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WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


This is an idea I'm working on for a comic relief adventure in my campaign' date=' using an NPC I built a couple of years ago but never really tried out.[/quote']




Quick! Find Stephen Chow and tell him to knock it off!

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!



Many, many ninjas later


"Hmmm, maybe if I hang out with these ninjas in disguise I can find out who owes me that beer".


Snapback grabs a ninja night suit, hangs around in a likely area, and waits. When the ninjas appear, he puts on a suit and poses for a bit like a ninja. Then he hangs out with the ninjas and sees if he can find a clue as to where they're coming from. He will kill any that are going to kill people or beat up innocents, but crooks are fair game.


Question: Are the local enforcers speaking the same gibberish? And do they have anything linking them together? Deduction 8-, Streetwise and Acting at 14-


PS: Sounds like super-duper ninjas to me. Or Gweenies.

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!



Many, many ninjas later


"Hmmm, maybe if I hang out with these ninjas in disguise I can find out who owes me that beer".


Snapback grabs a ninja night suit, hangs around in a likely area, and waits. When the ninjas appear, he puts on a suit and poses for a bit like a ninja. Then he hangs out with the ninjas and sees if he can find a clue as to where they're coming from. He will kill any that are going to kill people or beat up innocents, but crooks are fair game.


Question: Are the local enforcers speaking the same gibberish? And do they have anything linking them together? Deduction 8-, Streetwise and Acting at 14-


PS: Sounds like super-duper ninjas to me. Or Gweenies.



Local thugs who join the Ninjas continue to speak their native languages, but display some confusion. If interogated

they say that they now serve The Master, followed by comments that he "called to me" and "openned my eyes". The only obvious link; the thugs who joined the Ninja were well trained martial artists, not just street toughs.



Hanging out with the Ninja will eventually lead back to the Master.

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


Local thugs who join the Ninjas continue to speak their native languages, but display some confusion. If interogated

they say that they now serve The Master, followed by comments that he "called to me" and "openned my eyes". The only obvious link; the thugs who joined the Ninja were well trained martial artists, not just street toughs.



Hanging out with the Ninja will eventually lead back to the Master.


Then Snapback would hang out with the ninjas (they're not real ninja, so they get the plural), although it would probably take a couple of goes because he'd, like, defend innocents and stuff which would mean no more ninjas to hang out with.


Did you know Snapback knew a ninja once? (Obviously not, because you have never met or played with this character before :)) She was the real deal.


He'd also keep an eye out for Seeker, who is also a fake ninja:D

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


Part the Third:


Through investigation, hanging out with Ninjas, mind control, or some other means, you have finally tracked the Master Ninja down to his lair, a closed for the season amusement park outside of Campaign City, now filled with cunning traps (well, traps) and deadly Ninjas (well, Ninjas).


Confronting the Master Ninja, you find he’s a full metahuman, with a range of bizarre abilities. He seems able to call on an unlimited supply of Ninjas, is an extremely competent martial artist with low level superhuman speed and strength, and has a range of traditional Ninja tricks, from vanishing at will to special attacks and defenses. His mind is well protected. Any character in your team with more than 15 points in Martial Maneuvers and related skills will be subjected at least once during the fight to 15d6 Mind Control, and ordered first to protect the Master Ninja and then to attack his team mates.


You also find that the Master Ninja himself is a juvenile, not too bright, and apparently insane.


How does the fight go?


After the fight ends, whether the Master Ninja escapes or is captured, some but not all of the Ninjas vanish. What do you do with the Ninjas that don’t seem to be from this time or this Earth?

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


Rocket Man has a stunner weapon (-0, Stun only) and a NND Stunner, so he uses those a lot on the kid with lots of spreading to help him hit. RM can also fly so he tries to avoid the ninja attacks as much as possible to focus on the master. He may gadgeteer a detector capable of targeting the kid when he's invisible, or when he teleports away (20 point gadget pool and Gadgeteering 17-).


After the kid's knocked out, he'll try to find a way to keep him there until the kid can be moved to a secure mental facility (mental entagles from team mentalist? Gadgeteered mental-power suppression?).

