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What is awsome?

Guest TheUnknown

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Guest TheUnknown

Ok hero girls and boys I've been doing this thing for 17 years and have came up with everything under the sun , in it and beyond it, everything in and outside of the box as a matter of fact I nuked the box a long time ago!:D


this post is a challenge so to speak I want to know what is the most awsome concept and character you have designed and or saw in you hero life span. Tell me some of the most creative power/talent/skill/advan/lim ect combos you've used to create an epiphany so to speak and then I will share with you some of the most effective effects you can make in hero system with 15pts and less as a show of how ingenius my mind really is!:thumbup:


It's good to be the KING!


lol life without laughter is not life at all!

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Re: What is awsome?


Not one of mine, but one of my players has a character who's pretty much a normal guy (normal character maxima), but he does have a knack with time. A cool twist with his character is that he can rewind time, but when he does it take years (literally) from his life span. He asked me to randomly choose his age at death, but not to tell him.

Whenever he uses this power we add 1D10 years to his current age, and when he reaches his age of death, he bites the bullet.

Needless to say he doesn't use this one very often!!!

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Guest TheUnknown

Re: What is awsome?


Not one of mine, but one of my players has a character who's pretty much a normal guy (normal character maxima), but he does have a knack with time. A cool twist with his character is that he can rewind time, but when he does it take years (literally) from his life span. He asked me to randomly choose his age at death, but not to tell him.

Whenever he uses this power we add 1D10 years to his current age, and when he reaches his age of death, he bites the bullet.

Needless to say he doesn't use this one very often!!!


It was built using dimensional travel(Time travel past) with the GM permission to actually affect changes to the time line with a Side Effect to control the possibility of over abuse. If built differently let me, I've explored done simular before. Still good one thanks for your reply.


Keep tuned in for my mind blowing creations.

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Guest TheUnknown

Re: What is awsome?


One of the coolest concepts I've come up with, and a lot of people have thought it was pretty cool too, is a shapeshifter. One of their forms was an Unkindness Of Ravens.


The build itself isn't particularly clever, pretty strait forward actually. But the concept is unusual.


Strangely enough sfx also plays alot into effectiveness when the game is more than hack and slash!;) Keep the mind working and wonders will appear!:dyn

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Re: What is awsome?


Who's awesome? Why Baron von Awesome, of course! Spokesman for Binary Corp, international supermodel, and the most powerful superhero in Millenium City (just ask him!). Basically a superman knock-off with huge presence and a low Ego... he was a hell of a lot of fun to roleplay, but got boring in fights pretty quick since he didn't have a lot of options.



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Re: What is awsome?


Mehr. I haven't been doing this real long - my work hasn't actually changed from system to system, just the way I express it. And, since I rarely, if ever, PC, the bulk of my time is spent designing groovy NPCs (such as LCpt. Thia Halmades). However, if I think of something EXTRA GROOVY I will let you know.


I'm still watching for Miracle Max here to tell me how to storm the castle.

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Re: What is awsome?


One of the coolest concepts I've come up with, and a lot of people have thought it was pretty cool too, is a shapeshifter. One of their forms was an Unkindness Of Ravens.


The build itself isn't particularly clever, pretty strait forward actually. But the concept is unusual.

Sort of like Lucifer's teleport ability in the Prophecy II (he dispursed into the form of a flock of ravens when he teleported)?



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Re: What is awsome?


Sort of like Lucifer's teleport ability in the Prophecy II (he dispursed into the form of a flock of ravens when he teleported)?




Prophecy 1 and 2. Yes, when he went back to Hell at the end of Prophecy I he literally exploded into an Unkindness. Which was the original inspiration for the idea.

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Re: What is awsome?


Oh, and an unintentional side effect of being 33 characters that neither the GM nor I managed to see coming (I have no idea how we missed this): It's a psychotically effective combat shape. Even more so that the shape designed specifically for combat. Very very scary. I'm sure that were he not as trusting of me and my play style as he is that the idea would had been reworked or vetoed completely.

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Re: What is awsome?


Oh' date=' and an unintentional side effect of being 33 characters that neither the GM nor I managed to see coming (I have no idea how we missed this): It's a psychotically effective combat shape. Even more so that the shape designed specifically for combat. Very very scary. I'm sure that were he not as trusting of me and my play style as he is that the idea would had been reworked or vetoed completely.[/quote']


I helped my ex GF make a Dark Champions super vigalante for 4th edition who was a Crow inspired avatar of the Triple Raven Goddesses of Irish Myth. She had among her powers a mutiform to an unkindness of ravens as well. You're right...It's a HIDEOUSLY effective build.

