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WDYCD: Secret ID


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Or more accurately, what does your character do to maintain their secret ID, assuming they have one.


Arbiter. He's a Telepathic Superhero who actually has both a Public ID (Merrick Bahan) and a Secret ID (Arbiter). As Merrick Bahan, he's a well known Telepathic Mutant and Criminal Psychologist who is the author of several books and has a publicly available biography. But he also venture's forth as Arbiter, a robed figure whose telepathic abilities have brought full on superbrawls to a complete stand still. One of the reasons why this actually works is that Merrick is well known for having an obsession with Arbiter, which explains why he always seems to be in the same city as Arbiter. It helps that he possesses psionic invisibility and is a psychomorph (Shapeshift for Mental Group). Even other telepaths (Menton included) would have to be very lucky to probe deep enough into his mind to find that the two are the same individual.


Leatherback. As he was attending college on a football scholarship, he had to hide the fact that he could turn into an 8ft tall Grond with only 2 arms (including a cellular shapeshift). Not because his friends and loved ones might be endangered, but because his scholarship would be endangered, due to either the "must not engage in activities that would bring disrepute upon the image of the University of Nebraska, be it the Kingdom City campus or the College as a whole, or he could simply be kicked off of the team because there was no way of knowing for certain how much of Tommy's athletic ability came from his mystical avatarism. He primarily achieved this by always retreating to the river than ran through the middle of the city, and then entered to sewer network from there. Everyone just assumed that Leatherback lived in the sewers.


Platinum. A former silver avenger who retained most of his abilities. (As a side note, this also establishes for his campaign that as small a percentage of people that can receive the full benefits of the Cyberlene treatments, an equally small percentage find it’s effects to be permanent.) His Secret ID was maintained largely by a very useful gadget that he had.

Costume Change Ring – Shapeshift (Sight and Touch Groups), Instant Change; Cost END only to change (+¼); IIF: Ring (-¼), 4 Charges (-2). Real Cost 6 points.


Professor Grey. With the ability to summon a set of robes for when he ventures out for crime fighting, this Diabolist has little to fear about his secret being discovered, except the unmasking that any other masked hero fears, i.e. Knocked unconscious and then having his mask removed. He’s actually more worried about someone discovering that Prof. Whittanger is a mutant (he has a prehensile tail that can stretch up to 2m in length), as that might drive enough students away from his lectures that he might lose his tenure.


The Specter was an old hand at the “Disappearing Stranger” technique, and thus was difficult to track.

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


Soulbarb is a mystical OIHID and is generally very secretive about the existence of her HID, operating out of the shadows as much as possible and shying away from media exposure. Most people think she's an urban myth.


Sylph is hopeless at maintaining her secret ID, due to frequent slip-ups and a general attitude that saving people's lives is more important than maintaining her cover. She's gradually converting over to a public ID.

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


The Wizard of Oz Incorporated had a public identity...except for pretending that Tin Man was a separate character when he was really robot which could be operated by someone in an internal compartment or by telecontrol.


Joe Boggs had a public identity.


Riptide also had a public identity.


T.N. Lung also had a public identity.


Phreak had a public identity...


You know what...I tend to think that secret identities are silly. I did have one hero who had a secret identity, but that was because she had instant change to make it more or less practical.

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


Jake the Troll - has a public ID, but that's really only for his hometown; kinda hard to keep the fact that you've been an anthropomorphic iguana your entire life a secret from your neighbors. However, when he has to, he can wander around in his trollknor form, and call himself Jay. Other than having a tail, Jay looks perfectly human. He doesn't do this unless he's going somewhere that people will really freak out about his normal form, though.


Icon - teenager with a Superman complex. So, she's all about jumping into phone booths and tearing off her clothes...er, wait.


While she makes do by wearing a costume, she's not too concerned about keeping her secret - she's planning on 'going public' once she graduates from college, anyway. It's really just a social convienence for her, rather than to 'keep her friends and relatives safe'.


Shinji Miromoto - no secret here, either. He's just not too public with it, though.

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


Icon - teenager with a Superman complex. So, she's all about jumping into phone booths and tearing off her clothes...er, wait.


While she makes do by wearing a costume, she's not too concerned about keeping her secret - she's planning on 'going public' once she graduates from college, anyway. It's really just a social convienence for her, rather than to 'keep her friends and relatives safe'.

what does your character do to maintain their secret ID' date=' assuming they have one.[/quote']:think:
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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


Zl'f is short (4' 9½") and normally goes barefoot in action with her meter-long hair in a ponytail, so in her Secret ID she puts her hair piled up or in French braids and always wears high-heeled shoes or boots to look several inches taller. She favors floor-length dresses or skirts and severe business outfits to make her look older and disguise her athletic physique. She always wears tinted glasses to disguise her true eye color (gray); since she's colorblind it doesn't distort her color vision. She also favors earth-tones, since her known identity preferred bright colors. (She has a highly publicized known ID as a former Olympic medalist; her Secret ID as a senior executive assistant for the director of a major international philanthropic organization is bought with the Perk: Alternate Identity.) Of course, it also helps that her boss and several coworkers are superheroes too. No need to explain the frequent unplanned absences. :D

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID




That's really all she does - when she goes out on patrol and whatnot, she just wears a costume. Well, that, and she goes by "Icon", and not "Emma Hoffman". Other than that, not much. So far, she hasn't had any need to, as she does most of her crimefighting during the night, rather than during the day. As such, there's no real reason to get out of class or stuff like that.

