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Looking for help - stealth suit powers?


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Hi all,


I'm looking to get back into champions, and I'm building a power suit character on 250 pts + disad.


My character, Hotspot, is a corporate mascot for an infotechnology company, operating in a suit they gave him (which originally was a spy suit for the USSR, for an agent called the Black Wolf).


I'm looking to avoid the Iron-Man stereotype, so I'm trying to build the Black Wolf Suit to be a stealth suit, and avoid blasts coming out of gauntlets/flying, etc. Now I have 60 pts left to buy stuff for my multipower.


Here's what I've got so far

- polycarbon musculature (+15 STR, +20 DEX, +2" Spd)

- thruster jets (VERY high end cost for my END Reserve)

- taser glove (no range 8d6 EB)

- batteries (200 END Reserve)

- armor (8pd/8ed - no helmet, activates 15-)

- spotlight (images) / strobe light (flash)

- stealth technology (invisibility to HRRP)


I'm drawing a bit of a blank on powers -- I'm looking for spy stuff - surveilance, sneakiness, computer tapping, internet access (AI?), and my time away from Champions means I'm really rusty at coming up with ideas.


Any kibitzing would be appreciated



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Re: Looking for help - stealth suit powers?


Some thoughts while I'm at work...


Hmm... Let's see... Clinging would be good, lets you do classic spy stuff like climb sheer surfaces, cling to ceilings, that sort of thing. I can see it working several ways, SFX-wise... Magnetic grapnel boots, retractable climbing claws, super-advanced quick-decaying adhesives...


Likewise, a swingline might make sense.


Um... Invisible to HRRP is a good start, but you might want to extend it to include the entire Radio Sense Group (I believe that, as written, you'd still show up on radar)... Likewise, you could buy Invisibility to the Sight Group w/ Bright Fringe, for cameleon camoflage, or Predator-style light-warping.


Clairsentience with an Inobvious Accessible Focus, and Expendable Charges, to represent bugs...


Oohh! You need explosives. Some sort of Delayed Effect EB or RKA, perhaps.

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Re: Looking for help - stealth suit powers?


If you want to sneak, Invisibility to Hearing group would be a nice touch. How about an HKA (xd6) with Invisible power effects (Hearing group) only vs inanimate objects or electronics. This would represent the ability to silently destroy locks which had defeated your lockpicking skills, or an EMP weapon which would wipe out electronic alarms.


A "classic" Soviet spy suit might also include lethal hand to hand weaponry (HKAs) or lethal silent ranged weaponry (RKA: invisible to hearing group).


For any powered armor, you could justify all kinds of enhanced senses: Radar Sense, Nightvision, Thermal Perception, HRRP, Ultrasonic Hearing, +X w/ PER rolls, Telescopic senses, even discriminatory/analyze on smell (got to sniff out those booby traps and security systems). Unusual detects could be appropriate: Detect Electronic Devices (Sense, Discriminatory, Analyze) to find burglar alarms (and any other hidden electronics).


Hope that helps.

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Re: Looking for help - stealth suit powers?


Thanks for the advice!


Here's what I've got so far in my attachments -- the downside is I have almost 50 points left (we're playing a 250 base pt game) ... so I still need more gadgetry ...


Anyone got some 50 point ideas?

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Re: Looking for help - stealth suit powers?


My guy isn't very gadgety -- he's just a sales guy in a power suit, to start ... :)


I've added an EMP Pulse to my powers, and fiddled a bit with skills, so I still have 30 points left.


How would you guys stat out an advanced internet link-up? I'm thinking something like that would allow absolute direction sense (GPS), and levels to various skills or KS's, but I'm not sure where to start ...

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Re: Looking for help - stealth suit powers?


Just because you have the points doesn't mean they have to go into the suit. In fact, the character might be more balanced if you spent them elsewhere. How about some Martial Arts (he takes Tae Kwon Do as a hobby or something) or an Overall level or two?


If you do put them in the suit, some other considerations are:

Screening Circuitry: Mental Def (I guess this is a stretch if he doesn't have a helmet)

Stim-Booster: Aid to STN, with charges

Pain Inhibitor: Extra PD/ED, only vs. STN, with continuing charges

Chameleon Field: Images only to blend into surroundings, probably vs Sight, Hearing, & Radar

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Re: Looking for help - stealth suit powers?


How about a holo-emitter that the character can use on himself?


Using this device, he could project an image on himslef of various different clothing and even alternate appearances (super-disguises, anyone?). The tactile effects would be a problem, unless the suit was also equiped with some form of force-field manipulation device that could simulate particular tactile sensations.

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