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Re: What is awsome?


I ran a Villian Just to Annoy some PC's name Mr. Brownstone ( yes like the song it is about Mexican Heroin) His build included Ego drain, Int drain, End drain and a minor Telepathy, the only thought broadcast, "Man do i ever have the munchies, and where can i find some water."


My personal best came in the form of a revolation trying to build a blasted Dragon Ball Z character I stumbled upon the succor version of Aid, and since then no superman wannabe has been safe from the character Slag.


Last one I wrote a Pc named Bat-Dude, yes he was Batman but not, he had minor disads about hateing Batman, and always trying to beat him, and his skills were done in a really weird way. 1 VPP only to create skills and skill lvls, it was only about 15 point, dont remember how many it was in the end but he got the job of Batman done.

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Re: What is awsome?


Oh' date=' and an unintentional side effect of being 33 characters that neither the GM nor I managed to see coming (I have no idea how we missed this): It's a psychotically effective combat shape. Even more so that the shape designed specifically for combat. Very very scary. I'm sure that were he not as trusting of me and my play style as he is that the idea would had been reworked or vetoed completely.[/quote']


Not combat effective, but hideously funny - I had a shapeshifter, who at one point was cornered by a BIG BAD VILLAIN (GM railroading - I was supposed to be captured so the other players would come and rescue me). My character (who had a big VPP of "shapeshifting effects") was grabbed. No way I could escape (according to the GM - actually lots of way any self-respecting shapeshifter could escape). But the way I chose was ... to fall apart into 128 "mini-me"s (Duplication, plus shrinking :D) who immediately scattered in all directions, hiding under the furniture, taunting the villian, knocking stuff over and generally running around. Some of them kept the villain busy scooting after them, while the rest went for help :D


The villain got a few, but enough escaped to reconstitute me with a smaller VPP, so that I could go along with the rest of the group to rescue the captured bits of me. :D


I enjoyed the hell out of that character.


Cheers, Mark

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Guest TheUnknown

Re: What is awsome?


Oh' date=' and an unintentional side effect of being 33 characters that neither the GM nor I managed to see coming (I have no idea how we missed this): It's a psychotically effective combat shape. Even more so that the shape designed specifically for combat. Very very scary. I'm sure that were he not as trusting of me and my play style as he is that the idea would had been reworked or vetoed completely.[/quote']


As I've said awesome concept but unless you bought 33 duplicates you only attack as one character by game mechanics regardless of sfx. the system would not give you duplicates just because of sfx but if you bought it that way it would be dangerous!

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Guest TheUnknown

Re: What is awsome?


I ran a Villian Just to Annoy some PC's name Mr. Brownstone ( yes like the song it is about Mexican Heroin) His build included Ego drain, Int drain, End drain and a minor Telepathy, the only thought broadcast, "Man do i ever have the munchies, and where can i find some water."


My personal best came in the form of a revolation trying to build a blasted Dragon Ball Z character I stumbled upon the succor version of Aid, and since then no superman wannabe has been safe from the character Slag.


Last one I wrote a Pc named Bat-Dude, yes he was Batman but not, he had minor disads about hateing Batman, and always trying to beat him, and his skills were done in a really weird way. 1 VPP only to create skills and skill lvls, it was only about 15 point, dont remember how many it was in the end but he got the job of Batman done.


The skill VPP I've done extensively under several sfx's so it's a good ideal but also it takes GM permission as does most things even if the rules support it.


I've built Dragon ball Z Power up effects several ways and it's fun!

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Guest TheUnknown

Re: What is awsome?


Not combat effective, but hideously funny - I had a shapeshifter, who at one point was cornered by a BIG BAD VILLAIN (GM railroading - I was supposed to be captured so the other players would come and rescue me). My character (who had a big VPP of "shapeshifting effects") was grabbed. No way I could escape (according to the GM - actually lots of way any self-respecting shapeshifter could escape). But the way I chose was ... to fall apart into 128 "mini-me"s (Duplication, plus shrinking :D) who immediately scattered in all directions, hiding under the furniture, taunting the villian, knocking stuff over and generally running around. Some of them kept the villain busy scooting after them, while the rest went for help :D


The villain got a few, but enough escaped to reconstitute me with a smaller VPP, so that I could go along with the rest of the group to rescue the captured bits of me. :D



I enjoyed the hell out of that character.


