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Sliding bars measuring each spell's "energy"


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Re: Sliding bars measuring each spell's "energy"


actaully I was suggesting a little handwavium, because as the rules are written, neither uncontroled or lingering will get you around the charge issue. On constant powers a normal Charge only lasts for 1 phase (making all constant powers instant.) unless you reduce the worth of the limitation by making the charges Continuing.

However since you are blending the Charges with Costs END in your concept I suggested handwaving this requirement on the charges as a side effect of the power costing END to maintain.


However this is only really an issue if the powers are all bought in a single framework with charges on it, otherwise the number of charges and their continuing length could be determined per/power

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Re: Sliding bars measuring each spell's "energy"


I'll have to put something together for examples sake; I think we're saying two separate things. I'm saying, in short, that there's a gabillion ways to buy spells, and one of those ways could be, f'rinstance:


Fire Magic, Multipower, 6 Charges. Now you can define any spell in Fire Magic, but he can only use Fire Magic six times per day. Since it consumes one charge to cast Fire Magic, and each spell costs END, then the duration for Continuous spells is governed by the END expenditure. No Handwavium necessary.

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Re: Sliding bars measuring each spell's "energy"


yeah uhm no. It's still a charge wether it costs END or not, so under normal rules that 1 charge will run out in 1 phase regardless of wether the power also Costs END to maintain. At least thats what I remember. That particular rule could have changed between 5th and revised 5th. It woudln't be consistant if the rules allowed Charges to ignore that limitation built into them (and one that requires you reduce the value of the lim to use) if another limitation was used to eliminate the primary advantage of charges (not costing END).

Thus why I sugest handwavium.

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Re: Sliding bars measuring each spell's "energy"


I don't see it that way.


Multipower: BlastoMagic, 6 charges, All Cost END (-1/2)

- 1u, Blasto, AOE Line, Continuous


If I cast Blasto, I consume a charge from the MP (to cast it) but the fuel comes from the END, required to fuel it. So I would say yes, this is a legal build. That's the whole point of using charges this way; to count usage, not to shoe horn the player into a mechanic. I don't see this as handwavium - this is an application of RAW.

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Re: Sliding bars measuring each spell's "energy"


Perhaps, but it's certainly not a mechanic of HERO 5th (unrevised) RAW, it may have changed in the revision.

Thats all I was saying. my argument had nothing to do with wether I like the idea, handwavium or no. It looks relativly balanced and I would probably allow that interpetation in my own game regardless of it being handwavium or not.

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Re: Sliding bars measuring each spell's "energy"


Well, I think part of the problem here is that your misunderstanding how Charges and END work together, it never explicitly (to use your word) states that adding Costs END to a power with Charges negates the duration caveates built into the Charges limitation. So we can assume that it doesn't and that under normal circumstances you still have to buy continueing charges to make the power continous.

however, in case I'm misunderstanding your question. Hero 5th (the version I have anyway). It says twice that powers with charges only last at most one Phase unless bought as continous charges.

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