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A mechanic/Vehicle restorer who restores and hot rods 20th Century Vehicles, and his lovely wife are ambushed when their 21st Century Autonomous vehicle flips over in a bad neighborhood, leavig the mechanic Paralyzed, and the wife dead. THe police can do nothing as the Police drones recording the crime is hacked. The mechanic's client, a inventor genius offers THe Mechanic a way to walk again by bridging the spinal injury with an A.I. chip. It turns out the chip is self aware, and confers super reflexes upon the Mechanic. Revenge ensues. I have been watching several Cyberpunk and near future movies on Netflix and will post more here when I find them.

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Now that it has been picked up by Netflix, I've been able to watch a few episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy that I'd never seen before. The more I see of this series, the more I'm impressed. The animation is gorgeous, there's real character development, the plot is complex without being too complicated for kids to follow, and Hologram Janeway's low-key snark just makes me smile.

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Kaiju #8: It's a Shonen style series with an older than normal cast of characters. In a world of monthly kaiju attacks, our hero, Kafka, is a 32-year-old member of the Cleanup Division (think Damage Control but they handle the biohazard problems and kaiju dissection) who decides to take one last crack at joining the Kaiju suppression team and standing alongside his childhood flame, Mina. After his last cleanup mission, he is hospitalized and infected by a strange small kaiju and gains the ability to transform into the titular character.


The characters are quite likable, and Studio IG has blown up the budget for animation and music (They have OneRepublic doing the outro!)



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On 5/25/2024 at 1:41 PM, mattingly said:

This sounds fantastic! 

Of several 1930s and 1940s set serials and films, this one really holds up and is worth hunting down.


Ok, grab a drink as here we go


Spearhead series 3

After series 2 this took a break as the army unit are now out in Hong Kong grabbing Chinese trying to get into the city. The unit would be on a two year or so deployment and are coming to the end of their stay. We start with the platoon out grabbing Chinese coming over the border before following them as they go on leave. There are a couple of guest stars although they are not listed as so. One is Nick Tate who played Alan Carter in Space 1999 and he is playing a journalist while Nicholas Lyndhurst who went onto greater fame in Only Fools and Horses is one of the soldiers. Sgt Bilinski gets involved with a woman and the Triads try to make use of him which does not work out well at all. One of the privates gets put up for a commendation after pursuing and capturing several illegal immigrants despite getting injured as a result. He is not interested in the commendation, he wants a stripe but as he is the only non-Caucasian he feel that he is being passed over. And the Lt. gets involved with the daughter of a retired officer who has stayed out in the city. It finishes with the unit packing up and leaving with the Sgt sent home for his own protection. He is out of the regular line of command and will be assigned elsewhere eventually, he meets the Lt. and the Sgt Major after they return. It does end on a bit of a downer. But I recall the show from when it was originally screened at the start of the 80s.



A Shadow in the Courtyard. A man who has office in a small apartment complex is killed and Maigret investigates trying to find out who killed him and whether any of the people in the apartments that ring the office could have seen anything. He was on his second marriage and his ex-wife and new husband live in the apartments whilst the new wife lives elsewhere. But he also had a mistress. And this the most sympathetic character of the lot. This is one of the ones I recall from the Rupert Davies BBC series.


4D Man

The perils of going desolid. How to make money at it and also the downside, you age at an accelerated rate. But don't despair ! If you put your hands in someone you can drain their life force and replenish your own.

One of the things that people might find problematic with this film is the music score. It seems out of place.


Crime Story

Dramatizations of real life crimes and what led to them.

The first story is about a drug dealer whose boss asks the man's friends to kill him after he finds him incompetent. He is murdered and the body dumped in a lake. The body was recovered and the wife of the killer and the dealer's girlfriend testified in court.

The second story was a bit of a slog to get through. It concerned workers at a wallpaper factory who went on unofficial strike and were then all sacked. The continued failure to get action led to one becoming radicalised and he ended up robbing the place and shooting a policeman dead as he and an accomplice made their getaway. They were caught as another detective rammed their car head on.

The third story concerned an obsessive businesswoman who was besotted with a local solicitor who was having an affair with another woman who was married. The businesswoman hires a detective to murder her rival but the police eventually get her and put her behind bars.