Cheers, Mark


Good effect, it's all about having fun and being creative!

Have done simular but soon I'll share 1 of my master piece duplicate concepts and maybe more!

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Re: What is awsome?


The skill VPP I've done extensively under several sfx's so it's a good ideal but also it takes GM permission as does most things even if the rules support it.


I've built Dragon ball Z Power up effects several ways and it's fun!


It was indeed bought as Duplication; Cannot Recombine. With a Psychic Bond Mind Link and Teamwork Skill. Only one small attack that was almost garaunteed to cause a pip of body.


The original idea was the Unkindness would be the scout, and if needed have something that could damage to survive until help arrived. One Accidental Change and Enraged later the Unkindness attacked one person. Instant Goo.

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Re: What is awsome?


Have done simular but soon I'll share 1 of my master piece duplicate concepts and maybe more!
Well, you certainly don't seem to lack confidence in your mastery of the HERO System. ;)


Instead of continuing to tell us all how "ingenius" you are, how your constructs are "master pieces," how you "nuked the box," and how you're "the KING," perhaps you should post a couple of these amazing builds (to give you some credibility). Let us judge for ourselves whether they're kingly box-nuking ingenious masterpieces or not... :D

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Guest TheUnknown

Re: What is awsome?


Well, you certainly don't seem to lack confidence in your mastery of the HERO System. ;)


Instead of continuing to tell us all how "ingenius" you are, how your constructs are "master pieces," how you "nuked the box," and how you're "the KING," perhaps you should post a couple of these amazing builds (to give you some credibility). Let us judge for ourselves whether they're kingly box-nuking ingenious masterpieces or not... :D


well ok I'll bless you with the scraps from the kings table! lol;)


I once played a martial artist who bought


feign death usable as an attack to produce the deadly dim mak death touch. In game if you did not have proper defenses then you would fall dead at least to the on looker and if you did not have life support well only a matter of time be for you die.


Light sleeper usable as an attack making it impossible for the affected to sleep so eventually penalties would accumilate and fatigue would set in.


and many simular effects all under 10pts yet extremely effective!;)


have I peeked your curiousity?:dyn

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Re: What is awsome?


well ok I'll bless you with the scraps from the kings table! lol;)


I once played a martial artist who bought


feign death usable as an attack to produce the deadly dim mak death touch. In game if you did not have proper defenses then you would fall dead at least to the on looker and if you did not have life support well only a matter of time be for you die.


Light sleeper usable as an attack making it impossible for the affected to sleep so eventually penalties would accumilate and fatigue would set in.


and many simular effects all under 10pts yet extremely effective!;)


have I peeked your curiousity?:dyn

Not so much.


It takes a lot to impress the members of these boards, and loopholes don't usually elicit cries of joy among us old school players.


Incidentallly... Both of your examples above would be virtually worthless in the modern version of the rules. They would work exactly as written... You could force someone else to gain the bonuses from the appropriate talent. As Simulate Death is now heavily limited Invisibility and lightsleep limited Perception, neither would be at all harmful. Some of the side effects of Simulate death might be, but as the meta rule goes, a limitation that provides no limit isn't a limitation. In order to inflict grief on your target, you'd have to build in the appropriate attack.

A little surfing the achives should turn up a number of "Best Munchkin builds" threads, that have intricately crafted powers or characters that exploit the rules in much more interesting fashions, usually involving recursive Adjustment power loops, interesting exploitation of any of the 1 for 5 cost powers (Multiform, Summoning, Followers, Duplication), or creative manipulations of the Gadget Doubling rules combined with Muliple Power Attacks.


Nice try, Padawan, but you're not a Jedi Master yet :D

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Re: What is awsome?


As The Fool stated, attemting to exploit loopholes doesn't much impress us.


In fact - I'm usually most impressed by clever use of an otherwise mundane or inocuous build.


I mean anyone can bring a 1-Pip HKA; NND; DoesBody; Contiuous; 0END; Persistant attack out and level the playing field.


Like Markdoc's shapeshifter. A rather normal use of Duplication put to ingenious use. Now that's awesome.

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