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Cylon Resurrection


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How would you define in Hero mechanics the ability of a Cylon to be killed and then to be downloaded into a new body and come back to life undamaged?


I'm thinking Duplication is the way to go, but I wonder if there are other options that would work? Regeneration? Summon?

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


How would you define in Hero mechanics the ability of a Cylon to be killed and then to be downloaded into a new body and come back to life undamaged?


I'm thinking Duplication is the way to go, but I wonder if there are other options that would work? Regeneration? Summon?


Regeneration with the Resurrection adder sounds about right, but can the new body have different physical stats? That would entail a bit more complication.

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


In the mini-series, Caprica Six stated that the body would be identical. The interesting part is how far away can the soon-to-be-dead cylon be before they are out of range of either the homeworld or the resurrection ship? One of those "speed of plot" type things I suspect.

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


I do not know whether I would even define it using the game rules--instead, I would make it an accepted feature of the race that does not really need to be statted out.


But that is positively blaphemous!


What about teleportation of appropriate range (conciousness only) triggered by "Character Body Reaches -1 or less" with a further limitation "only works if resurrection ship is within x distance" and for fiarness, you'd probably have to throw in some Regeneration, because although we do not know how long the download procedure is, the Cylon wakes up with full BODY, or so it would appear. Another limitation could be that the teleportation causes disorientation (perhaps bought as negative overall skill levels which fade) and the Cylon awakens with Zero END.

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


In the mini-series' date=' Caprica Six stated that the body would be identical.[/quote']


Well then, you're set. Regeneration is the power you want; taking care of getting the body back to its ship can be done separately, if Regeneration only takes place on-board anyway.


From what atlascott said, there is teleportation involved, so give it (the Teleport, not regeneration!) Independent (so it can work aside from death) and have it use the body as a Focus (which I realize is cheesy, but maybe the ship is buying that power), though this means it won't work if the body is completely obliterated by the same blow that kills the cylon, perhaps with a single charge that only recovers when the focus is rebuilt (I'm not sure I would give this Limitation any value, considering that the teleport power is already bringing the dead cylon back for rebuilding), with a Trigger for happening (not sure if Trigger would be instantly reset there or not, in effect it seems like it, since the dead cylon isn't going anywhere until the charge is recovered, Focus is rebuilt, or otherwise comes back to life), and then send them out to die.











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Re: Cylon Resurrection


I do not know whether I would even define it using the game rules--instead, I would make it an accepted feature of the race that does not really need to be statted out.


But that is positively blaphemous!


Then I'm a blasphemer. I tend to ignore statting out things like that unless necessary. If a character wants to play a Cylon, I might be tempted to, but mortality rates in my campaigns are so low, that it's not likely to be an issue.


Keith "the Player's Friend" Curtis

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


But also remember with cylon resurrection a charater who is a cylon is more likely to do things that normal human wouldn't do because we'd consider insane. I forget if it was Six who said that death to a cylon is just a learning experince where to us its the end.


So in effect even in a game with a very low mortality rate you'd have to make allowances for them doing what we see a terminally stupid for the reason that they can get away with it.

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


Yep - I had a PC in a game who could only change her powers when she was "dead" - so she used to "die" on a regular basis. If you had a chracter with this power, I'd expect them to do potentially suicidal things, so it'd be nice to have the wherewithal set up in advance.


That said, I'd stat it out as a summon (specific person - identical duplicate), with trigger (Trigger being death) and one charge, does not recover. You might also want to add a focus limitaton, although if a new body can be produced at very many places, that's probably not applicable. It's actually a pretty cheap "get out of Death free" power. The character "backs themself up" and if killed, goes back to the last save point and starts again. As the chracter gains in experience, they would need to sink points into the summon, but it woud be at a low ratio, so that's no problem. You might want to define some sort of mindlink, radio communication or similar if the backup can be updated remotely, but otherwise you're good to go.


This way also avoids problems inherent in the teleport approach with regard to range and with the regeneration approach in that normally you'd regenerate where you were, rather than popping up in a new body somewhere else.


I've also used this approach in my fantasy game for the Blood-born - warriors who are laid in a magic cauldron and then have their throat, wrist and ankles slit, so that they bleed out into the cauldron. After the magic ritual is complete, they arise - apparently unharmed. But if they are ever killed, a duplicate body forms over time out of the blood. The only way to permanently get rid of them is to destroy the cauldron or empty the blood out (in this case, they get a focus limitation :D)


cheers, Mark

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


I'm usually a hand-waver of the first magnitude, but this I would probably assign a cost for without statting it out (I have no television - I looked it up on wiki). It gives the cylons a huge tactical advantage, and is essentially a "death means nothing" (in most cases) power. It should be paid for. I would build a flat-cost talent that covered it (basing it on ressurection as a naked adder with appropriate lims). I wouldn't stat it out, but as a gut assigned cost, I would probably charge 5 or 8 Points. From there I would just adjudicate it based on the source material (what is seen on the show) and what is dramatically apropos.