The fourth story concerns the first kidnapping for ransom in Britain when Rupert Murdoch's deputy's wife was kidnapped. She was grabbed as the deputy was driving around in Murdoch's Rolls Royce and the kidnappers mistook her for Murdoch's wife. After a couple of attempts at ransom drops the kidnappers were traced and arrested. Sadly the woman was never found. This was one of those cases where murder was proved despite the lack of a body.

These are all really a period piece now.


The Proud Ones

This Western has Robert Ryan as a town marshal. The first cattle drive has arrived and the town is putting up prices in anticipation. An old enemy of the marshal has also arrived in order to get rich quick. He brings in his hoods to get the sheriff. Years before the marshal was run out of town by the old enemy after killing two men sent to kill him. The son of one of these now comes up against the marshal as well. This man is played by Jeffrey Hunter. After one shooting incident the marshal begins to suffer blurred vision which makes him unable to do the job properly. It culminates in a shoot out in a barn. Not bad.


A High Wind in Jamaica

After a hurricane destroys their home a family send the children home to England only for the ship to be attacked by pirates and the kids mistakenly taken aboard the pirate vessel. This proves to be bad luck for the pirates. The kids don't really understand what is going on and cause all sorts of trouble. The pirates intend leaving the kids with a madam on one of the islands but after one of the kids falls out of a window to his death watching a cockfight, the pirates are forced to leave in haste. When on of the children is injured and is secured in the captain's cabin, the pirates attack another vessel and then the Royal Navy catch up with them. The captain of the pirates wanted to transfer the child to the vessel but his crew mutinied as they wanted to raid it. The child ends up killing the Dutch captain of the vessel as he tries to get her to cut his bonds but she is medicated and fails to understand so she stabs him to death. Consequently the pirates are all sentenced to death for the killing of the Dutch captain. The pirate captain and first mate are played by Anthony Quinn and James Coburn respectively. The film is unusual for piracy against steam ships by sailing ships.


Giro D'Italia 2024

Watching the highlights show of the 21 stages that try to show what happened on the first Grand Tour of the year. Sadly the first episode and the last episode were not screen for unknown technical reasons but otherwise this was pretty good. Tadej Pogacar was trying to race and win both the Giro and Tour de France in the same year which had yet to be done this century. Last time was 1998. Other than Geraint Thomas there was not really any competitor against him. Pogacar had not won a Grand Tour in three years but he attacked this one with relish eventually winning six stages and clocking up the biggest winning margin since 1965. He was in the leaders jersey from stage 3 and never relinquished it. The sprints were dominated by Jonathan Milan and Tim Merlier. Milan was the reigning sprint champion and was defending the jersey. He ended up winning three stages. Merlier had the distinction of never winning a stage after stage 3 on any Grand Tour but he broke that by winning on stage 18 and stage 21 as well as stage 3. Geraint Thomas ended up third overall and at the age of 38 is one of the oldest to ever be on the podium.

Overall it was good with Pogacar showing what an outstanding talent he is and still only 25 years old. His main rivals seem to be gearing up for the Tour but two are injured and it is unknown whether they will compete.

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Hang 'Em High (1968), Clint Eastwood's strangely non-vigilante western.  When you're used to Sergio Leone spaghetti westerns, it takes some adjustment before you can wrap your mind around what is basically a cop movie set in 1889.  It's also weird to see the Skipper from Gilligan's Island as a bad guy.  Still, it gets points for the tensions between Eastwood's character and the judge, as well as for being unpredictable and having a certain amount of moral ambiguity.


Schindler's List (1993) came up on Prime so I finally got to see it, thirty years late.  This was hard to watch, and not only because it's three and a half hours long.  Liam and Ralph absolutely earned their nominations here, and Spielberg's noirish cinematography brilliantly heightens tensions throughout the film.  Given current events this film is tragic on far too many levels, especially since it's entirely nonfiction.  I can't wait to see the sequel play out in the news next year, I hear it'll really break the fourth wall.