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


Part the second:


I remember the villain you're referring to from one of your previous posts on him. :) Not specific abilities, but the overall theme.


Soulbarb: gets the street level investigator spoiler. She doesn't speak Japanese, but she might be able to tape some of the ninjas talking and get it translated, or otherwise get the assistance of someone who does speak Japanese. She doesn't have the ability to detect mystic energy directly, but she does have enough mystic KS to be able to guess that something funny involving magic is going on. And she can also examine the ninjas' souls directly, and probably learn something of their confusion thereby.


However, when it comes to tracking down and confronting, unless I am running a more experienced version of the character than I normally do, she has to rely on mundane detective work and stealth to find and track her foe. So she gets to try to out-ninja the ninja. :)


This doesn't mean she'll go in without preparing herself for the confrontation, though. She'll do some magical research to see if she can figure out how these 'ninja' are popping up all the time and if there's anything she can do to prevent it. This will include visiting a contact or two who are actual practitioners. She'll also recruit her boyfriend Nocturne to provide backup and recon; he's got enhanced strength, phasing powers, and is even more invisible in the dark than she is.


Most likely she will wind up getting wind of someone spotting one of the Master's operations through her contacts, and/or following some Ninja back to their Master (after nightfall.) Once there, she'll observe him for a bit until she gets some idea of who he is and/or what he can do, and at an opportune moment, attempt an ambush. If he has no special senses and is not exceptionally observant, she might well succeed. But since she's relying on Stealth 14- for her unobtrusiveness, if he does have exceptional senses he could quite possibly spot her.


A more experienced version of the character would have access to a small but growing amount of demonic magic, which should make the job of tracking the ninja to their master while avoiding discovery much simpler.




Sylph: Is reasonably intelligent but not much of a detective, and has no special powers that would let her find the ninja Master. Her semi-boyfriend does have mental powers, though, and could probably inform her that these ninja are very confused. She would probably want to help them somehow, though without a clear idea of how best to do that beyond putting a stop to whatever is messing with their memories. Most likely result is that her boyfriend breaks the mental hold the Master has over some of the ninja, and they agree to help Sylph and her boyfriend locate the Master. Beyond that, though, Sylph wouldn't take any special precautions, as she's not particularily tactically savvy. She'd also be non-confrontational and prefer to talk with the Master Ninja, to try to understand him and figure out what he wants, rather than to fight him.

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


Part the Third:


Soulbarb: Doesn't have martial arts -- or at least, for a more experienced version, not enough to get the Mind Control attack. She does have area effect attacks and can take out many ninja at once, or tag Master Ninja while invisible if she has a general idea of where he is. She also can stick to the walls and ceiling and generally stay out of reach of the ninja, except on terms of her own choosing. However, unless I'm playing a more experienced version of the character with access to magic, she has no special way of detecting him when he vanishes, so he could play cat and mouse for a while. Most likely result is that she takes out a bunch of ninja and lands a hit or two on the Master, he attempts to run and hide while allowing his minions to deal with her, she dodges a few traps while chasing him, and then Nocturne phases out from inside a wall and pops the Ninja Master from surprise, stunning him long enough for Soulbarb to land the finishing blow. She will drop Master Ninja off with Primus, leaving a note describing in layman's terms his mental instability and what she observed of his powerset, and trust that they'll take care of things from there. As far as the ninja that failed to vanish go, she'll probably dump that problem in Primus's lap as well. She doesn't have any particular ability to send them home, though she might try to contact Imagine, a dimensional traveller, who is the only person she can think of who could.


Sylph: Also doesn't have martial arts. If attacked, entangles whole bunches of ninja at once. Tries to get through to Master Ninja, but his insanity is a substantial obstacle to meaningful conversation. When this becomes clear, she'll try to entangle him as well (with a stronger single-target entangle as he can probably break the area-effect one.) She has a decent OCV so might well succeed, and if he has only minor-league superstrength he might find it difficult to break out of. If the entangle won't hold him, she might try her poison ivy (NND), and if she's having trouble hitting him, she'll try her hypnotic fragrance (EGO suppress) and spread for OCV to convince him to calm down and come along quietly.