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


I'd build each model of the 12 different Cylons with the following racial powers:

  • Duplication: +1,048,576 duplicates* (100 pts), Slightly Altered Duplicates +1/4, Cannot Recombine -0, 0 End +1/2. Persistent +1/2. Inherent +1/4. Always On -1/2. 250 active pts/167 real points
  • Healing: Resurrection Adder 20pts, self-only -1/2, extra time (1 day*) -3-1/2, only within range of a resurection ship -1/4, restrainable (jammed by radiation) -1/4 20 active pts/4 pts
  • +5 STR, +5 DEX, +10 CON, +3 BODY
  • Telepathy 10d6 w/machines, limited range -1/4 (technically, no range, but they can link up to a transmitting device), gestures (must connect a physical medium such as cables to bloodstream) -1/4, side effect (causes 1 pt of BODY damage, always occurs) -1/2, concentrate: 0DCV (maintain conectration throughout use of power) -1 50 active pts/17 real pts
  • Mental Illusions 10d6 w/machines, limited range -1/4 (technically, no range, but they can link up to a transmitting device), gestures (must connect a physical medium such as cables to bloodstream) -1/4, side effect (causes 1 pt of BODY damage, always occurs) -1/2, concentrate: 0DCV (maintain conectration throughout use of power) -1 50 active pts/17 real pts
  • Mind Control 8d6 w/machines, telepathic +1/4, limited range -1/4 (technically, no range, but they can link up to a transmitting device), gestures (must connect a physical medium such as cables to bloodstream) -1/4, side effect (causes 1 pt of BODY damage, always occurs) -1/2, concentrate: 0DCV (maintain conectration throughout use of power) -1 50 active pts/17 real pts

Basically, every Duplicate has the ability to Regenerate. There are never any more of one model than the total number of duplicates.


Duplication also works nicely because the collective model gains experience that can be used to improve the "base" design (or lone duplicates, like Sharon Agathon/Athena can siphon off XP for themselves at a rate of 5 to 1, though it might make sense to rebuild her as a standalone character as she progresses). They can also use acquired experience to increasing the number of models, depending on what the needs of the Cylons are.


* I'm guessing at these numbers. I picked this number because 100 pts of duplicates is a nice round number. I picked one day to simulate time spent in the "bathtub".

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


Duplication also works nicely because the collective model gains experience that can be used to improve the "base" design


That's an eerie build for a racial collective.


I can see the Zerg being built that way, though not within different "breeds".

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


Would you say Cylons have Eidetic Memory? I don't think I've ever seen one forget anything in the series.


Sleeper agents would probably also have a Mental-based Multiform, maybe with No Conscious Control? Come to think of it, can you put Trigger on Multiform?

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


Would you say Cylons have Eidetic Memory? I don't think I've ever seen one forget anything in the series.


Sleeper agents would probably also have a Mental-based Multiform, maybe with No Conscious Control? Come to think of it, can you put Trigger on Multiform?


There's a good chance they have Eidetic Memory, Absolute Time Sense, and Lightning Calculator.


Multiform itself can't have a trigger on it, but a slot in it can have that advantage, provided that there are enough points in the multipower slot to "fuel" it.

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Re: Cylon Resurrection


In fourth edition, there was a clunky new set of "spirit" rules, where the spirit was kind of an astral duplicate that went anywhere needed. Thankfully that odd set of additional rules was dropped in 5th edition. :rolleyes:


What was done then, and you can still do now, is buy the entire body as an IAF, personal, indestructable. Just like any other focus, when the focus is distroyed (I'll get back to the indestrutable in a mo), it is out of play until the conditions of its replacement are fulfilled. In this case (DMO time later) the new "focus" is in the activation tub on a regen ship/home planet/etc.


It is FX wise, more like the focus is unusable rather than "distroyed"

thus the indestructable, since the character can always come back: The "Mt Doom" of the focus is either being out of range of a Holy Jello Tub, or being totally distroyed instantly (like Gina-Six). I would rule that to be negative body in an instant. Just reaching negative body (like the Six that Starbuck fought) won't do it.


This enforces the focus concept, and also -via metagaming- discourages Gina stunts. The "focus" sitting on the Regen ship is out of play (as is the player) until the ref decides the character can get back with the group.


As a side note, the idea of "personal focus" allows something similar to the Boomer/Athena effect. They have similar memories, and effectively identical "foci." So if somehow a "midswap" occured, they could use the other's "focus" without problems -exept for the sudden change in locations, they might not even realize that a mindswap had occured. However if a glitch occurred, say an 8 was misdirected to the body of a 6, she would have to learn to deal with a far different sized focus. It might not be as hard as learning to walk on 6" stilts, but she isn't going to jump out of the jello tub and straight to the pilots seat of a Raptor, either.


Shaft. Some interesting ideas, but a bit more complicated than I would go. YMMV :D



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Re: Cylon Resurrection


I've also used this approach in my fantasy game for the Blood-born - warriors who are laid in a magic cauldron and then have their throat, wrist and ankles slit, so that they bleed out into the cauldron. After the magic ritual is complete, they arise - apparently unharmed. But if they are ever killed, a duplicate body forms over time out of the blood. The only way to permanently get rid of them is to destroy the cauldron or empty the blood out (in this case, they get a focus limitation :D)





Positively brilliant, but--Eww.


Have a double-decker sandwich of Reputation.

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