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Been watching Quartermas abd the Pit, British serial 1958/1859, six episodes, I am on three. The story line holds up remarkedly well and so hav the special effects so far as they have been mostly in the characters functions so far. Observation, British Sci-fi at least on screen seems better than most North American productions. 

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Dune part 2: Very pretty movie where nothing much happens* for long stretches, punctuated by action sequences. (Max)




*Oh, there's a lot of the background stuff, which essentially sets up everything that happens in the final 10 minutes, but we don't really need 20 minutes of sandworm-riding to get there.

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Watched the third disk of Superman as Batman and the Joker come to town, Dr. Fate comes out of retirement, Bizarro tries to blow up Metropolis to emulate the destruction of Krypton and Steel dukes it out with the improved Metallo.


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Godzilla Minus One: A pilot suffers guilt for surviving a Godzilla attack that killed many fellow soldiers at a remote island outpost. He returns to Tokyo after the war, to find his home destroyed. Attempting to rebuild his life, he is shocked to find a more powerful Godzilla is approaching to menace Japan. This one's excellent--highly recommended. (Netflix)

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18 minutes ago, Ternaugh said:

Godzilla Minus One: A pilot suffers guilt for surviving a Godzilla attack that killed many fellow soldiers at a remote island outpost. He returns to Tokyo after the war, to find his home destroyed. Attempting to rebuild his life, he is shocked to find a more powerful Godzilla is approaching to menace Japan. This one's excellent--highly recommended. (Netflix)


It made it to Netflix?  That's awesome, last I checked it wasn't available anywhere.

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27 minutes ago, Ternaugh said:

Godzilla Minus One: A pilot suffers guilt for surviving a Godzilla attack that killed many fellow soldiers at a remote island outpost. He returns to Tokyo after the war, to find his home destroyed. Attempting to rebuild his life, he is shocked to find a more powerful Godzilla is approaching to menace Japan. This one's excellent--highly recommended. (Netflix)


One of the extremely rare giant-monster movies where the human characters and their story are so compelling, it doesn't even need the monster. Godzilla in this film is awesome, but he's the icing on the cake.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks, Season Four. This show leeps getting better. The humor never crosses the line to being just dumbsilly, and it's balanced by some pretty intense character exploration and development.


The last two episodes could be a movie, and would be better than many of the actual Star Trek movies.


Two episodes set on Orion, and one on Ferenginar? My, quite a lot of setting development, too. And of course Ferengi TV would be at once inane and addictive.


(I also note they've quietly dropped the whole "Ferengi women kept naked and treated as nonsapient" thing from their first appearance in TNG. Undercut by Quark's mother in DS(, no sign of it here. Apart from being, hm, dubious to depict, it was so obviously done to make Ferengi even more offensive to all Right-Thinking People(TM) That I always found it gratuitous.)


Hey a functioning and inhabited megastructure, in "The Cradle of Vexilon"!  Looks like it's at least a Banks orbital, with an artificial sun, if not a full-sized ringworld. If there's an issue here, it's that such a structure could have a population greater than that of the entire Federation we've seen so far. Hm. Maybe it's just a Bishop ring, with a teeny artifical sun. The controlling AI Vexilon is also a nice change from the usual insane world-controlling computer.


Though speaking of which, it was also nice to see that evil megalomaniac AIs can in fact get better.


Could comment more, but I don't want to get tiresome or let slip too many spoilers.


Dean Shomshak


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On 6/2/2024 at 10:05 PM, Old Man said:


It made it to Netflix?  That's awesome, last I checked it wasn't available anywhere.

 Yep, kinda a bummer though.  Toho normally doesn't release it's movies to media overseas this soon and streaming takes longer. 

I was in Okinawa on business and took the opportunity to buy a few copies of the Blu Ray as a surprise gift for some of the Godzilla fans I know and then discover Netflix of all things has beaten me to the punch 🙁

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1 hour ago, Spence said:

 Yep, kinda a bummer though.  Toho normally doesn't release it's movies to media overseas this soon and streaming takes longer. 

I was in Okinawa on business and took the opportunity to buy a few copies of the Blu Ray as a surprise gift for some of the Godzilla fans I know and then discover Netflix of all things has beaten me to the punch 🙁


Were I the recipient of such a gift I would have been touched by the kindness and thoughtfulness of the giver, Netflix be damned.

