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Novice Supervillian disadvantage


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:rolleyes: Yes you read the title correctly. We have to be fair here, if there are novice superheroes then there must be novice supervillians...

Maybe the villian forgets to wear gloves leaving fingerprints at the crime scene. He hasn't chosen a name yet.."I AM POWER-GUY" ? What do you guys think?

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


There's the 'Blurts out everything he's about to do before he does it' disad.


"You'll never avoid my wide spread fireblast."


Hero thinks .oO (Uh oh... time to dive for cover)


Psych. Limitation: Monologuer (common, strong) 15 pts

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


Psych. Limitation: Monologuer (common' date=' strong) 15 pts[/quote']


Howzabout a complimenting Physical Limit:Solioquies Take Time (i.e. are not 0 phase actions).


Otherwise your villan can Monologue till players get bored and go home for the night without ever getting past his first phase.


aka The Caped Filibuster Maneuver.


"Oh, cr@p.... it's Dr. Destroyer! How are we gonna beat HIM?"

"Captain Monologue, talk at him while we think up a plan."

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


How about a Soc Lim: Can't keep henchmen. Maybe his plans are never quite fully thought out. Maybe he expects them to do his laundry between jobs. He could make them wear really goofy or uncool outfits that conform to his Schtick...


Whatever the reason, the villain never has the same henchmen whenever he encounters the heroes. They may even take off during a fight!



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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


"Overconfidence" would probably be fairly common - thinks he's pretty bad@$$ with his spanking-new powers, until the first time he gets spanked.


And perhaps a minor Social Limitation: Can't Spell "Supervillain." ;)


(Sorry, pet peeve.) :o

Hey, can we get a moderator to edit the thread title? Before LL blows a gasket? :D;)

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


Eek. Good way to get Hunted by "V" from the Hero Boards on an 8- (11- if both of him work together... which is unlikely) http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53744


I'm not a hunted, I'm a psychological limitation.


Novice supervillains are an interesting concept however - and Maccabe is correct they must exist. I always assumed that the minor henchman villains employed by more serious threats were often the up and coming new supervillains, earning their wings (as it were). I imagine the shelf life of a solo supervillain newbie would be pretty short - if only because there is only so much profitable crime to go round in any urban jungle and the established predators will themselves keep the n00bs in check - viz the way the Ankh Morpork thieves guild handles unlicensed thieves in the Pratchett novels.


In terms of character write ups I agree that Overconfidence is likely. Also, without sounding like a NABSy social worker type, something made them supervillains rather than superheroes (or just super powered people who don't particularly want to fight/commit crime - hmm, random thought - why the obsession with law enforcement/criminal activity on the part of supers?) and whatever that motivation was should be reflected. Greed, hatred, vengeance etc are all good contenders. Very few individuals are the villains in the stories they tell in their own heads - the exceptions are seriously disturbed - so some form of psych lim/delusion to justify their actions is pretty much needed.


Just my 2 cents (which obviously landed unscarred side up)

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


In terms of character write ups I agree that Overconfidence is likely. Also, without sounding like a NABSy social worker type, something made them supervillains rather than superheroes (or just super powered people who don't particularly want to fight/commit crime - hmm, random thought - why the obsession with law enforcement/criminal activity on the part of supers?) and whatever that motivation was should be reflected. Greed, hatred, vengeance etc are all good contenders. Very few individuals are the villains in the stories they tell in their own heads - the exceptions are seriously disturbed - so some form of psych lim/delusion to justify their actions is pretty much needed.


Look, not every supervillain needs a twisted psyche to be a supervillain. At the end of the day (or at any other time of day to be honest, especially about eleven, Oola) Champions is a comic book simulation and a lot of comic books happily and effectively get by without all this angsty hand-wringing. Some villains are just villains* because they're bad people. Personally I think overconfidence may be too mild a thing. Crank it up to megalomania. Sure the new villain will get trounced. Good, he can then blame the heroes and start targetting them with a real venomous hatred. Then he can get trounced again. And at some point the villain will learn his trade and do something really effective, and really nasty and the player characters' reaction will be intensified because they have seen how a second string villain, possibly regarded as a walkover or a joke, has become a real threat. And if the GM has done their job properly it will not seem rushed or done by fiat, but be a natural progression. Then let the heroes wring their hands for having underestimated the villain. They're supposed to be nasty for Grond's sake!



* but they're never villians. Sheesh, what is the wolrd coming to?

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


Stage fright might also be amusing. The newly-powered supercriminal bursts into the bank, fires a blast into the ceiling--then freezes up when everyone stares at him.


He's okay when people attack him, fighting he understands, but public speaking is beyond him, so if the hero can exploit this....

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


Psych. Limitation: Monologuer (common' date=' strong) 15 pts[/quote']


Now, come on, Shaft. All good villains have to be monologuers. Funny, that before The Incredibles, that would have been soliloquizers. :)


Can you imaging Foxbat without the "Master Plan"? Or Bulldozer not claiming he was the toughest of the tough? Or the Rock (of WWE Fame) not talking about Gibrones?

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


Stage fright might also be amusing. The newly-powered supercriminal bursts into the bank, fires a blast into the ceiling--then freezes up when everyone stares at him.


