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Spending experience points


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Re: Spending experience points


I think that would drive me up a wall. As it is' date=' I'm usually impatient to be spending experience I don't have; having the actual character already built and waiting for that XP to come in would leave me frothing at the mouth. Not to mention all the little things I didn't think of, but that came up in roleplay as things I could justify spending points on . . .[/quote']


You just described what it used to feel like playing a 1st level D&D wizard when the players handbook contained the entire spell list including Wish!


I don't mean to imply that future xp builds be viewed as contracts per se.


Just roadmaps.


The GM of my old Amber Diceless game handled xp using a variation of this theme. He never told us exactly how much XP we had. He just asked us to periodically turn in a future wishlist of abilities we wanted to apply it towards. Any left over XP was counted as "Good Stuff" which worked a lot like "Luck" until enough XP accumulated for the next ability on your list.

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