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What's that you say ?


You want another special ?


If only there had been something well known that was celebrating an anniversary, you know, like the 6th June....


The Road to D-Day

These were a set of 30 minute documentaries about the build up to D-Day. They looked at the American and Canadians coming to places like Slapton and Newhaven and how in some cases families had to leave to make way for them. Also wartime romances, schools being evacuated to the West Country, the building of dummy landing craft and vehicles, all leading to the day itself. Neat little snapshot also covering things that are not often mentioned. Operation Tiger which was one of the dress rehearsals gets mentioned as German E-Boats attacked the convoy and killed 750 of the American soldiers. Also those providing dummy radio traffic to the Germans. And what happened to anyone in a Crocodile tank that was captured. The Crocodiles were flamethrowers.


Journey to the Bottom of the Sea: D-Day the untold story

This looked at why the duplex drive tanks did not make the beaches at Omaha while they did elsewhere. The tank crews who survived and were rescued felt bad that they had let the infantry down. A couple did make it but why didn't the others ? The guy looking at it also worked with the French who had been diving the wrecks and clearing up dangerous munitions from the coast. The popular conception of the tanks just sinking after launching was proved to be a fallacy. They should have sunk at point X after launching instead of which they were found at point Y. What settled it was the orientation of the tanks. Yes they were launched too early whilst at the other beaches the tanks were brought in close before launch. But it appears they were lining up on a landmark instead of just going straight for the beach. If they had gone straight ahead they would have made the beach. But they tried orientating themselves to the landmark which put the sea in a position to swamp them. The tanks were also shown in operation as there was one that was still working. Fascinating. Voiceover by Charles Dance.


D-Day. The Shortest Day

These were recollections of people who were involved from members of the Resistance, French civilians and the soldiers, sailors and airmen. One of these was Richard Todd who was in the paratroopers and took part in the operation at Pegasus Bridge. He was a captain at the time. He mentions members of the military getting involved and how morals were a bit lax in the war. He also went on about finding someone dead during the operation when they were trying to clear out the enemy. He came across am young soldier with a bullet wound in the head but no other blood flow. The title of the programme refers to the fact that for those who took part it was a short day. This was an absorbing one hour programme. Another was a man on the landing craft who brought the Americans in to Omaha and who found out the people he brought in all died. Still affects him decades later.


D-Day: The Last Heroes

This was two programmes looking at the planning of the invasion and then carrying it out. How air reconnaissance was conducted and how it had to cover all the coast and not just the specific landing area. How dropping of one set of bombs in Normandy meant that two sets had to be dropped on Pas-de-Calais. Talking to the survivors as well. This was a more up to date piece and showed modern infantry trying similar things. It still missed some things. And then you had the landings themselves. And how one tank was used as a plug to fill a hole and then a bridge tank put a bridge over it and soldiers and vehicles crossed it. The crew came back to see it removed from the ground years later and it is used as a museum piece. Also constructing the parts that would make the harbour the Allies needed. Some of the veterans also pointed out that a lot of French got killed by the Allies so they were surprised that they were not ambivalent about the invasion. 


D-Day: The Unheard Tapes

Three one hour programmes with an interesting conceit. A lot of people were interviewed about what they did on D-Day and these tapes were remastered. They then had people who looked like the interviewees lip synch to the words. So again you have the build up and what the background for people was on the French, German, Canadian, American and British side. One of those who was interviewed was Major Howard who was the first in action on 6th June at Pegasus Bridge while another was Franz Gockel who was manning a machine gun at Omaha beach. The second programme looked at the landings on the beaches and by the paratroopers while the third looked at the day after and what objectives were for then which was not something I was not aware of. Another was an American paratrooper objective taking river bridges or holding them against the Germans.


