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WWYCD: Mirror Universe

David Johnston

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So your characters have been transported to a universe where their counterparts are well-known villains who have had their secret ID's if any, exposed after the last time they were caught. They are currently at large so far as their world knows. They are instantly fugitives from the law and that world's superhero community. They can not find their counterparts on this world because they are now in your character's world. Fortunately they have access to gadgeteering skills of their own or of someone else who came with them (this hypothetical does not apply to anyone with the power to traverse dimensions under their own power). A machine can be built to send you home. However it requires very valuable and advanced parts that they don't have and need to get. What does your character do?

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Jake the Troll - gets a laywer and tuns himself in. Assuming some sort of bonded telepath organization exists (ie, laywer telepaths who can read your mind and verify that what you're saying is the truth), then he'd get that org to help him out.


Shimji Miromoto - his own evil twin would probably be someone 'raised on the side of truth and justice' who is now working for the side of evil, but only just barely. As such, there really wouldn't be much difference between the two of 'em; light grey vs. dark grey, as it were. He actually DOES have the skill to build such a device, but definately not the resources.


The bonded telepath solution for Jake wouldn't work, as Shinji's mind is poisonous to other telepaths; so, he'd probably make the best of things, set up some sort of vigilante organization, and over time build up the money and resources to build the portal.


The only worrysome point is if he knows that his evil twiin is on the other side; however, even that isn't all that big a deal, as he knows the likely outcome of such activities, and they really aren't all that evil.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Shadowhawk would hide in the darkforce dimension (don't worry, he can't travel to other worlds, dimensions or alternate universes and only to cross short distances on the world he's in.) for a time learning what he can about his counterpart. Until he completes the portal, he'll try to atone for the things his evil twin has done.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Void: Would no longer be dealing with Dominic, and probably be engaging in a Harbinger of Justice style one-man-war against the "criminal element." The 'real' Void would, first off, steal/acquire the components necessary to build the gate machine.


Then he would track down mirror self and rip him several new bodily orifices. He would definitely not just leave him behind like many in mirror-verse situations do.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Terminus would probably be in a bit of a quandary. He's from an alternate Earth himself, so he very well might not have an Evil Counterpart; but if he does, then there's an entire Legion of Terminus Soldiers on some other Earth entirely...


I think he'd probably just go "screw the metaphysics, I gotta get back and eliminate the Disruption. This is a waste of time!"

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


OK. Let's imagine the Chapions Mirror Universe for a second.


Major Heroes:


Mechanon. Artificial intelligence who works for the good of mankind following some variation of Asimov's Laws of Robotics. He has advanced computer technology to the point where quantum computers are in everday use,


Takofanes: Immortal kindly wizard who uses his vast mystical powers to guide humanity to better themselves. Very much a background player who only rarely gets personally involved. He prefers to work through a network of lower powered mystic champions. He can summon knowledgeable spirits from the dead to answer questions. He would probably be more of a plot device character. Think of a slightly less cheesy version of the wizard Shazam.


Telios: Uses his vast knowlede of genetic science to improve the human race. He engineers low cost cures to genetic diseases and other conditions. He works behind the scenes to push medical technology into the future. Because of ethical concerns, he will not create super soldiers. He has advanced some lower life forms for use as personal security agents, but he treats them with all the respect possible.


Gravitar: Powerful agent for peace and justice throughout the world. Has single-handedly taken down corrupt regimes and virtually eliminated major terrorist threats through her selfless efforts.


The Good Doctor. Survivor of Germany's great efforts to forge a peaceful world society during WWII. He is trapped inside a life support suit, but has used his knowlege and resources, as well as his diplomatic skills, to forge a cooperative world goverment after defeating the corrupt United Nations goverment presided over by the thugs in UNTIL.


Doesn't this sound like a utopia? Let's face it, there are no canon heroes in the Champions Universe who could stand up to these people. Thus there would not be any mirror universe counterparts to challenge them. It would be interesing to run .......


