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Idea bouncing around in my head..


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In another thread I had the idea of King Kong fighting using Dunken Monkey Kung Fu and it kinda stuck in my head. Couple this with Roter Baron's 60 tall foot BavariaApe and I head a wee idea.


So here is the basic plot to get it to happen.


Der Roter Baron is going to make an appearance in my campaign world, I might even get some input from our inhouse Baron. The Baron wants to attack the Munich Oktoberfest and sends in his 60 foot tall Ape clad in Lederhosen called BavariaApe to do the job.


First question is why he wants to attack the worlds biggest folk festival? Sure we'll be able to have the scene that is stuck in my mind, BavariaApe grabbing a beer delivery lorry, drinking all the beer in one gulp and aquiring DM. Kung Fu, but why attack it in the first place?


The Ape itself is a creation of Telios who alrready has his finger in the campaign plotline pie.


So the question remains why attack The 'fest?

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Re: Idea bouncing around in my head..


"So the question remains why attack The 'fest?"


Why not?


My first thought is "Distraction." While big, borrowed menace threatens lots of civilians, drawing every hero in the area, Agents tunnel into lab/vault to steal the device/artifact needed for the Master Plan.

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Re: Idea bouncing around in my head..


If you are going to use the Festival then I think you are tied into using it as a theme.


Have you ever read Drawing of the Dark by Tim Powers? Fantastic fantasy novel and based round the spiritual ties between Christian civilisation and beer (didn't want to use spoilers!).


Anyway, in that vein the Festival may be being used by a Germanic pagan organisation to spread their tree-hugging goodness via the beer in the festival with the ultimate aim of teaching the world to sing preferably in German! :)


Roter Baron doesn't want to see this and reacts in a typical fashion - the heroes would have the easy decision of whether to stop the Baron and the more difficult ethical decision of whether to stop the pagans from engendering world peace whether the world wants to or not....




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Re: Idea bouncing around in my head..


Hmm, have you been to the 'fest recently? Half of the songs are English language classics like John Denver.


Maybe someone is tampering with the beer and Baron is so outraged that the Rhienheitsgebot is being broken that he attacks trying to stop people drinking the contaminated liquid.


What would you put in 6 million litres of beer to get RB so riled up? ...


How would you get it in considering it is brewed by several different breweries?

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Re: Idea bouncing around in my head..


Hmmm...because the roterB's main source of cash was put out of business by a rival beer company that is a main sponser?....or maybe his archfoe is know to be addicted to clog dancing? Ms. "sexy DNPC" is going to get crowned MS. Ledder?

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Re: Idea bouncing around in my head..




No, seriously, though. Why why? You don't need a 'why.' Can you think of a bigger, better venue for the super villain to test out his toy? What's the rentacop gonna do? Politely ask him to leave? use harsh language?

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Re: Idea bouncing around in my head..


Does the festival typically draw any politicians, celebrities or members of the economic elite? Good for kidnapping to hold for ransom or pry secrets out of, either while BavariApe is distracting security, or just carted off in his big hairy paw.

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