The Longest Day

The film of the D-Day landings with an all star cast released two years ahead of the 20th anniversary. Shot in black and white and not colour. It has snippets of things that actually happened as well as the larger view. The fact that the Germans knew that once a certain poem's second part was received that the invasion would be within 24 hours. That the British weather prediction was better than the Germans. That the American paratroop drop was concentrated on the 82nd Airborne at St Mere Eglise while the British side focused on what became known as Pegasus bridge. The Utah beach landing is partly covered but the concentration is on Omaha and for the rest just Sword beach. Here the commandoes came ashore and then went inland to reach Pegasus bridge. Also the French commandoes going to Ouistreham. The Germans working out that dummy paratroopers means something is up and trying to react accordingly. You have the famous case of the paratrooper who was hung up on the church of St Mere Eglise and survived whilst others who dropped were killed. The Americans and Germans passing each other on the road and not firing at each other as they were distracted by aircraft. The Rangers getting up Pointe Du Hoc but finding no guns. The lone air attack by the Luftwaffe as the squadrons had been withdrawn due to persistent bombing by the RAF and USAAF. Nuns coming down the road under fire to administer to the wounded at Ouistreham. The British doctor for the paratroopers coming down on the wrong side of the Pegasus bridge attack before rejoining his unit. A padre looking for his communion kit in the river before joining in. And the fact that the German panzer reserves had to be called up on the authority of the Fuhrer who had taken a sedative and gone to bed and was not to be woken up. The film concludes with the Americans getting off Omaha finally.

Only one member of the cast was actually present on D-Day and that was Richard Todd who played Major Howard. He was actually a captain in the same regiment and was present for the Pegasus Bridge attack.   You also don't get any mention of the tank disaster at Omaha. Or the fact that the beach at Omaha was not sandy which it is now. The film holds up well as the story is so engaging.

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What two posts in one day ?


Well yes I am treating you. Grab a drink and off we go !


Criterium du Dauphine

The prelude to the Tour de France started with two favourites Primoz Roglic and Remco Evenepoel coming off injuries in the same race, The Tour of the Basque Country and this would be their preparation for the Tour. It started off innocently enough and then Remco took the time trial. He is after all the world champion at the discipline This left Roglic nearly 40 seconds behind. Then we had the crash with over 40 riders hitting the deck. This led to two riders being taken away in ambulance immediately with others quitting thereafter. That stage was neutralised as they did not have enough ambulances to cover potential emergencies. There were 4 available but with the scale of the crash that was not enough. Roglic struck as the race went into the mountains winning back to back stages for his new team Bora Hansgrohe. He almost lost the whole thing with an attack on the last day but he won by 8 seconds. Visma Lease a Bike were the big losers as two of their team were the ones taken out in the crash and they will now not be in the Tour. But Matteo Jorgenson and Derek Gee have announced themselves as racers to watch.


A Little of What You Fancy

The growth of the musical hall in Britain particularly London and its decline, looking at what remains of the old buildings. Also the songs and performers of that era.


Beach Red

This is a Cornel Wilde directed picture of a marine landing on an island in WW2 and the first part deals with the initial landing and the resistance faced by the marines. It has marines going on about what they are thinking as sort of a stream of consciousness. There is also a film cameraman with them but after the marines stop, his narrative ends. When we see the Japanese, we don't get any subtitles to explain what they are saying nor do we get a voiceover explaining what is being said. The Japanese try to surprise the Americans by having their soldiers dressed up as Yanks to attack them on the beach and thus from behind. Two of the marines are on patrol and witness the Japanese gathering and contact their commander so that the ambush does not take place. Worth a look as it is unusual.


The Story of Robin Hood

This is a live action Disney picture from the 50s with Richard Todd as Robin. James Robertson Justice plays Little John. The film starts with Richard setting off on the crusade and the existing Sherriff of Nottingham going with him. Prince John gets to appoint a new one choosing Peter Finch for the role. After an archery contest which Robin wins, he and his father are offered employment with the Sherriff but they refuse so the existing Sherriff's men kill the father on the way home, setting the scene for Robin's rebellion. Marion is working for Queen Eleanor of Acquitaine who was Richard and John's mother. Robin has the famous fight with Little John trying to cross the river and is almost captured by the Sherriff when he meets Friar Tuck. Marion meets Robin and gets him to help raise the ransom for Richard being held in Germany. They help rob the Sherriff to do this. John and the Sherriff try to get the money back by having their people impersonate Robin and his band but they arrive in time and prove to the Queen that the Sherriff was responsible. They then have to free Marion from the Sherriff's clutches. The film ends with Richard's return and him raising Robin to be Earl of Locksley and marrying Marion. It is pretty good.


