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Friday the 13th [Unluck thread]


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:eek: I'm surpized that no one has thought of this yet today. Which super beings do you most associate with being UNLUCKY ? This cannot be someone already written-up in Enemies etc. Example: I always though that Apache Chief from Challenge of the Superfriends was Unlucky, he got knocked out of hero form (ie Stunned at least) so easily it was pathetic.

So who do you think is Unlucky?

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Re: Friday the 13th [unluck thread]


I played Cyclops as a guest character in a game Lord Mhoram ran once. He had the Disad "Physical Lim: Keeps getting screwed by the writers. (All the time, Greatly Impairing)"


Unluck just isn't strong enough to represent what happens to Scott on a regular basis.

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Re: Friday the 13th [unluck thread]


:eek: I'm surpized that no one has thought of this yet today. Which super beings do you most associate with being UNLUCKY ? This cannot be someone already written-up in Enemies etc. Example: I always though that Apache Chief from Challenge of the Superfriends was Unlucky, he got knocked out of hero form (ie Stunned at least) so easily it was pathetic.

So who do you think is Unlucky?



Mentioning Superfriends. The entire Legion of Doom should have gotten unluck. I mean every episode the Superfriends found some miraculous way to stumble their way into a victory. :rolleyes:


Perhaps coin the name for unluck for the Legion "Snatches defeat from the jaws of victory" :doi:



Course, was there any cartoon character ever more clueless than the Superfriend version of Superman (not counting anybody done specifically for comedic purposes) :D


Ahh, I miss my childhood, sometimes. :(

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