The Challengers: Tired of the conformity of this utopia a group of borderline types band together to louse up the perfect world. They, off course, routinely get their butts kicked. Especially, Bloodhawk, the sadisitic martial artist and group torturer.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


In this universe, Takofanes, Doctor Destroyer, and all of the Arcane Enemies and CKC are good guys. The Dragon is the embodiment of all of man's noble instincts. The Circle of the Scarlet Moon, who secretly control the CU's political side, are saintly, and ANGEL seeks to bring the ancient Kings of Heaven to Earth.


Politicians are honest, good hearted men and women selfelessly seeking what's best for the people, the cops are all honest and never in the pay of crooks, drugs are legal, safe, and paid for via universal health care.


Ice Cream makes you lean and muscular, but fashionable people like to be fat, as adipose tissue protects from heart disease.


My characters all turn themselves in, as the prisons are mostly first rate universities with fully equipped fitness centers and fine chefs.


All characters start study Bizaro Language.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


In this universe, Takofanes, Doctor Destroyer, and all of the Arcane Enemies and CKC are good guys. The Dragon is the embodiment of all of man's noble instincts. The Circle of the Scarlet Moon, who secretly control the CU's political side, are saintly, and ANGEL seeks to bring the ancient Kings of Heaven to Earth.


Politicians are honest, good hearted men and women selfelessly seeking what's best for the people, the cops are all honest and never in the pay of crooks, drugs are legal, safe, and paid for via universal health care.


Sorry...no. That would only be the case if all cops in your normal universe are crooked and all drugs were illegal and unsafe. Since most politicians in the real world aren't particularly bad or good, they remain largely unchanged.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Sorry...no. That would only be the case if all cops in your normal universe are crooked and all drugs were illegal and unsafe. Since most politicians in the real world aren't particularly bad or good' date=' they remain largely unchanged.[/quote']


We're not talking "real world". We're talking Superhero campaigns, where background morality varies by the types of fiction the GM enjoys.


Maybe I should have added a smiley? ;)

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


So your characters have been transported to a universe where their counterparts are well-known villains who have had their secret ID's if any' date=' exposed after the last time they were caught. They are currently at large so far as their world knows. They are instantly fugitives from the law and that world's superhero community. They can not find their counterparts on this world because they are now in your character's world. Fortunately they have access to gadgeteering skills of their own or of someone else who came with them (this hypothetical does not apply to anyone with the power to traverse dimensions under their own power). A machine can be built to send you home. However it requires very valuable and advanced parts that they don't have and need to get. What does your character do?[/quote']


Eve could use her nanatech powers to create the part herself.


Tao would accquire the needed component though the most expedient method: theft. She'd use miminal force and certainly not kill anyone though. Shidoku would most likely use the same method.


Ivy woud probably seek out her scientiic contacts but with the assumption they were criminals n this world and try to come to some "arrangement" while conealing the fact she was planning on leaving this world so had not intention of honoring any deals; but if pressed she'd steal the parts as well. She'd have to get home to children. In fact, though its not relevant to the screnario but she'd have to check on children's dopplegangers or at least try to. If they were in a bad enough state, she'd probably at least try to save them by taking them with her.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


"La Rose" already has a public ID, and in another world that was opposite of his he would probly be a member of a wealthy French/Italian Mofia and was a Lead man for them, and as such he would probly go out of his way to show his face to everyone as a "you can't stop me" bravado. :eg:


However If "The Rose" was caught in that situation he would problyy see what he couldn't due to secure things legitamatly, and if he couldn't, try and only Use his "family" as pawns and figure out as much about them while he was there so in that last moment before the leaves. Hand it all over to police. Maybe even try and kill his Cousin Darren while he was there.(I mean if he was evil anyway what would be the harm?:sneaky:

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Hmm.. interesting question - Vitus is not easily pigeon-holed into moral categories. He's not amoral, per se, but rather (as I've discussed at length elsewhere) moral = whatever feels neccesary at the time



Getting back home (well, previous timeline) wouldn't be TOO difficult - he's a fairly accomplished if unwilling planeswalker. Stealing everything he needs wouldn't put his nose out of joint either, especially given any of the following.



