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Brainstorm: The Dark Side.


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The idea of this brainstorming session will be to explore "dark" version of a CU character. It's inspired by my WWYCD: The Dark Side thread, which was itself inspired by the "Blue Shrike" plot seed for Blue Jay in CKC. Any discussions on "Darkness as a metaphor for Evil" belongs here.

Another part of this is the idea from the 4E suppliment, Champions 3D, where one of the alternate earths had villainous versions of various heroes, heroic versions of various villains and a decidedly "Dark" version of C.L.O.W.N..


In the Blue Shrike example, I envisioned two new slots on Blue Jay's multi-power.

1) Pulse Laser - RKA 2d6; Armour Piercing (+½), Autofire (5 shots; +½); 60a; OIF (-½), Beam (-¼), No KB (-¼). 30r. Slot Cost= 3u.

2) Razor-Edge Wings - HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 w/STR); Armour Piercing (+½); 0 END (+½); 60a; OIF (-½). 40r. Slot Cost= 4u.


This was along with the appropriate changes to her psychological limitations.


Now, while CU writeups of heroes are few and far between, I was wondering if anyone else had any ideas on what the "Dark" version of these would be like, or even "Dark" versions of not-so-villainous villains, like the above.

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