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


Sparky: He's a dog. Technically, he doesn't do anything to conceal his identity... but most people can't really tell one dog from another of his breed, which helps out a lot.


Void: He gets a little creepy about his ID. Honestly, he *almost* doesn't care... but he'll do just about anything short of killing to protect it. On the one hand, he's got little personal reason to keep it secret. His family is dead, he's got a death wish... but, rather like Bruce Wayne, he knows that Void is more powerful than Dominic. Unfortunately, like some versions of Bruce Wayne... how much of it is secret ID versus "another person in my head" is blurrier and blurrier from one day to the next.


To protect Void's secret, he actually doesn't make a show of leaving when Void has to go out, he just does so, surreptitiously (and comes up with an excuse later, if necessary). He also hires the occasional body double (look, I really don't want to go to this function, I've got a date for heaven's sake, take it okay?) and then appears in the same place as Void later on. As a result, most folks 'know' that Dominic DuBey and Void can't be the same person - they've seen them together!


Darkchild: Being a mystic, she doesn't bother with a mask, or even a costume - she just uses a spell that makes people forget who she really is, and she's ready to go. ;)

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


Let's see:


Lady Silver: she's relatively well known as a philantrophist but I decided to not take the Public ID for her civilian ID. Seemed too much like double-dipping. Anyway, she is a wizard and uses a glamour to makes herself look a little different as Amanda Worthington (hair is only shoulder length, she's pretty as opposed to beautiful, and her features change a bit).


Starknight: she uses form-fitting armor with a half-helmet in her powered up form. Also, she has a moderate glow when her forcefield is up that obscures her features as well.


Sentinel: his ID is a classified secret known only to some military and civilian commanders... and some old enemies. He has a full face mask.


Tyr: although not on the character sheet, he does have a shift between his true form and a less impressive civilian form although he retains his powers in either form.

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


Hell's Angel undergoes a complete transformation from Gayle Roark, budding novelist, into Hell's Angel. Hell's Angel is much taller, has a hellacious PRE and COM and immense feathered wings. Unless someone sees the change, there's not much chance of anyone figuring out the secret. Of course...in her current adventure she came home to find the Salamander (her Nemesis and Hunted) waiting in her kitchen. Apparently, he's figured it out.


Black Mask is rather a Kato-like figure. A black outfit and a Lone Ranger-style mask are all he uses. It seems to be enough.


Le Fantome dresses like The Shadow--wide brimmed slouch hat, muffler, trenchcoat, etc. Anyone who knew him well might figure it out, but he generally doesn't get that close to anyone he knows when he's in costume.

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


Couple others I forgot about....


Scarface: Like 'Le Fantome,' he dresses to conceal his identity very well. However, that's less to protect his secret ID (which, for all intents and purposes, doesn't exist; his secret ID officially carked it years ago) than to keep people from reacting in horrible disgust at his real appearance.


When appearing in public as Dr. Able Mallet, he uses a personally designed sort of 'artificial face' to keep folks from seeing who he is (rather like Darkman, without the sunlight-related issues).


Insight (who I have yet to play, but am hoping Kirby approves her. ^^): Her ID is protected, in part, by her contacts with PRIMUS. While she doesn't work for them officially, she works with them semi-regularly, so they've pulled a few strings here and there for her. Ironically, unlike most supers, she didn't put together a secret ID to escape the hazards of being a superhero - she put Insight together so she could work on worthwhile cases and causes without *further* exacerbating the intolerable (to her) amounts of attention Jessica Talbot already gets for being a known 'precog' and mutant (thanks to a leak to the press after an early case).

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


Enigma - Her SID is that of a reclusive book dealer, who keeps a store mostly as a place to put her books and takes visitors by appointment only. Actually, the majority of her appointments are her going to the client to examine a book or collection in person without them having to move the book(s) and possibly damamging them. She had only an aunt and uncle to call family and very few friends. none really actually. And being a rare book dealer and intellectual she travels the world frequently enough that if no one in the neighborhood sees her bookstore open for weeks at a time they don't notice. Assuming they notice when it is open. She tends to wear loose clothes that cover her without flattering her figure much. In her HID she wears a blank white mask that covers her entire face, and goes almost topless to reveal the mystical tattoos she draws power from.

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


Jaguar Pequino is Lycanthropic and gains over a foot in height and 120 pounds of muscle when she changes.


Corona Wears a wig and colored contacts to make her look more like a famous hero (her origin is almost exactly the same as the other). And she does actually cover most of her face with a cowl further covering her face.


Thrum Hasn't done anything yet that would require her to protect her identity(PBEM game that she's in is still in the 'meet the others' phase)

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


I assume that's supposed to be Spanish for "Little Jaguar". If so, it's "pequeño".


And actually, if she's the Global Guardians character that I am thinking off... well, they speak Portugese in Brasil, not Spanish. As such, I believe it would be "onça pintada pequeno" or perhaps just "pintada pequeno"... not sure, my Portugese sucks even worse then my Spanish ;)


I do know we've had some native speakers here if you wanted to verify that though...

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Re: WDYCD: Secret ID


I assume that's supposed to be Spanish for "Little Jaguar". If so, it's "pequeño".


And actually, if she's the Global Guardians character that I am thinking off... well, they speak Portugese in Brasil, not Spanish. As such, I believe it would be "onça pintada pequeno" or perhaps just "pintada pequeno"... not sure, my Portugese sucks even worse then my Spanish ;)


I do know we've had some native speakers here if you wanted to verify that though...


Thats what I got for a translation into Portugese but it could very well be wrong as I don't have any access to any good speakers of the language at the moment.

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