And he's met alternate versions of himself before, too. One came from an alternate version of his homeworld, where he had chosen to learn enchantments rather than conjuration. Despite having chosen a sphere of magic Vitus Prime despises, and despite only being in Aura Prime to organise the evacuation of a timeline now almost totally overrun by a demonic invasion, this other Vitus seemed to be much happier than 'the real Vitus'. This left him rather disturbed, and plagued with deeply-supressed self-doubt


So what is this other Vitus actually up to? Crazed with grief, and on a destructive rampage? Or simply still unaware of the fate of Aura and desperately trying to assemble the requirements (by any means neccesary) for a fool-proof return to to home?


If the latter, locate him and break the bad news. If the former, locate him, judge him, and if he seems salvagable, recruit him to the effort of getting home. If he's genetically different he could be useful in my ongoing plan to rebirth the race of gnolls.


Or if I find him too dangerous, kill him. Wild mages are too dangerous to live. Quite possibly mid-negotiation. Vitus attempts that fairly often - altho it usually hasn't worked. On the other hand, should they meet again later under different circumstances, he'll happily chat with them over tea and cakes (different circumstances = different course of action). Funnily enough, most of them still bear a grudge, much to Vitus's exasperation.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Well let's see.

Blackcat and Ballistic and Angelfire are not appropos to this adventure - they can move dimensinoally under thier own power.

Terminal Velocity would listen to his teammates. He doesn't see a way to get home that doesn't involve stealing. He'd suggest maybe finding a high powered mystic superhero on this world to do it instead.


Meeb would be all for getting them any way they could. Not because he really wants to go back to Earth (he's only been there a year or so) but he doesn't want an evil amoeba hurting his friends back home.


Sift would try and find an oddball way to do it. Make contact with a good extra dimensional entity, and trade a favor for enough money to get the parts. Then the GM could have fun with an adventure that played off that.

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  • 2 years later...

Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


My responses rely on not being with Olorin, who dimension walks.

Volt - Try to find a good telepath and work with him to get back and right wrongs.

Olorin. Find base. Mess up base. Betray the wrong people in the bad guy's name. Put booby trap in base. Go home with a smile.

Black Tiger - Go deep underground and try to be a hero. If captured, insist on a metalist and go Volt's route.

Futurian "Oh, #$%@! Well, here goes building a dimension machine - if I can." Find mantalist and tech hero and use Volt's route, but with a lot more complaining.

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


"i am not normal normal is boring" hfergus

how true how true

Thank you kindly. I have also said "When I am told I am weird, I say 'Thank you. I work hard at that. It's nice to be noticed and appreciated.'" and "You can't predict what I am going to say, because half the time I don't know until it is out of my mouth."

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Given that my campaign is currently set in a post Civil War Marvel Universe and we are anti-registration vigilantes who are devoted to the overthrow of Iron Man, Shield and the government (or at least the Superhuman Registration Act) I can't imagine what this world would like for us. Are our counterparts lameass Initiative members?

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Pyrie's counterpart in this world would be a spoiled Mafia princess who may have used her powers to enforce "Family values" from time to time. So all she'd really have to do is ask sweetly for Uncle Gino to call in a couple of favors--if she can actually convince anyone there that she's that world's Empiria Donati. Given Pyrie's temper and her habit of leaping before she looks, that's not happening ^_^;;


So probably her only option is throwing herself on the mercy of the authorities and trying to convince them that she's not from this world, and is in fact on the side of law & order. Her abrasive personality might actually come in handy for that, as she obviously doesn't have the social graces which come from growing up in a Mario Puzo novel ^_^

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Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


Given that my campaign is currently set in a post Civil War Marvel Universe and we are anti-registration vigilantes who are devoted to the overthrow of Iron Man' date=' Shield and the government (or at least the Superhuman Registration Act) I can't imagine what this world would like for us. Are our counterparts lameass Initiative members?[/quote']


I would play that game just for the visceral satisfaction of it. I hate the current Marvel Universe.

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