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Multiple attacks per Phase


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:confused: There are many monsters from myth etc that can use seemingly different attacks in 1 phase like Beholders. One of my players asked about this and here's where I am on this;

+ SPEED only for mutiple attacks (cannot use phase to do anything but attack and must hold phase until 1 segment before you normally would react)

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Re: Multiple attacks per pahse


You really should create a sticky thread in this forum, Killer Shrike.


"For all D&D conversions to Hero, see this site"


I wonder what KS' post count would be without the posts that just link to the answer on his website. That site EARNS him that post count!

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Re: Multiple attacks per pahse


A couple I didn't see on there:


AoE Selective/Non-Selective

By making an attack use one of these modifiers a standard attack roll has to be made in order to hit anyone in the area. This is a nice way to handle quick attacks, massive sweeping attacks, or hydra like attacks. Drawback: only 1 attack per target. If part of a multipower (1 Autofire and 1 AoE Selective) you could easily represent the two attack modes.


Multiple Power Attacks

Take the Beholder example. Technically if each eye is a separate power the Beholder can fire them all at a single target with no penalty.



Really only works with spreadable attacks, but this is also an easy way to hit multiple targets (-1d6 per hex).


Personally, I usually go with SPD, AoE (Selective), Autofire, or levels on Sweep. The levels on sweep works really well since in d20 you have to make a full attack (and sweep is full phase). If the creature can do it without reducing defenses, add:


10 pts Two-Weapon Fighting (or Multiple Attack Fighting as it were)

4 pts +2 DCV, Only with Sweep (-1 1/2)


I think it comes down to you making a decision as to how effective the multiple attacks should be. For most animals that have a claw/claw/bite I use the standard sweep (for attacking multiple targets) or multiple power attacks (for attacking a single target).


For dragons and such I usually take it all the way to where they just need a full phase to make multiple attacks with no penalties (TWF, +DCV, +PSLs for sweep).

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