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Movement in a Jetliner!

Lord Hobie

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


You could probably move at 1/2 speed with an acrobatics or DEX roll and maybe 1/4 speed without. Of course it depends - if everyone is in their seat, I'd have thought that you could run up the central corridor unimpeded, if everyone is up and about you could not make any realistic progress unless you were willing to shove people out of the way and risk hurting them.


This is not a situation that comes up an awful lot. I'd assume that you could always make crawling speed, but I can not recall what that is in Hero without reference to the book.

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


  1. Is the plane flying straight and level or manuevering wildly?
  2. How is the character moving? (Running or Flight w/no turn mode?)
  3. How much concern is being given to not run into other passengers if present?
  4. How strong is the character? If the character has a high enough STR (40+) normal passengers are probably not going to slow him down whether they want to or not. (Remember, the optional Casual STR rules allow for shrugging off grabs without using an action.)

If the answers to 1 and 2 are straight/level and Flight I'd allow near full move since the area just above and either side of aisle should be clear regardless. If the plane is manuevering wildly then holding on will be an issue. Clinging would be priceless though.

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


Depends on how the character was moving. A normal guy pushing and soving down a crowded isle might be limited to 1-2 hexes per Phase, more if he can make a Casual STR roll to physical shove people asside. Shoving people asside will likely make them very angry, and possibly injured depending on how much force the character is using.


Martial Artists and other typically agile types might be able to slip through people with an Acrobatics Roll, or maybe just a DEX roll. I'd say -1 per hex for an Acrobatics roll, or -1 per obstical (seat or person) if using DEX. Failure means the character must stop moving, or use force (casual or full STR) to bully asside whatever's in the way.


Of course, if the isle is empty, running up and down it at full speed should be an option.

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


  1. Is the plane flying straight and level or manuevering wildly?


Oh yeah, my suggestions above assume the plane is moving straight and level at an even pace. Additional modifiers would apply if the plane were taking off or landing, sustaining turblance or falling out of control after losing three engines and a wing.

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


Guys, I'm not sure how long it's been since you were last on an aircraft, but running down it, even when it's empty, is hazardous to your health. Those aisles are tight! Unless you're careful and below average size, you're going to bang hips and hands/arms just walking down them. Heck, walking normally down them is about half speed unless you want to collect bruises.

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


Guys' date=' I'm not sure how long it's been since you were last on an aircraft, but running down it, even when it's empty, is hazardous to your health. Those aisles are [i']tight![/i] Unless you're careful and below average size, you're going to bang hips and hands/arms just walking down them. Heck, walking normally down them is about half speed unless you want to collect bruises.





Keith "geez, whatta me-too post" Curtis

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


I thought this was going to be something along the lines of "If Captain Justice is in an airliner moving at 150"' date=' and he tries to fly towards the cockpit with his 12" Flight, is he slammed into the back of the plane?"[/quote']


Actually, I think this is the more interesting question. I mean, the answer, I think would be special effect dependent. Bird-style flight would prevent the slam, since the flier is moving through air that's moving at the same speed he's starting at. But there might be some types that....

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


Cool! I want a character with Regen from Death, and 0" Flight. Add a sense for Cosmically Aware of Motion of the Universe, if I want it to be useful.


Get downstream of villian, fly 0" - which puts me at rest with the Universe. So now I'm moving at, like .99c and smear the first thing I hit!


Whooo! The most powerful, cheapest Power EVER!! I WIN!!

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


Cool! I want a character with Regen from Death, and 0" Flight. Add a sense for Cosmically Aware of Motion of the Universe, if I want it to be useful.


Get downstream of villian, fly 0" - which puts me at rest with the Universe. So now I'm moving at, like .99c and smear the first thing I hit!


Whooo! The most powerful, cheapest Power EVER!! I WIN!!


Actually one of the incarnations of ... damn, I forget his name ... the guy in the flagsuit from alpha flight ... could do this: superspeed flight by "rendering himself at rest with regard to the earth's motion".*


I thought WTF? when I first read it - wouldn't that mean he'd go shooting off at a tangent into outer space? And since his face is exposed and he's not Batman, I assume he can't survive in outer space.


