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WWYCD: Mirror Universe

David Johnston

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Red Death is a villain, and a very nasty one at that, who has made it impossible for other powered versions of himself to exist in the multiverse.


He would probably go on a typical rampage, see if anyone can stop him or raise the dead in this universe, a lot depends on if this is the mirror of his origanal timeline or his current one, and if this is before or after his death.


He wouldn't care about much right now with Invincible dead and Jane having gotten him to kill himself, coming back from that would screw him up more than normal.


Arthur Kent hunts down and kills his alternate self, he has killed his evil self before, and he will try to gather the local heroes to come back to his world for the coming war with Death.


It is possible his father will notice the dimensional changes caused by this and help him get home, but he may miss him with the other such events going on right now.


Terry tries to find a way back home, it depends on if the other X-Men (or any X-Adults) have come with him, he probably ends up dead if he doesn't get back to his own world.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Raven would say "screw it" and steal what she needs, although her teammates would probably object. Based on reversing her Psych Lims, her evil twin would mix self righteousness and sadism in a really nasty way. Raven would probably attempt to kill her if they met.

The Gentleman would beat down the dishonorable cur.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


I would play that game just for the visceral satisfaction of it. I hate the current Marvel Universe.


That's why we exist. That and the fact that it let us call ourselves the new Sinister Six:



Sword Dancer


Fall from Grace


The Corvus.


Thinking about it more closer I think our mirror universe duplicates would be nano-controlled Thunderbolts agents . . .

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Arachne's counterpart would be rather trampy, showing off more skin and more sexuality than is healthy for a 16-year old. She'd be extremely overconfident, but she'd still have the same sassy mouth (though she'd use a lot more four-letter words). She would be the outlaw that the Daily Bugle says she is, robbing banks when she needed some extra cash and hurting people just for laughs.


Batroc would still be a thief, having never succumbed to try her hand at heroism. If she had ever been caught (unlikely considering her MO, but for the sake of argument...), she may have been offered a job working for some covert agency as a spy and assassin. She works for them for now, because doing so amuses her, but they would do well not to trust her very far.


Adamant would be exactly the same as he is right now. :eg:

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


White-Knite: his evil scenario would look a lot like the CSA version of Justice League. An evil dude that can heal tends to have loyal followers.



Cosmo-Knite: He's not that good right now, so flipping sides wouldnt make him that evil either, IMHO. A hot-shot lawyer with stolen foci and a silky smooth voice ? I'd probably try to run him as the bail-out guy. A super-criminal-defender who can get your guilty bottom out of jail. Makes Johnny Cochrane look a paralegal clerk.

Sandor the Mystic: Holy crap. Him being a bad guy is just weird to comprehend. He's Atlantean, so waking up things out of the ocean would be a fun start. His usual schtck is wisdom, so the opposite fo that is folly. How about an Attuma/Krang style take-over of the eastern seaboard ?

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Sir Johnstone is in regular contact with his counterpart. They are good friends. In Mirrorverse, Johnstone is known Don Stone: The English Lord Of Crime, and was in charge of America's crime (such as it is in Mirrorverse) from the age of twenty. About once every decade, they switch places, since being a leader of a massive crime operation is almost a vacation after being such a dedicated servant (and secret hero) and being a good guy, no longer wanted by the mighty Dr. Preserver and his cohorts is also a vacation after a decade of controlling crime.


Of course, what few people realise is that neither of the men are really crimelords. They take control of criminal organisations in the Mirrorverse to stop villains from killing people or stealing from the poor, etc. By stopping bad guys from killing, they help stop the good guys frm killing the bad guys too. Same as in the Normalverse.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


My characters would have to RUN!


Just as they are the most respected team on their home world, here they are the most hated villlains on the planet!


Some of my own characters who in their universe are the Silver Knights. Here they are the Dark Lords, a powerful super villain team who aim to eventually take over the world. To reach their goals, they do anything from stealing mystical artifacts to destabilizing governments. The Black Lady's more mundane connections only give them yet another tool in their arsenal though she is careful to funnel such efforts through other channels so as to not connect the two. Over the past few years they have perform a litany of evil deeds including but not limited to:


1.Devastating the Knights of Krim: the healer Cadeus (Bloodstone), Force, and Phoenix were all killed in a bloodsoaked ambush. Light Angel (Dark Seraphim), Tremblor, and Starlight (Eclipse) have struggled to carry on the fight ever since.


2.The Black Lady sold the souls of three Senators to demonic powers. One she intends to run for President in 2008.


3.Crippled Professor Preserver (Doctor Destroyer) when he and his forces prevented the team from killing 90% of the population. The good Professor has been forced to retire from active duty though his first lieutenant Doctor Sol (Professor Muerte) is still active.


4.Slaughtered a UN military force that tried to affect regime change in Zumunda, the land where Earth Lord rules with an iron first. Some feel that the invasion may have suceeded with US support but key Senators voted against funding US troops for such purposes. The international team of Eurostar suffered heavy losses and two are still missing. The government denies holding Sentry (Durak) or Bora though the Black Lady herself smirked when answering.



