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[Vehicle] The Ram

L. Marcus

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Hokay, peeps, need some critique on a ship . . . :)

[b]The Ram[/b]


Val	Char	Cost	Notes

10	Size	50	10" * 5"; -10 KB; -6 DCV
55	STR	-5	Lift 50 tons; 11d6 HTH [0]
14	DEX	12	OCV: 5/ DCV: 5
20	BODY	0	
4	DEF	5	Does Not Protect Some Occupants (-1/4)
3	SPD	6	Phases: 4, 8, 12

		Total Characteristics Cost: 68

Movement: 	Ground:	0"/ 0"
	Swimming: 7"/ 14"


Abilities And Equipment

Cost	Power [END/Charges]

2	Sailed Watercraft: Swimming +5" (7" total); Surface Only (-1), Sailed (-1), OAF (sails; -1), Limited Maneuverability (-1/4), Cannot Move Backwards (-1/4) [0]

5	Two-Masted Ship: Total of two masts

1	Rowed Watercraft: Swimming +2" (4" total); Surface Only (-1), OAF (oars; -1), Costs Endurance (rower's END; -1/2), Limited Maneuverability (-1/4) [1]

15	32 Oars: *8 oars

-12	Water Vehicle: Ground Movement -6" (0" total)

22	Anchor: 60 STR, Reduced Endurance (O END; +1/2); OIF Bulky (-1), Partial Coverage (-2)

14	Light Stone-Throwing Ballista (see Fantasy Hero, p. 214)

10	Four Light Stone-Throwing Ballistas: *4 ballistas

3	Maneuverable: +1 Movement Skill Level

Total Abilities And Equipment Cost: 57

Total Vehicle Cost: 125


Value	Disadvantages

10	PhysLim: Sensitive To High Winds (-2 to Maneuver Rolls in Very Heavy or worse winds; infrequent, greatly)

Total Disadvantage Points: 10

Total Cost: 115/5 = 23

Additional Vehicles:

10	Ship's Boats: Two ship's boats

The Ram is a ship that I'll use for a Turakian Age campaign, set in the Renkyrk Islands of the Mhendarian Palatinate. It's based on the Felucca from HSVS, p. 113, and looks like this, but without the guns, and only two masts. :)


The Ram is a Xebec, a Khirkovian ship design, renowned for maneuverability and speed, and infamous for it's sensitivity to high winds. The Xebec is popular as a warship and a courier in the Serpentine Sea and the Sea of Storms.


The Ram is captained by the Halfanurial Elf Pardamaderiel, a very seasoned sailor, who knows the seas of Ambrethel like the back of his hand. His first mate is Boris, a Khirkovian half-troll with a voice that carries over the harshest storms.


Pardamaderiel does not own the ship, he merely runs it for the Baron Renkyrk, Roger Ramshead. A great bear of a man, who at the age of forty still has the vigor of a man half his age, the old warrior defers all question nautical to the Elf -- the Baron feels he works best on land.


The ship has a crew of six sailors, and can without problem take on the fifty marines of the Baron's for weeks at a time. She mostly patrols the islands of the Renkyrks, looking for pirates. If in times of war, she is a welcome addition to the Lord Palatin's fleet, serving as a scout and courier. The four ballistas are used against opposing ship's sails and rigging, while the marines deals with enemy crewmen with crossbows before entering.

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Re: [Vehicle] The Ram


As for the rowing, I'm using a house rule I just made up -- instead of, as in TUV, calculating Rowing Movement with the vehicle's full Size, I decided to halve it, rounding up. Makes a bit more sense, since otherwise the published write-ups can't move with oars at all! :)

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  • 2 years later...

Re: [Vehicle] The Ram


That's great.




Any ideas about how to model the guns.


Individual fire seems like overkill.


Maybe increase of DCs based on number of shots fired?


Makes sense; ought to keep the number crunching down to a minimum. :)


+1DC/doubling of the number of guns, so for nine guns to a broadside, there's +1d6 K. TUV puts light cannons (up to eight pounders) at 1d6+1, so 2d6+1 K sounds pretty fair.


What about autofire?


cheers, Mark

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