend in which to sustain their dreams of a realm free of 'Eo'.

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons


It is a campaign met for younger gamers, in case that wasn't obvious. However, it could be used by veterans too; particularily those feeling like a return to a classic 'Good vs Evil' sort of setting.


What'dya think?


Oh, I used 'dice' instead of an amusement park ride; but essentially-this has been influenced by the cartoon.

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons


umm... I'm confused. Are you trying to start a game or recruit for a PbeM' date=' PbP, or online game? Perhaps try the Player Finder area?[/quote']



I was simply posting what my group and I will play when we feel nostalgic.



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Re: You have spoken the name that should not be uttered.


Not all package deals are created equal.

This is very, very true. But, a player will make due with whatever choice they make. The idea is for them to have fun and not get too caught up in the mechanics.

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons


The Realm.


The Realm is ruled by 'The Eternal Emperor' aka 'The Eternal One' aka 'Eo'. Eo is a necromancer and tyrant. He commands undead legions and tries to enslave the living. Those who fail to swear fealty to him are hunted, killed and transformed into 'Undead'.


Err...But if he's the EO and already rules the Realm, he has enslaved the living, and not only that, why is he trying at all? Better to say that he just rules with an iron fist and that he takes people to become his servants when it suits him, ripping them cruelly away from their loved ones and turning them into undead. Too many undead= lots of immortal servants with nothing to do.



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Re: Dungeons and Dragons


The first time I rolled the dice' date=' I was taken [i']there. [/i]Each time I rolled the dice thereafter, I returned.


This campaign uses HERO 5E + Fantasy HERO.

The player starts off with a character that is 25+25. Upon arriving in the Realm they can add 1 package deal. They can have up to 25 additional in Disad to help round out their character.



And here I thought you were going to seal with Venger, Dungeon Master, Kelek, Warduke, Hank, Eric, Andrew(Presto), Diana, Sheila, Bobby, Uni, Tiamat

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons


Err...But if he's the EO and already rules the Realm' date=' he [b']has [/b]enslaved the living, and not only that, why is he trying at all?


Maybe he did the shock and awe thing when he took over, and although he technically rules the realm, he isn't getting much cooperation from the populace.

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Re: You have spoken the name that should not be uttered.


This is very' date=' very true. But, a player will make due with whatever choice they make. The idea is for them to have fun and not get too caught up in the mechanics.[/quote']


Right, just that the munchkins will take the most powerful package.

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