5.Beat to death the well respected superhero Bulldozer. The Harvard professor who gained super strength in a freak accident, the man never forgot his humble upbringing where he worked as a blue collar worker to go to school.


6.Nearly converted the world to an extension of hell when working with the Destroyers (Champions). Only a falling over and epic spell battle with Blackfire (Witchfire) prevented its success. Since then, the two teams have been mortal enemies.


7. Tyr setting the original Constitution on trial and leveling the Supreme Court


Its members:


Lady Silver becomes the Black Lady: raised among good sorcerers hidden away in a pocket dimension, she would from an early age seek power of any type. Eventually, she made a pact with a demon lord for the power to slay her brethren and steal their magic. From that point, it was an easy matter to force the portal to Earth. From day one, she has sought to increase her magical power by stealing artifacts, making pacts with dark powers, and murdering other wizards to steal their secrets. No fool, she also valued the more mundane paths to influence and used her natural beauty and charm to make friends in high place. Claming her family's pharmaceutical holdings (her mother was original an outsider before wandering into the pocket dimension) only enhanced her wealth and status.


In general, the Black Lady is a ruthless opponent who delights in causing her foes great agony through the darkest of magic. Although a cunning planner with long term goals, she can find herself distracted by petty vengeance and will use her influence to drive a foe through a personal hell of financial ruin and slander. She takes what she can, destroys what stands before her, and manipulates allies through charm and sex for her own aims.


Good aligned magicians, including the Light Angel (ie Dark Seraph) are very worried given the extent of her evil and ruthlessness in addition to a deadly combination of incredible natural talent for magic and her stolen arcane secrets which seems to increase her power in leaps and bounds.


Nova: an alien whose peaceful race was annihilated by a war-like race of conquerors, she learned quickly that good and evil are irrelevant in the universe. Instead, only strength is important. Only the strong survive and all others weaker than her have no right to leave save to please her. Stranded on the backwater Earth, Nova is a raging engine of destruction who vents her rage against any who stand against her. As a result, Nova thinks nothing of killing for the slightest of insults and her body count is past 100.


The only person who can keep her in line is the Black Lady, the one who first defeated her on Earth. Recognizing this strength, Nova pledged her service to dark wizardress. This bond has been strengthened over the years through charm spells and a number of intimate encounters. She is the Black Lady's most loyal bodyguard and enforcer, a living weapon to use against others.


Star Knight becomes: Star Marauder: an ace pilot who was court-martialed for targeting civilians in order to make a bombing run, Ameiko was on her way to execution when a mysterious light filled her with the power of the Order of the Celestial Knights. Intended to be a force of good due to an innate talent for the power, she instead chose to break out of jail and slay the judges who had found her guilty.


For a while she used her powers to steal on a grand scale whatever struck her fancy and kill any who opposed her. Eventually, several Celestial Knights of the order of 11 were dispatched to bring in the woman only to be ambushed by the Black Lady and the rest of her Dark Lords. Together with Star Marauder, they slew the knights, leaving the Order so devastated that billions have died across the galaxy in the wake of evil left unopposed.


Star Marauder neither knows nor cares about any of this but instead concentrates on working with the Dark Lords to keep her bank account filled, her posh pent house stocked with the most expensive treats, and her bed kept warm by beautiful paramours.


Sentinel becomes the Ravager: an ex-Special Forces operative, Esteban Del Hoyo had a terrible cruel streak but also a talent for getting the job done no matter what he had to do or whom he needed to kill. Eventually though, his war crimes were discovered and he was sentenced to death. Saved from death row secretly by the CIA he would spend several years in the dirtiest and most dangerous places on Earth to kill whomever the US government wanted.


One day he picked the wrong target, a shadowy figure who seemed to wield

power over some key Senators. His assassination of the Black Lady was defeated but she offered the man the choice to work with her instead and his first assignment would be to help her kill the man's handlers. He accepted without a second thought.


The Ravager is a bitter man, someone who did his duty to his country only to be betrayed. The reality though is that he is also a complete sociopath who cared little for country but instead elected for any path that let him exercise brutal power over another. He is the Black Lady's tactical leader though he has designs for her throne. He will be patient and in the mean time ruthlessly trains the rest of the Black Lords to be as efficient as possible. In combat, he will often rig a battle field with explosives and set off one, killing innocents, just to show he's not bluffing.


Tyr: once a god of justice, Ragnorak perverted the being into a demon of sin. Clad in bloody armor and often seen with his once missing hand now whole but gloved and with a rotting stench emanating from it. He is the team's most powerful member and wildcard. Proud and arrogant, he is also their most difficult to control and it takes constant soothing by the Black Lady to keep the god in line. As long as he is provided with strong drink, beautiful women (willing or otherwise), battle, and justice to usurp he remains content. Few things give him greater joy than raiding a town for what he wants though his favored act is humiliating and maiming so-called champions of "justice." The head of Lord Brightsword (Dark Paladin) currently adorns the god's wall.

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