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Pyramid in the Sky?


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I was browsing some of the back stock and ran across two titles that I have never heard of, 'Pyramid in the sky' and 'Dystopia'. Dystopia gives you some information over what to expect out of it but I get nothing from Pyramid in the Sky. Can anyone fill in the blanks for me? Are these good? I expect to do a little adjusting to make these work in my campaign but I just want to know if the product is worth the time first.

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Re: Pyramid in the Sky?


Pyramid in the Sky was about a group of alien slaves coming to Earth and seeking sanctuary if I remember right. It had a villian group based on movie making (director, best boy, stuntman, gaffer, etc.) and had a villian leader of a camp for meta wannabees. A totally convoluted adventure and as far as I was concerned, a waste of money.


Dystopia took the Geodistics from Enemies (Champions first edition) and updated to semi fourth edition. Worth the money due to the backstory used to update the characters.


Hope this helps.

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Re: Pyramid in the Sky?


Pyramid in the Sky - I bought it, read it once and put it away never to be seen again. It was 3 short adventures in one sourcebook. It was set up just like Shadows of the City, but was not quite as good. If you would like some more details PM me.


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Re: Pyramid in the Sky?


Pyramid in the Sky was about a group of alien slaves coming to Earth and seeking sanctuary if I remember right. It had a villian group based on movie making (director, best boy, stuntman, gaffer, etc.) and had a villian leader of a camp for meta wannabees. A totally convoluted adventure and as far as I was concerned, a waste of money.


Dystopia took the Geodistics from Enemies (Champions first edition) and updated to semi fourth edition. Worth the money due to the backstory used to update the characters.


Hope this helps.


It does a lot. Thanks

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Re: Pyramid in the Sky?


I had the opposite reaction to most of the above posters.

(Not suprising given my love of Allies and High-Tech Enemies)


I found Dystopia very Iron Age. The end of the adventure pretty much comes out and says that if the PC group has codes vs. killing the bad guys get away with it and only dark champions style characters will have a satisfying conclusion.




Pyramid in the sky *is* a bit uneven. But there is a lot to mine there.

The superhero camp, with it's really incongruent secret master is probably the weakest part.

The Director and his crew, with their movie cliche plots actually worked really well for my 4-color heroes. How often do you actually get to act out the "stop a train full of nuns before it goes off a cliff" or "catch the falling window washers" super hero genre bits?

The city-sized ship full of psychic vampire crab men and their slaves is a great oppertunity for heroic role-playing. Good for space man Spiff schlock or Captain America "rally the troops" role playing. There is also a great "escape the detention block" sub-plot.

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