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Running through the forest


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Re: Running through the forest


Anyone have stats for Robin Hood?


There's two ways to go with Robin Hood. You can say that he's got an elf-like Dexterity and a Legendary Presense (23s anyone?) or you can say that he's your average hero and go with incredible skill with a bow and a positive Reputation for given money to the poor.


Depends on whether or not I was trying to make him or his ability legendary.


He has Disguise and Acting which are quite useful rogue skills for being in the city and going to archery contests. (Professional and Romantic Rivalry, Must prove that he is the greatest bowman and worthy of Maid Marien). If you go the rogue route, you have to give him Slight of Hand.


Got the give the man 2D6 Luck. Has a high DCV, so maybe he really does has a 23 DEX. Don't forget Swinging and Acrobatics if you want to go for the Errol Flynn-type.


The problem is I could write up three or four different versions of him.

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Guest Admiral C

Re: Running through the forest


I did not know about an official book' date=' I might have to try tracking it down. Any good?[/quote']


I happen to pick up a copy about two weeks ago. If it's the same one that was mentioned earlier it's a MERP/Rolemaster/Fantasy Hero campaign book back from when Hero was with ICE. It doesn't look like a 4th Ed book so I'd say late 3rd Ed. The stats are very space conservative (take up very little space) but as a result they have whole bunch of people stats from Little John to the Sheriff of Notingham. Most of the book is about campaiging, locales, inserting more high fantasy elements, it even has a few package deals. Even though the book was billed more for RM, the FH stats seem to get most of the space. Overall it was one I wanted for my Hero collection and I rate it as, "Very interesting and a solid book" which means I'll want to run it but will never actually get anyone to agree to play it.


Funny, I picked up GURPS Napoleonic Wars that day too. I must have been on a historical kick.

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Re: Running through the forest


Some of the above comments touch on the key point in this:


Which Robin Hood?


- the battle hardened crusader returning home & finding his home manor being mismanaged by corrupt new stewards in the service of a corrupt monarch who starts waging guerrila warfare against them?


- the noble serf who rises up against his tyrannical masters using his countryside lore & knowledge of poachers' skills to strike against them?


- the just nobleman who steps away from the privilege of his birth to protect those who cannot otherwise protect themselves


- the mincing fop in tights who does somersaults out of trees and lands, slapping his thigh and saying 'Aha, Sherrif of Nottingham, so we meet again'


- The pagan warrior, servant of old gods, protecting Albion's heart against the false king who would betray it


- The wanker with the American accent who acts like a complete arse for the duration of a motion picture and brings 20th century political sensibilities to a historical setting where they are not only out of place but completely ridiculous, while indulging in action movie cliches and stilted dialogue that Stallone wouldn't have touched on a bad day


They've all been done in movies, tv shows and fiction and they all seem to come with a different skills package.

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Re: Running through the forest


I'm more of the Earl Flynn version personaly for the movies...


not sure where a couple of your examples are from personaly and you forgot:


Animorphic Fox running around with a big bear fighting a scrawny lion and a couple vultures

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Re: Running through the forest


LOL - I forgot that one, that one would pwn (as you Interweb types say)


As for where my versions came from:


- the battle hardened crusader returning home & finding his home manor being mismanaged by corrupt new stewards in the service of a corrupt monarch who starts waging guerrila warfare against them? **Latest BBC version of the character***


- the noble serf who rises up against his tyrannical masters using his countryside lore & knowledge of poachers' skills to strike against them?

***Classic 'Robin Hood' legends prior to remaking him as a nobleman***


- the just nobleman who steps away from the privilege of his birth to protect those who cannot otherwise protect themselves

***Classic 'Robin Hood' legends altered to have the character remade as a nobleman***


- the mincing fop in tights who does somersaults out of trees and lands, slapping his thigh and saying 'Aha, Sherrif of Nottingham, so we meet again'

***Errol Flynn version***


- The pagan warrior, servant of old gods, protecting Albion's heart against the false king who would betray it

***Robin of Sherwood TV series from the 80s. Nicely incorporated both the 'noble serf' and 'just nobleman' versions by having the spirit of Robin in the Hood move from Michael Praed's commoner version to Jason Connery's idealistic nobleman version***


- The wanker with the American accent who acts like a complete arse for the duration of a motion picture and brings 20th century political sensibilities to a historical setting where they are not only out of place but completely ridiculous, while indulging in action movie cliches and stilted dialogue that Stallone wouldn't have touched on a bad day

***That b4stard Costner***

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Re: Running through the forest


Well I wouldn't neccesarily call Flynn's version a fop, though clearly his version of the character really wasn't close to somebody you'd actually find in the time period. Still I prefer the term swashbuckler since that's essentially what Flynn's Robin Hood was.


I was rather fond of the Robin of Sherwood series myself, and wish it could've ran longer.

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Re: Running through the forest


Completely agree - a nice take on the legend and (in the early days at least) very innovative & atmospheric.


Wasn't too bad in it's later days either. It's also notable for having the most useful Lady Marian of the bunch, who was more then just a damsel in distress. Not quite as gorgeous as Olivia de Havilland's Marian of course but you can't have everything.

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Re: Running through the forest


There was a Pirates!!!!


the Robin hood and Mythic Greece are RPG greats and all source books writeres should read them as the best examples.



who wrote it and when was it published.


I think I have all the Campaign Classics series:


Robin Hood

Mythic Greece



Mythic Egypt

Arabian Nights

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Re: Running through the forest


Well, Costner's Robinhood definitely had


KS: Anachronistic Political Systems 14-

Acting 8-


Phys Limitation: Cannot do English accent, all the time, bloody annoying.


I think you gave Costner's acting skill too many levels ;)

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Re: Running through the forest


Sorry for the ambiguity on Mr Costner's stats that I posted earlier: Acting 8- was not a skill level, it was a suggested age range for viewers.


Nyuk nyuk nyuk


And no animosity on my part - I have no ill feeling toward him at all. He just did a lousy job of being Robinhood, Prince of Washington.

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Re: Running through the forest


I went looking for my copy of Campaign Classics Robin Hood last night and couldn't find it. As someone mentioned earlier, Robin Hood had fairly pedestrian stats for a hero of his caliber. But the whole book seemed to take a very low fantasy, realistic approach to character creation. Which in truth, I really like.


I'll spend some more time looking tonight if someone doesn't beat me to it today. I'm in the process of moving, and everything being boxed up or in storage sucks. :thumbup:

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