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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


This may sound a little off-topic for this thread, but over the last couple of days I've been watching a "walkthrough" of Capcom's new video game, Asura's Wrath, on YouTube. Essentially, someone ran through the entire game and posted the results, which you can watch on your screen as they appeared on his, with a moderate amount of his commentary that rarely distracts from the show. That may sound not too unusual, or interesting, but Asura's Wrath isn't like most video games. Instead of fights interspersed with cut-scenes, the game runs like an interactive movie or television series, with third-person fight sequences and quick-time events dispersed in real time where they fit within the story. It's very much in the style of a high-quality, computer-generated anime, broken up into 18 "chapters" like an episodic tv series, with an epic but well-paced story line that blends Asian mythology with science-fiction, engaging characters with effective English voice acting, inventive and spectacular visual imagery, a beautiful score, and the most over-the-top mind-blowing combat sequences I've ever seen. But there are many quiet, intense or gentle scenes as well, and even some moments of humor.


The whole thing runs over six hours, but despite (or perhaps because of) not playing the game myself, I was enthralled the whole time. Some folks who have or are looking to buy the video game may not want to spoil the surprises, but if you just want to watch a spectacular free anime epic, here's where you can download all the chapters of the walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/show?p=W1NUGeSJKsU&tracker=show0

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


The musical? I love that movie. The bits with Ben Franklin are so dead-on and the Slaves to Sugar to Rum (iirc) song is chillingly delivered (especially for a film with so much humor).


Yup. And per TV Tropes, much of it quite true and taken from the writings, letters, minutes, and documents of the time.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Yup. And per TV Tropes' date=' much of it quite true and taken from the writings, letters, minutes, and documents of the time.[/quote']


There is a bit at the end with James Wilson, Ben Franklin, and John Dickinson (all of Pennsylvania) that is beautiful, completely acurate, and shows how very close we came to never being independent. Incredible movie.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


There is a bit at the end with James Wilson' date=' Ben Franklin, and John Dickinson (all of Pennsylvania) that is beautiful, completely acurate, and shows how very close we came to never being independent. Incredible movie.[/quote']


Also, certain comments by Adams about slavery were taken out as it was felt people would think the writer was preaching at them. Except the line was written and/or said at the time. The line concerned slavery and the refusal to acknowledge and/or deal with its existence. The comments -- "if they leave in the slavery clause war would break out in about a century."

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Also' date=' certain comments by Adams about slavery were taken out as it was felt people would think the writer was preaching at them. Except the line was written and/or said at the time. The line concerned slavery and the refusal to acknowledge and/or deal with its existence. The comments -- "if they leave in the slavery clause war would break out in about a century."[/quote']


The film should be required viewing in High Schools in the US. I first saw it in an AP American History class.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Cool Considerate Men is chilling to me even these days. I couldn't find a copy of the movie's version, so here are ponies.


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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?



For a long time, we figured that "Battle Beyond the Stars" had a subliminal "sleep" message about 2/3 of the way in. The first time that I attempted to watch the film (I want to say as an NBC Movie of the Week), I fell asleep, and woke up while the end titles played. A few years later, it was being shown on a premium cable channel, and a bunch of us vowed to watch it all of the way through. All of us fell asleep at about the same spot, and most of us woke up for the end titles (again). One of us had to be shaken awake. I finally saw the movie all of the way through sometime in the '90s with the help of an afternoon showing and lots of caffeine.


I've been watching Star Trek: DS9 on Netflix. I kind of lost interest in it when it was in first run syndication, so I'm seeing a lot of the episodes for the first time. Just finished the 2nd season episode, "Crossover", which visits the Mirror Universe again.



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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Just finished The Golden Voyage of Sinbad.


Ah, Ray Harryhausen's Sinbad films. SFX may be slicker today, but his stop-motion animation had a special magic.


Tom Baker's blue-eyed Arab evil sorceror in Golden Voyage is a hoot. But overall I think I preferred The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad more. I'm a sucker for Cyclopses. :D

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