If Sylph takes a serious hit, she'll transform to maenad mode, in which case the whole scene seems like a giant party to her. The ninja will find themselves unable to seriously bother her as she's pretty much immune to low-level physical attacks in this mode. Pretty soon they will all start dancing as her magic takes hold, and form a giant conga line. Only the Master Ninja will be immune to this, and probably infuriated enough to risk a personal attack. This will prove to be a very bad idea as she is likely more resistant to his physical attacks, than he is to hers, plus she can still use her plant-related powers to set him up for a big hit.


Again, she'll have to leave the cleanup after the fact to UNTIL. Her boyfriend might be able to help her understand the predicament faced by the remaining ninja left behind after the Master Ninja is taken away. However, there is little she can do to help them... unless she thinks to pray to Dionysus and see if he's willing to help. Though that involves its own risks...

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


Double Eagle, a synthesis between Cap, Doc Savage and Batman, is a master of Martial Arts himself as well as being hunted by the Ninjas. He would continue to stymie them as much as possible but his detective skills, KS: Ninjas, and backstory would cause me to ask the GM for a roll at determining more on the Master.


Cyberknight would try to follow them from the air counting on his Power Armor to protect him from their attacks. Likely more useful as a crimetopper than a mystery solver.


Prodigy is a mentalist with a 95 point Psychic VP and would discover the spoiler data per telepathy. Psychic healing, mind control or mental defense, usable on other s would be attempted in order to "organize" their thoughts.

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


Jake the Troll - "Ninjas! KEEN!" He would then grimace at their inability to actually match up with actual historical ninja (Jake is a bit of a geek snob in that respect), and thus just kinda follow a couple of 'em back to their lair in a shapeshifted disguise. The ninja would bounce off of him in his "normal" form, so at that point it would really just be a matter of time while he chased the head ninja around the warehouse.


Shinji Miromoto - Is a Japanese nationalist, a dark psychic, and martial artist. He's all over this one. He'd use his VPP to 'destroy' any overt control the other psychic had over them, interrogate them, and follow them back. Then, he'd get hit with the psychic control. He'd get hosed by that, but the controller would be picking up a point of unblockable psychic "taint" (basically, a point of "Transform from sane person to crazy person") every round that they were in mental contact. The telepath would have a brain anurysm in a minute or so. Jake would grieve over his death, and move on. If the telepath broke contact, Jake would shadowstep out of there and come back with reinforcements.


Icon - "Ninjas? Usually I get pirates." No, really, she does - there was quite the nautical theme in her Year One Rogue's Gallery.

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


Part the Third:


Through investigation, hanging out with Ninjas, mind control, or some other means, you have finally tracked the Master Ninja down to his lair, a closed for the season amusement park outside of Campaign City, now filled with cunning traps (well, traps) and deadly Ninjas (well, Ninjas).


Confronting the Master Ninja, you find he’s a full metahuman, with a range of bizarre abilities. He seems able to call on an unlimited supply of Ninjas, is an extremely competent martial artist with low level superhuman speed and strength, and has a range of traditional Ninja tricks, from vanishing at will to special attacks and defenses. His mind is well protected. Any character in your team with more than 15 points in Martial Maneuvers and related skills will be subjected at least once during the fight to 15d6 Mind Control, and ordered first to protect the Master Ninja and then to attack his team mates.


You also find that the Master Ninja himself is a juvenile, not too bright, and apparently insane.


How does the fight go?


After the fight ends, whether the Master Ninja escapes or is captured, some but not all of the Ninjas vanish. What do you do with the Ninjas that don’t seem to be from this time or this Earth?


Blue Star, being part of a team that includes a pretty powerful mentalist, would move to arrest said "Master Ninja". Also, since all of the team has been learning Martial Arts from a Martial Arts Master, I'm pretty sure most of the team would be subjected at least once to that 15d6 mind control. Fortunately, the Mentalist has some strong mental defenses and the ability to dispel mind control.


Meanwhile, the player would be making "Tick" jokes and wondering out loud where the giant candy corn artifact is...

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


Part One:


Stage one is easy for both Natasha and Great Beyond: Kick major Ninja booty! GB would probably be more analytical about it, where Natasha would just happily jump from one pack (Gaggle? Flock) of Ninja to the next all night long. GB would be better at crowd control, she's got pretty good entangles at her disposal.


