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Best ever Reason to NOT be a superVillian!!


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Re: Best ever Reason to NOT be a superVillian!!


Some darn fool always gets the idea into his head that the villains should form a super syndicate or "Legion of Duck Doom" or some such idiocy, and it *never* works.



Whenever your daughter goes into her rebellious phase, she always betrays you to whatever hero she thinks daddy will find most galling. Once I could deal with, but the monthly basis thing...



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Re: Best ever Reason to NOT be a superVillian!!


How tough can it actually be to take over and rule the world when you are a god? (At least in your own mind.)




EXTERMINATE!!!! EXTERMINATE!!!!! EXTERMINATE!!!! (Has it ever worked yet?)

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Re: Best ever Reason to NOT be a superVillian!!


Everyone always assumes you're up to something nefarious. If you are working away in the kitchen, working on your Ultimate Jerk Beef Rub for company picnic next month, *BAMF* some idiot hero wannabee is gonna come popping in, "deduce" it to be experiments in nerve gas, and trash your work.

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Re: Best ever Reason to NOT be a superVillian!!


I could never make enough money from crime to pay for all the lawyers it's gonna take to keep me off the electric chair. Better to have a real job, even if it sucks.


You want fries with that?

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Re: Best ever Reason to NOT be a superVillian!!


I considered using my super-intelligence to rob banks and send giant robots to crush my enemies, but I realized pretty quickly that was both childish and kind of stupid. So, instead, I now head a major investment firm, sit on the boards of a dozen more, and earn tens of millions of dollars monthly. I feel my superiority to Megaman has been more than demonstrated by the fact that I now own the company he works for, the apartment building he lives in, and indeed most of the city he defends. I could kill him or something, but what would be the point?

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Re: Best ever Reason to NOT be a superVillian!!


Three words.


Harbinger of Justice,

I'm sure that Steve Long is happy to hear it.


I actually created a character a while back that had entire amoral reasons to not be a supervillain. Three-piece.


“Well, where to start? I mean, let’s look at the dating scene from the ‘villain’ angle, shall we? Normal women either run screaming for the hills or are unstable, and the supervillainesses are man-haters, or simply self-centred, or paranoid, or a combination of these. Superheroines can still have these tendencies, but they are less common and often less severe. Then we get to marketability. As a supervillain, you don’t really have any, as any sort of money trail can be traced by the authorities in time, and the range of merchandise is limited. And the general public simply won’t like you. With a good publicity agent, even the most mediocre hero can be well loved, with endorsements for a wide range of consumer goods. Of course, it helps to utilise some level of quality control. I still cringe at the “Foxbat-Marital-Aids” debacle.”


And, on the note of “better PR”, I give you this.

[b]The Stormovik - [/b]

  [b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
  30    STR     20   30      15-       HTH Damage 6d6  END [1]
  23    DEX     39   23      14-       OCV 8 DCV 8
  20    CON     20   20      13-
  20    BODY    20   20      13-
  13    INT     3   13      12-       PER Roll 12-
  20    EGO     20   20      13-       ECV: 7
  30    PRE     20   30      15-       PRE Attack: 6d6
  30    COM     10   30      15-
  20    PD      4   20             20 PD (10 rPD)
  20    ED      6   20             20 ED (10 rED)
  5    SPD     17   5                 Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
  10    REC     0   10
  40    END     0   40
  45    STUN    0   45
  6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
  2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
  6    LEAP     0   6"                6" forward, 3" upward

  [b]CHA Cost: 179[/b]

  [b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
  30     [b][i]Tough Skin[/i][/b]: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) - END=0
  7     [b][i]Casual Strength[/i][/b]: Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (7 Active Points) applied to STR - END=

  [b]POWERS Cost: 37[/b]

  [b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]MARTIAL ARTS[/u][/b]
        Command Sambo
  4      Choke:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 5d6 NND
  4      Escape:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 75 STR vs. Grabs
  3      Hold:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 70 STR for holding on
  4      Reversal:  var Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, 75 STR to Escape; Grab Two Limbs
  3      Slam:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 12d6 +v/5, Target Falls
  3      Takedown:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 12d6 Strike; Target  Falls
  24      +6 HTH Damage Class(es)

  [b]MARTIAL ARTS Cost: 45[/b]

  [b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
  3      Acting 15-
  3      Breakfall 14-
  3      Bribery 15-
  3      Conversation 15-
  3      High Society 15-
  3      Scholar
  2      1)  KS: Known Superheroes 12-
  2      2)  KS: Known Supervillains 12-
  2      3)  KS: Psychology 12-
  2      4)  KS: The Superhuman World 12-
  6      +4 with Known Superheroes, Known Supervillains And The Superhuman World (12 Active Points); Only For Information On Women (-1)
  0      Language:  Russian (idiomatic; literate)
  2      Language:  English (fluent conversation; literate)
  3      Oratory 15-
  3      Paramedics 12-
  3      Persuasion 15-
  3      Seduction 15-
  8      +8 with Seduction (16 Active Points); Only To Counteract Romantic Seduction Modifier (-1)
  8      +8 with Seduction (16 Active Points); Only To Counteract Time Modifier (-1)

  [b]SKILLS Cost: 62[/b]

  [b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
  10      Contact:  Press Agent (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact is slavishly loyal to character) 14-
  12     [i]”I get a lot of press”[/i] Reputation:  World Renown Superhero (A large group) 14-, +4/+4d6
  5      [i]Product Endorsements[/i] Money:  Well Off

  [b]PERKS Cost: 27[/b]

  [b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
  20     Enraged:  When Innocents Harmed (Common), go 11-, recover 11-
  15     Hunted:  Howler 8- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture [ball & Chain, So To Speak...])
  15     Hunted:  Press 14- (Less Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)
  5     Hunted:  Paramour of the Month 8- (As Pow [Varies], PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)
  10     Hunted:  Russian Government 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)
  10     Physical Limitation:  Medical-Resistant Skin (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)
  10     Psychological Limitation:  Brash (Common, Moderate)
  20     Psychological Limitation:  Code Versus Killing Common, Total
  15     Social Limitation:  Public Identity Frequently, Major
  10     Reputation:  Philanderer, 8- (Extreme)
  20     Vulnerability:  2 x Effect Presence Attacks, from Desirable Opponents (Common)

  [b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 150[/b]

  Base Pts: 200
  Exp Required: 0
  Total Exp Available: 0
  Exp Unspent: 0
  Total Character Cost: 350

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Re: Best ever Reason to NOT be a superVillian!!


The best of the upside:

Superheroes get hot chicks that are obsessed with them.

Supervillains get icy b*****s that are obsessed with torture and blood.


The worst of the downside:

Superheroes have to listen to supervillains monologuing about how great they are and how their plans are unstoppable.

Supervillains have to listen to prissy old farts (and the occasional superhero) lecture them about morality, the law, and all that.


So, Superheroes get it better than, and take it not quite so bad as, supervillains.


EDIT: I see Weldun mentioned the "babe angle" already.

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Re: Best ever Reason to NOT be a superVillian!!


I quit being a supervillain when I began to bore myself to death with the same ol' monologue about masterplans, sure death, this-time-it's-the-end, you-can't-stop-me-now, the-world-is-my-triplane and that sort of thing.


Another point: Superheroes all have this clean-cut-cute-loving-smiling girls next to them whereas I was always stuck with kinky, long-legged, sexy nymphomanicatrixes in leather who ... BOY, DO I MISS THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!

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