Actually as far as I recall, he only ever used that power once so maybe it had negative consequences :D


cheers, Mark


*What does it mean that I can remember a line of dialog from a comic I read 20+ years ago, but not the name of one of the main characters? My conclusion is that that he was obviously the most boring character...

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


Actually one of the incarnations of ... damn, I forget his name ... the guy in the flagsuit from alpha flight ... could do this: superspeed flight by "rendering himself at rest with regard to the earth's motion".*


I thought WTF? when I first read it - wouldn't that mean he'd go shooting off at a tangent into outer space? And since his face is exposed and he's not Batman, I assume he can't survive in outer space.


Actually as far as I recall, he only ever used that power once so maybe it had negative consequences :D


cheers, Mark


*What does it mean that I can remember a line of dialog from a comic I read 20+ years ago, but not the name of one of the main characters? My conclusion is that that he was obviously the most boring character...


Vindicator was the character's name and I think the sfx was rendering himself stationary to the planet's axis of rotation by way of some linkage to the magnetic field. Byrne at his goofiest.

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


Vindicator was the character's name and I think the sfx was rendering himself stationary to the planet's axis of rotation by way of some linkage to the magnetic field. Byrne at his goofiest.


When one compares this to:


- because he can turn into organic steel


- his screams can lift him into the air


- his eyes constantly emit energy strong enough to push a tank back, but a thin lens of a type of quartz stops it


- he can vanish from one location and appear in another, emitting a smell of sulpher


- his bones are metal-bonded and he has claws up his forearms


- she just concentrates and she can control the weather precisely enough to make lightning strike...indoors


Is Vindicator's SFX really all that goofy? And that's just the X-Men at the time. Comics include a lot of rubber science.

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


*What does it mean that I can remember a line of dialog from a comic I read 20+ years ago' date=' but not the name of one of the main characters? My conclusion is that that he was obviously the most boring character...[/quote']

It wasn't dialogue, at least not originally. In the comic (X-Men 109, I believe), "Weapon Alpha" appears to teleport away, ending the fight begun when he attacked Woverine. Byrne explained what he did in an interview later. I don't know if Weapon Alpha/Vindicator/Guardian's later incarnations ever did it again.


Now, what does it mean that I can remember what Byrne said in an interview over 20 years ago?


I might also add that this is somehow my second reference to a 25-year-old comic (X-Men 109) on this board in 2 days:


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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


I thought this was going to be something along the lines of "If Captain Justice is in an airliner moving at 150"' date=' and he tries to fly towards the cockpit with his 12" Flight, is he slammed into the back of the plane?"[/quote']


Or does he make a Captain-Justice-shaped hole in the top of it, whichever way is up at that moment? Depends on whether the plane is making 150" flying straight forward, or has suffered a malfunction and is going down.


The first thought that came to mind when I read this thread's title was what kind of rules discussion can we have about an airplane's toilet?


These both sound like good candidates for the Bad Thoughts thread ;)

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


Guys' date=' I'm not sure how long it's been since you were last on an aircraft, but running down it, even when it's empty, is hazardous to your health. Those aisles are [i']tight![/i] Unless you're careful and below average size, you're going to bang hips and hands/arms just walking down them. Heck, walking normally down them is about half speed unless you want to collect bruises.

Not that long ago actually. I've also felt the need to run from my bedroom to the kitchen as fast as I could rather recently and noticed I'm moving somewhat slower than I could if springing in a straight line on level ground with no obsticles... but since the rules for Turn Modes don't apply to running, I figure neither should the rules for "narrow isles".

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Re: Movement in a Jetliner!


I wonder if we are showing a true appreciation for how cramped an airliner is, and how rarely during a flight it is even possible to have an unimpeded pth from the back to the front (and vice versa). During a flight, there will be several occasions when a snack or meal cart will completely blocki the aisle, makming passage impossible. Most of the time someone is headed towards or back from the restrooms, and he thinness of the ailes makes passing them difficult.


And if you're trying to get to the cockpit, don't even think about it. There's a locked, unforceable door between the pilots and the cabin now, as a precaution against hijacking, and if you're in a situation where "The Pilot's gone insane and is going to do something horrible", then he'll be on the other side of that door.

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