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Limited STR instead of using HTH Attack


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Something I've been considering using in my own campaigns instead of the standard Hand-to-Hand Attack Power and martial arts maneuvers is a limited form of Strength.


In several official Hero System write-ups, I've seen limited Strength used with the Limitation (Only to simulate Exert-based martial arts maneuvers; -1/2). The same character would also take Hand-to-Hand Attack to represent their skill with striking blows.


My thought was to buy STR this way instead: +5 STR, 0 END (+1/2), Hand-to-Hand Attack (-1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2). Real Cost: 4 points.


Instead of plunking down points on martial arts maneuvers, the character could buy this form of limited STR and 3-point Combat Skill Levels that could work with this power and Block as well. Points-wise, it would be about the same as buying a string of martial arts maneuvers, but you would lose the negative combat modifiers of normal martial arts maneuvers. I'm not sure how you could incorporate that.



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Re: Limited STR instead of using HTH Attack


You'd still need some MA manouevres to do stuff you can't do with basic manouevrs and extra strength, like martial throws and takedowns, but other than that it looks fine, and kinda fits in with 1 extra DC = 4 points (as per martial arts as is)


Having said that, I really like the way Hero does martial arts.

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Re: Limited STR instead of using HTH Attack


I've built a few characters with limited STR to represent Strongman types and Martial Artists. I haven't found it unbalanced in play. The by the book Martial Artists get MPAs, maneuvers that add to STR, and added DCs that also add to Martial NNDs, KAs, and Flashes; the limitation free Brick types get great figured characteristics; the limited STR guys save a few points to spend elsewhere and benefit from a very simple build. It's not a bad approach.

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Re: Limited STR instead of using HTH Attack


An important difference between Limited STR as a power and other options like HA and Succor (the 'Aid' analog to Suppress vs. Drain) is that Limited STR is not normally allowed to be put in a Framework where as HA and Succor can be.

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Re: Limited STR instead of using HTH Attack


In this context, I'm not sure if Hand-to-Hand Attack is the best term for the limitation that I believe it represents.


I assume that it is intended to cover things like "Cannot be used to increase amount character can lift." But is it suppossed to aid in the amount of damage done when the character throws an object? That isn't "Hand-to-Hand".


I think the basic idea is sound, though. And one advantage I like is that can be used to remove half dice. If an 18 STR character does this, she could but +8 STR, @ 0 END, no figured chars, no increase to lifting or whatever, and get +1.5 d6 to go with the 3.5 from her STR.

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Side Effects


Points-wise' date=' it would be about the same as buying a string of martial arts maneuvers, but you would lose the negative combat modifiers of normal martial arts maneuvers. I'm not sure how you could incorporate that.[/quote']


I have seen builds that use Side Effects to give penalties. I think it was an 'official' build, but I can not remember where I saw it now.

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Re: Limited STR instead of using HTH Attack


I've done that before. Especially with my NPCs.


Martial Arts (on NPCs) are a pain in the butt for a GM. I'm keeping track of 5 PC, my character NPC, 6 villains, 2 fires, the plotline, the time (since the players only have 30 game minutes before Mindy Sue is sawed in half by a laser drill) and a coyote running around the mat.


In the midst of all this I'm supposed to remember (or have enough notes...as if there wasn't enough paper and such in front of me already) that Marty Artist used a Defensive Strike last segment and is at -2 DCV. BAH!


Instead you give him +3 HtH Levels and +6d6 HA. With his 20 STR that gives him 10d6 and +3 HtH that he can move between OCV and DCV in HtH range. For ease, I always assign the levels as a group. He's either +3 OCV HtH or +3 DCV HtH.


You can additionally create a little MultiPower that is Martial Art-esque.


+4d6 HtH AP

+6d6 HtH

+2d6 AoE Hex

+3d6 x2 KB


etc. FUN!

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