He's okay when people attack him, fighting he understands, but public speaking is beyond him, so if the hero can exploit this....


I think that would be great idea for a novice "supervillain"!


In addition to probable issues with control of his powers, he just doesn't have the lines down, yet. So, pulling from Sky High, would one of the required courses for the supers (not the sidekicks) be "Soliloquies and Oratories"?


"How to influence people without really trying"


"Getting the most from your PREsence!"




So, without being a "trained" supervillain, maybe there should be a Social Limitation of "Green Supervillain", which shows that he just doesn't quite have the polish of a veteran. I like it!!!


Oh, and the same could easily apply to Superheroes, too. After all, a Superhero has to have stage presence as well. I mean, if you come in with "Stop... or I'll... um... be.. um... forced to say 'Stop' again?", who's gonna pay attention to you? Or, how many surrenders are you going to get with BLAM!!! "Surrender, or... um, is there a doctor in the house?" :angst:

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


Multiple Personality would make an interesting disad ... just ask V ;)


Actually why not, a suppervaillian with Multiple Personality Disorder could be an interesting challenge. Firstly the powers may actually shift depending which Alternate is dominant at the time which may make for an interesting challenge.


Secondly there is the now obligatory moral quandary - do we beat the crap out of Mr Multiple when "Arnold the Meek" is the dominant personality (and feel bad about ourselves) or risk letting him get away?


Thirdly for those who prefer their stories with a bit more dark to them: How will the heroes feel knowing their beloved DNPC is in the hands of the playful Alternate who enjoys riddles, puns and good natured mischief... but it's only a matter of time before a shift occurs and Mr Eyeballs comes to town*?



* "Actually I enjoy humor just as much as the next man. Vitreous humor by preference. Now then young lady, you choose. Left or right."

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


Stage fright might also be amusing. The newly-powered supercriminal bursts into the bank, fires a blast into the ceiling--then freezes up when everyone stares at him.


He's okay when people attack him, fighting he understands, but public speaking is beyond him, so if the hero can exploit this....


Along these lines, how about a Vulnerability to Presence Attacks? He comes in all big and bad, but when someone actually stands up to him, he freezes and starts to think, "Oh carp, what did I get myself into...?"

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


Yes, what is perfect for novice supervillains (better spell it right, before V gets on my case, then he gets on his own case).


I agree with both "Overconfidence" and "Anounces Attacks Before He Makes Them". Of course, not EVEY villain will be eather of thoes above.


"Greedy", and "Hates (person X or race X or object X)" can be intresting disavantages also. Othoe a bit dark at times.


"Can't Resist A Chalange" always trips up novice supers (both good and bad), as thay can be tricked into traps of many kinds.


"Niavity" is not so common in a supervillain, but it IS posable. Thay haven't been doing this long enougth to learn that VIPER will just as easly stab him in the back as to back him up.


"Hornable", "Coad Of Chivery", "Coad Of The Mercnary", "Coad Agenst Killing", or "Coad Of The Gentlaman Thieth" can also be intresting on a novice. (If your wondering, "Coad Of The Mercnary" involves never telling others who you work for, and always obaying any order from whoever employs you. "Coad Of The Gentlaman Theth" involves never harming a woman beyond tieing them up, never stealing more than the target can afford to lose, and always being polite.)


Humm, any more sergestions?

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


Yes, what is perfect for novice supervillains (better spell it right, before V gets on my case, then he gets on his own case).


I agree with both "Overconfidence" and "Anounces Attacks Before He Makes Them". Of course, not EVEY villain will be eather of thoes above.


"Greedy", and "Hates (person X or race X or object X)" can be intresting disavantages also. Othoe a bit dark at times.


"Can't Resist A Chalange" always trips up novice supers (both good and bad), as thay can be tricked into traps of many kinds.


"Niavity" is not so common in a supervillain, but it IS posable. Thay haven't been doing this long enougth to learn that VIPER will just as easly stab him in the back as to back him up.


"Hornable", "Coad Of Chivery", "Coad Of The Mercnary", "Coad Agenst Killing", or "Coad Of The Gentlaman Thieth" can also be intresting on a novice. (If your wondering, "Coad Of The Mercnary" involves never telling others who you work for, and always obaying any order from whoever employs you. "Coad Of The Gentlaman Theth" involves never harming a woman beyond tieing them up, never stealing more than the target can afford to lose, and always being polite.)


Humm, any more sergestions?


LOL, Bravo.


You're not one of me are you?

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


Really rookie supervillains might not even have a full grasp on how their powers work.


The stolen supersuit suddenly powers down because the crook didn't know it has to be exposed to sunlight for at least eight hours to charge the battery.


The alien power gem turns out not to work on anything purple--the villain didn't bother to test for such a silly weakness, but the hero he's attacking happens to be Purple Reign.


Oops, his flame powers are emotion-based, and suddenly become area-effect when he loses his temper....

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Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage


LOL, Bravo.


You're not one of me are you?


Well, I never quite got that package you sent to eveyone. You know, the one with the mask, hat, and cape. I'm still waiting for it, but atlast, I live in the United States.

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