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Mediaeval 2-weapon fighting system - trawling for suggestions


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Hi folks


While doing some research for my campaign the other day I came across an interesting mediaeval (mainly 13-14th century) 'martial art' - I class it as that because apparently few people were any good at it.


This is the use of a demi-lance (cavalry lance cut down to 6-7ft length) in one hand and a knightly sparthe (1-H axe, in this case one with a spike on the rear) in the other, as used to great effect by Olivier de Clisson ('The Butcher') at the battle of Auray in 1364.


While I have designed characters with 2-weapon fighting techniques before, they have mainly been swashbuckling types (like Temirese duellists for my TA campaign), so I am trawling for ideas here.


The character using this will be used for Turakian Age, but I am also thinking of a VA variant as well.


Things that come to mind include Weapon Bind for (for which the axe is useful). Obviously anything that makes the art useful against characters wearing typical 14th C. armour (brigandine on top of mail on top of arming doublet, bascinet helmet etc.) would be appropriate, but I am fishing for any ideas that might prove useful [not only suitable martial manoeuvres, but also the most efficient way of modelling the 2-weapon combat given that this is a standard 150pt Heroic character and is not a 'gamer' Martial Artist, but has to pay for all the classic knightly skills as well].

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Re: Mediaeval 2-weapon fighting system - trawling for suggestions


This particular martial art style is for dismounted combat only (dismounted combat being virtually a 'given' for 100 Years' War English knights and more common for French ones than is often supposed).

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Re: Mediaeval 2-weapon fighting system - trawling for suggestions


I'd add a push back attack of some sort (for spear), a reach attack, a reduction in accuracy (spear in one hand isn't very accurate due to its length), a hook combination (hook shield away, then stab with spear)

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Re: Mediaeval 2-weapon fighting system - trawling for suggestions


You might also want to consider if you want to go the martial art route - big bulgy muscles, a fighting trick or two and a few CSLs can be more cost efficient, than one or two martial maneuvers - and to my mind probably more appropriate than a martial art for a knight anyway.


If you do this, then a couple of things to consider are:

Off hand, so he gets a DCV bonus for two weapons

Extra CSLs for sweep


cheers, Mark

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Re: Mediaeval 2-weapon fighting system - trawling for suggestions


The art in question developed out of necessity.


One of the first thing foot tried to do against cavalry was unhorse them. The cavalry needed some method of combat once they had been unhorsed. Since cavalry used lances or spears...viola!


There are a large number of long weapon/short weapon two-handed styles out there. The only notable with this is that the long weapon is REALLY long.


Many of the maneuvers should be all or nothing. ALL DCV and no OCV bonuses. ALL OCV and no DCV bonuses. The intent is to keep people away with the lance until you see an opening and then charge in with the axe and deal a blow...then retreat (FAST).

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Re: Mediaeval 2-weapon fighting system - trawling for suggestions


I'd also suggest building a pin style manuever - if you can get the with the lance and hold them down, then come in and finish them, that'd be wicked. One thing that was helpful was a martial requirement: "Must follow grapple." So if you want a +4 DC finishing strike, "must follow pin" the rules from UMA would let you do that nicely.

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