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Attack Questions


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Ok, so I'm trying to get some potential combat quirks worked out before I begin the game with my group. One that I need clarification on is the following:


PC vs. NPC



  • Spd: 3
  • DEX: 11
  • CV: 4
  • Two Weapon Combat (Sword/Dagger)
  • +2 w/ all Combat


is three hexes away from



  • Spd: 2
  • DEX: 13
  • CV: 4
  • +1 w/ HTH Combat
  • Spear (w/ 2" Stretching)
  • +4 DEX only for determining who acts first


So on Phase 4 the PC charges the NPC to get within reach to strike. His Running is 6" so he covers the distance with no problem and still has a half phase to attack.


My question is whether or not the long spear would get in the way? I don't think it will because the PC reacts before the NPC can.

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Re: Attack Questions


No book handy, sorry. I don't remember if its -1 per size difference or -2.


But I did just think of a correlary question.


For the character wielding two unequal length weapons (say a medium and a short), would the short weapon have a penalty based on weapon length? would it depend on the weapon length of the opponent's weapon?

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Re: Attack Questions


I think it's in fantasy hero that when two opponents have unequal sized weapons the shorter weapon has a -1 per difference penalty. Once the shorter weapon has struck the opponent the advantage shifts the other direction because the shorter weapon is inside of the larger one's area of coverage. Basically a dagger fighter is at a penalty against spearman until he successfully lands a strike.

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Re: Attack Questions


Point of Order: Combat begins on Phase 12, when they both have an action. Having higher DEX, NPC goes first. He could charge or move and attack, but I'd have him back up 1" or 2" and Set vs. Charge (Fantasy Hero, 157). This way PC has to perform a Move-Through/By if he wants a chance to hit him, and NPC has a very good chance to stun or KO PC outright, assuming he hits (a very probable assumtion)

NPC could also play chicken, and dodge. His HTH level will give him an 8 DCV, meaning PC is going to need a 9- to hit if he puts his levels into OCV. If PC uses Two-Weapon fighting on phase 4, his DCV takes a hit (depending on what house rules you have regarding that 10-point skill), and that makes phase 6 the time for NPC to wind up a haymaker - it goes off in 7 and will most likely pulverize PC. At phase 12 repeat, but PC is most likely hurting badly at this point.

Tactics for the PC would best involve waiting for NPC to attack first - he does have higher DEX, so he gets to go first anyways. After NPC attacks, PC should close quickly and either try to hack him down with both weapons, or grab him.

In a grab, PC has the upper hand, because he has a knife - and can use it in a grapple. NPCs spear becomes useless at this point.

PC could also throw his knife, especially if he has backups. This allows him to try for a hit while waiting for NPC to close.

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Re: Attack Questions


Optional Rule time: Weapon length.


The sword is classed as a medium weapon and is at a slight disadvantage against a long weapon at the start of the fight. He attacks with a -1 ocv until his attack connects with his opponent. The longer weapon keeps him at bay.


As soon as he hits with the sword then he is considered inside the spearmans gaurd and fighting up close.


Now the spearman is at a disadvantage fighting a shorter weapon inside his gaurd. The spearman needs to attack with a -1ocv.



This is quite complicated in a swirling melee with lots of people attacking lots of other people but for a one on one duel it might be kinda fun. Also if you're worried it won't add anything to the game but more things to remember then don't use it.

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Re: Attack Questions


Point of Order: Combat begins on Phase 12' date=' when they both have an action. Having higher DEX, NPC goes first. He [i']could[/i] charge or move and attack, but I'd have him back up 1" or 2" and Set vs. Charge (Fantasy Hero, 157). This way PC has to perform a Move-Through/By if he wants a chance to hit him, and NPC has a very good chance to stun or KO PC outright, assuming he hits (a very probable assumtion)

NPC could also play chicken, and dodge. His HTH level will give him an 8 DCV, meaning PC is going to need a 9- to hit if he puts his levels into OCV. If PC uses Two-Weapon fighting on phase 4, his DCV takes a hit (depending on what house rules you have regarding that 10-point skill), and that makes phase 6 the time for NPC to wind up a haymaker - it goes off in 7 and will most likely pulverize PC. At phase 12 repeat, but PC is most likely hurting badly at this point.

Tactics for the PC would best involve waiting for NPC to attack first - he does have higher DEX, so he gets to go first anyways. After NPC attacks, PC should close quickly and either try to hack him down with both weapons, or grab him.

Groovy outline, thank you

In a grab, PC has the upper hand, because he has a knife - and can use it in a grapple. NPCs spear becomes useless at this point.

PC could also throw his knife, especially if he has backups. This allows him to try for a hit while waiting for NPC to close.

hehe, I left off the NPC having horns as I didn't think it would come up. But the PC grabing him would get a 1/2d6 KA headbutt...that would be fun. :eg:

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Re: Attack Questions


Forgot to mention that if PC is using Two Weapon Fighting he will not be able to close and use both weapons to Sweep. He will get +1 DCV though (well in my game he would, as off-hand weapon gives +1DCV).


He would need Rapid Attack to close and use Two Weapon Fighting.

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Re: Attack Questions


Spear fighters like to keep opponents in front of them, and tend to hold actions, and move in parrallel with the opponent (if he backs up, so does the spearman). Killing a spearman with a sword invariably ends up as a block/bind/dodge, moveby combo.


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