Part 1a)

GB cant understand, but Natasha has a universal translator built into her 57 Chevy, so she'd figure out toot sweet that the Ninja were talking jibba jabba.


If you have any sort of Sense Mystic Energy, Sense Dimensional Energy, Detect Time Alteration


GB has a pretty good detect magic in her bag of tricks, so figuring out that there's a mastermind behind matters would be pretty easy. She's also had a long history with the local Chinese supervillian mafia in town (who probably wouldn't be too happy with the goings on), who would most likely set aside their differences to collaborate on sussing out the mastermind behind the attack.


Natasha, on the other hand - she's not the investigative type, but she does have experience with temporal and spatial physics that one of her high tech time toys might eventually ping on the Ninja. From there, it's a simple matter of following one of the boys back to their lair.


Part the Third:


Eventually, the luster wears off even beating up ninja, so Natasha would just work her way to the head of the class for some Mastermind whopping. If the smoke bombs/flash grenades/hide/teleport/ninja bag o' tricks proved to be too troublesome, she'd just grow really big and use her Area Effect: Foot to just smush the whole damn place.


GB would probably be more indirect - using stealth of her own to get nice and close to The Big Boss and freeze him solid before the psudo-ninja knew what was up.


Fortunately neither of them have more than a handful of points in Martial Maneuvers, so none of them would be effected (a good thing, considering Natasha's oh - how shall we say, ego of a small child or underdeveloped sponge).


Afterwards for the clean up - GB would turn the remaining Ninja over to Portal Corp. Since they're the extra-dimensional experts, it's probably be their jurisdiction to return folks to their right time and place.


Poor old Natasha however would probably be stuck doing more hours of her community service for the Time Cops (she had a couple of . . . temporal indiscretions) and they'd make her put all the ninja back by hand.

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!



Stage one is easy for both Natasha and Great Beyond: Kick major Ninja booty! GB would probably be more analytical about it, where Natasha would just happily jump from one pack (Gaggle? Flock) of Ninja to the next all night long. GB would be better at crowd control, she's got pretty good entangles at her disposal.


I'm thinking a "shadow" of ninja.

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Re: WWYCD: Whoa! Ninjas!


Part the Third:


Through investigation, hanging out with Ninjas, mind control, or some other means, you have finally tracked the Master Ninja down to his lair, a closed for the season amusement park outside of Campaign City, now filled with cunning traps (well, traps) and deadly Ninjas (well, Ninjas).


Confronting the Master Ninja, you find he’s a full metahuman, with a range of bizarre abilities. He seems able to call on an unlimited supply of Ninjas, is an extremely competent martial artist with low level superhuman speed and strength, and has a range of traditional Ninja tricks, from vanishing at will to special attacks and defenses. His mind is well protected. Any character in your team with more than 15 points in Martial Maneuvers and related skills will be subjected at least once during the fight to 15d6 Mind Control, and ordered first to protect the Master Ninja and then to attack his team mates.


You also find that the Master Ninja himself is a juvenile, not too bright, and apparently insane.


How does the fight go?


Snapback enters the hideout, having bypassed or spring all the traps finally encounters the 'dreaded' Master only to see...




Snapback strips off what is left of his disguise, and draws his guns as he is attacked by a horde of ninjas. However he is reluctant to engage The Master. When the dust has settled, only Snapback and The Master remain.


"Look kid, don't make me shoot you."



"I mean it, I don't want to..."



"Will you just stop? I'm trying to do the right thing here. Just listen to..."



"Right! That's it!"


BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! [Headshots]


"Jeez kid, now look what you made me do. Stupid kid... I need a drink."



"Just a kid."


After the fight ends, whether the Master Ninja escapes or is captured, some but not all of the Ninjas vanish. What do you do with the Ninjas that don’t seem to be from this time or this Earth?


Snapback shrugs, mimes having a drink to the confused looking ninjas, takes them to a bar, and buys them all a drink. Beer is a universal language.


Meanwhile, back at the hideout, the abandoned body of The Master twitches, and his eyes, clear of insanity, open.

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