Prehistoric Women (Slave Girls)

A hunter tracking a wounded leopard is captured by a strange tribe and is to be sacrificed to then when time stops and he is drawn into a strange realm where brunette women keep blondes as slaves. And the men are all locked away. They can only be overthrown when the White Rhino returns as the hunter finds out. It is a quasi exploitation piece with Martine Bestwick as the queen of the tribe. It has a certain charm.



Monsieur Lundi. Maigret is brought in when a maid to a doctor dies from poisoning and the locals think he did it. The killer is actually obsessed with the doctor and was trying to kill his children by adulterating bakery goodies which a tramp would pass on to them. Maigret finds out by accident who the killer is and they end up locked up as insane.

Maigret rents a room. After a nightclub is robbed one of Maigret's detectives is shot whilst waiting for the suspect to turn up. This turns out to be a case of mistaken identity as the detective had recognised the man from one of his earlier cases but the shooter thought he was working for his lover's husband and that is why he shot them. Maigret takes a room in the house where the original suspect lived and by careful questioning comes up with the solution.


The Color Out of Space

This is the 2019 version of the tale and is really good. A hydrologist Ward Phillips is in the local area checking on the water table when he meets the local Gardiner family who have moved to the country with their dog to raise Alpacas. Mrs Gardiner is recovering from a mastectomy. Dad is played by Nicholas Cage and this is a restrained performance by him which benefits the movie. A meteorite strikes the farm and thus the work of the color begins. It interferes with the electrics, mutates the wildlife and vegetation and scrambles the minds of the people. For something dealing with cosmic horror and the bizarre, this is really good. If you are a Cthulhu RPG fan check this out.



This film makes you think and oh boy do you have to think. You are confronted with one of the most complex plots that I can recall seeing but it makes sense. A raid on a opera house in the Ukraine is infiltrated by the CIA and then things get seriously complex with travelling backwards and forwards in time. This is seriously intelligent and pays if you can keep attention and you need to. Worth seeing. Denzel Washington's son is the hero of the piece ably assisted by Robert Pattinson as his ally. It would take too much time to try and explain what happens, just watch it and see for yourself. Kenneth Branagh plays the bad guy.

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Frailty (2001)
Bill Paxton stars and directs in this psychological horror/thriller.

It took me a good twenty minutes to realise I'd seen it before. Even then I couldn't remember the ending.

Still worth watching if you haven't seen it or forgotten you'd seen it, watching again.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The last two discs for Superman as Superman contends with Supergirl trying to horn in on his action, posing as Batman against Brainiac, and teaming up with Batman against Ras Al Ghul. Brainiac finally meets his end as the Legion steps in to stop him from killing Superman to alter the past, Aquaman and Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) both show up to deal with their respective problems, and Jimmy Olsen learns what it's like to be Superman's pal.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/1/2024 at 10:29 PM, Ternaugh said:

Dune part 2: Very pretty movie where nothing much happens* for long stretches, punctuated by action sequences. (Max)




*Oh, there's a lot of the background stuff, which essentially sets up everything that happens in the final 10 minutes, but we don't really need 20 minutes of sandworm-riding to get there.

Better than riding said sandworms into pitched battle and shouting your enemies to death. (I have no idea where the "Weirding Modules" could have come from.


Then again, I don't know why Rabban wouldn't have found and taken the Atreides "Family Atomics" even if he had no idea there were any living members of his rival house.


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1 hour ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

Better than riding said sandworms into pitched battle and shouting your enemies to death. (I have no idea where the "Weirding Modules" could have come from.



The modules were invented to replace the Weirding Way by Lynch, who stated he did not "want to see kung fu on sand dunes".


It's not even the most disturbing concept to come out of that man's head, but it's up there.



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Then again, I don't know why Rabban wouldn't have found and taken the Atreides "Family Atomics" even if he had no idea there were any living members of his rival house.


In the book, practically no one knew


where the atomics were hidden.  It might have been just Leto, Paul, Gurney and Duncan.  Jessica specifically is not told where they are. 


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