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Background info on Marksman for review


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This is the character I have been playing for a while, wanted your thoughts on it


History/Background: David Roberts early life was not that unusual, growing up in (Name of City Here). His father was a cop, his mother worked at a local teen shelter as a teacher (the shelter kept a single teacher on as a tutor); he also had two younger brothers, Kevin and John. His father would take him down to the shooting range every week, where John proved to be remarkable; within a day or two of practice he would hit the bulls-eye at least 9 out of 10 times.


The First time he handled a bow was at the age of 14, his father had taken him down to the shooting range. This day however a friend of his father was there with a bow, soon Captain Dan, as he was introduced was instructing David in how to shoot a bow.


At 18 he decided to join the USMC. While in the Marines he was spec forces, with emphasis on Urban Warfare & counter terrorism (Dan you know more about this, fill in details if you would). He continued to practice the bow (at times he even took it in the field with him). His skill was such that he was going to be put on special assignment so that he could participate in the Olympics. The day he was to get on the plane to go he got a telegram, his father and Captain Dan had both died in a drive by shooting in his old nationhood, his brother Kevin had also been severely injured. He never made it to the Olympics; his place was with his family.


His brother Kevin had taken to technology like David had taken to shooting, but as he laid in the hospital bed it did not look good for him. David sat at his bedside, after a couple of weeks the doctors were sure that Kevin would live, but also doubted that he would ever walk again. While Kevin recovered David thought about the way his old neighborhood, and the city had gone down hill, how it needed more than the overworked and underfinanced police. The answer came the day Kevin was discharged from the hospital (but with plenty of outpatient physical therapy in the future), when a layer came to him and told him that he had been named in Captain Dan’s will.


Captain Dan had bequeathed his house, and all possessions not otherwise named to David, including an old signet ring with a Raptor’s head (bird not dinosaur). At first David planed on selling the old house (The house should be nice and largish, but not a mansion, say 5-6 rooms, 3 baths, 3 stories with the 3 being attic/loftish), but as he walked around he noticed that in the downstairs bedroom (used as a den/library) was a small indenture on a bookcase in the same shape as the ring. On a guess, whim, curiosity, hand of fate or what have you he placed the ring in the indenture, when he did the bookcase pivoted, revealing a staircase underneath. Under the house he found a tunnel leading to an old warehouse. In the warehouse he found a number of things, including a motorcycle, a car, a gyrocopter, filing cabinets full of reports on criminals, an old forensics lab (Woefully out of date), but most importantly was a scrapbook and a journal. Both were a history dating back to the mid 30’s of a masked vigilante named the marksman, an archer who fought for justice, outside the law.


David found he was not surprised when reading the journal to find that Captain Dan had been the second man to call himself this, that he had used his inside connections at the police station to help him find criminals and capture them (While the first Marksman seemed to kill some criminals, the second one avoided it when he could).


The next week David entered the Police Academy. With his military experience he quickly got a position in (city name here) SWAT department, but after a year there he was able to get a position in the Major Crime Unit, a catch all unit that provides extra man power to Vice, homicide, narcotics, organized crime, etc...


All this time he had talked to Kevin, going as far as to show him the warehouse. Kevin put his great mind to it, updating the warehouse, acquiring a suit of next generation body armor for his brother, making an arsenal of “Trick Arrows”, Hacking various government/municipal Computers, etc…By the time he got assigned to MCU the New Marksman was ready to make an appearance. In a strange twist of fate he has sense been put in charge of capturing himself.


Personality: Some people would say he is cold, this is not a fair assessment, while he is very serious about his job, he is also very caring. He has a somewhat dry and morbid sense of humor, not surprising for a man who has seen and caused so much death. As for killing, he does not like it, but is willing to if he sees no other option. He is willing to let a non dangerous criminal get away before taking a kill shot (But is willing to kill if it is a mass murderer, rapist, etc…)



Armor: the suit is bullet proof (Within reason, it will stop mid caliber but will leave him bruised), knife proof, light weight, Insulated for both cold and warm weather


Mask/Hood, includes a miniature radio/Camera, IR vision lenses, flash suppression system, something to protect from loud noises as well


Pouches: while most pouches hold the arrowheads, some will have other useful items, like field crime kits, flashlights, handcuffs (Zip tie version), a gun, extra clips, swing lines, etc…


Quiver, the quiver holds 36 arrows, 2/3 are modular headed, the other 1/3 are not

The modular head system works as follows, he is able to quickly load a trick arrowhead onto the tip of the arrow and fire it, in a pinch he could also just throw the arrowhead.


Motorcycle: Main mode of movement is a supped up motorcycle, no weapons on it, but some armor plating, should be faster than most things that would be perusing him, the city architecture should also make it easy for him to avoid air pursuit, a couple secret entrances into the sewer system can help here as well

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Re: Background info on Marksman for review


So when he gets off from work as a cop, he then puts on a costume, grabs his bow and arrow and goes out to do pretty much the same thing in pretty much the same way? Isn't that kind of like an infantryman going hiking on his leaves? It's a lot of trouble to go to just to avoid the inconvenience of having to get warrants.


This idea would make more sense if he was either going out and murdering people he couldn't get evidence on, or if he'd been sidelined from active police work somehow.

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