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Hey folks, I bought the hero game 5th edition when it came out, and have not really played any thing since. I am looking to start an espionage adventure and I am choosing which system I want to use (GURPS 3rd edition, Spycraft 1/2, or Hero) can any of you guys guide me towards any premade adventures or the like? Thanks




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Re: Espionage


I'm afraid there not much out there for premade adventures at the moment.The spy gengre is not that popular at this time. I would definately suggest checking out Dark Champions. It's has a lot of good ideas for an espionage game.


I would suggest checking the Spycraft website for published adventures as they are the latest entry in the espionage RPG category.


Other than that you could try the Millenium's End and Modus Operandi websites. they have lots of stuff you can easily convert.


For out-of-print stuff, I would look for modules for TSR's Top secret and Top Secret/SI games from the 1980s and 1990s. Also Hero Games' Danger International is a good source book. It was 3rd editions rules and also currently OOP.


Other than that, you're on your own I'm afraid. Good luck.

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Re: Espionage


Air Pirate already provided links to pre-made adventures that I am aware of for Espionage. I believe that most of the material available on Modus Operandi is easily converted to Hero. However, if you are new to Hero or do not want to spend a lot of time converting material, you may be better off going with Spycraft. I hate saying that because I honestly feel that Hero is a better system. There is just not the same level of ready to use material.

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