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Which Villain Do You Want to Play?


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Re: Which Villain Do You Want to Play?


From Champions characters, I'd love to play Firewing. There is a streak of nobility in Ariax Thone that's eclipsed by his obsession with victory and glory, but I think that sufficiently dramatic events could cause him to reevaluate his purpose in life and turn his passion to a more positive cause.


On top of that, he has a classic origin, great visuals and SFX, and I enjoy playing powerhouse characters. :)


Excellent pick, Firewing is a multifaceted fellow just waiting to be developed in almost any campaign as an NPC, so he'd also make an excellent PC for high powered games.

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Re: Which Villain Do You Want to Play?


Hmm, well, if we're constrained to Champions characters, then I want to be a Mechanon unit that got fitted with a behavior governor, Asimov's Laws style. That way I can still trash-talk the organics but be forced to risk my shiny hide saving them.


If it's wide open, then it's my namesake for sure. There's just too many ways to work him in as operating on the side of the angels. He could be doing some wierd plot like when he impersonated Iron Fist, be indebted to the PCs for something or working to stop a menace to the Skrull race/empire/whatnot. The possibilities are endless. He works as evil plotter, weary veteran, missguided patriot or opportunistic jerk. Plus, he can be scaled up or down dependant on the amount of power being fed to him.

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Re: Which Villain Do You Want to Play?


Uh, huh, you just keep thinking that.


Because I want you to think that:eg:




DANG! I knew you would put the last 14 XP to good use, Menton!


But it does also seem that my Mental Defense Force Field is not working properly ...


I'll never shop again at "Foxbat's Garage Sale At Bargain Prices" - damn piece of junk! :mad:

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Re: Which Villain Do You Want to Play?


Easy choice: Mind Slayer. She's eeeeeevil.


(I have yet to run a game with her as a villain where one of the players didn't end up calling her a b**** at some point. Heck, when Rob Bell sent me back the first round of editor notes for Mind Games way back when, he had only one word written in red ink next to her writeup.)

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Re: Which Villain Do You Want to Play?


I quite like Josiah Brimstone... tragic.


Signal Ghost would be fun too.


Utility would be cool - I've always liked the character.


Cateran would be an interesting play as well, but then I've got a soft spot for immortal characters.


Old character? Dark Prowler... great character.

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Re: Which Villain Do You Want to Play?


I already have done this.


Psilancer is my version of Lancer. Slightly changed up power set, but still has a problem with authority. I always thought she was the one member of PSI that wasn't irredemable.


Another I'd play is Howler. I see her as being able to work out her issues and become good.

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