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If Healing was a flavor: HERO = Vanilla


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Re: If Healing was a flavor: HERO = Vanilla


And then there is the FX of the healing--


Let's say you heal by taking on the wounds yourself, then using a regeneration spell on yourself. So, you buy Healing, with a side effect, and another healing, self only, delayed effect, only for the side effect damage. Base it all on a EGO roll for the 'the wound is too great--I can't bear to heal it).


This would even allow a selfless healer to kill themselves to buy healing a grave wound to someone else.


Or for another flavor, for a more creationist school, define the healing as coming from sculpting a small model of the wounded person, as they are, then one healthy (or a drawing), then base the healing magic on the skill roll of the work created. Healing: requires materials, based on a skill roll, extra time.


For healing by taking the life force of another, you could buy a healing with some form of limitation that it only heals body equal to BODY damage immediately inflicted upon a person who has been ritually prepared (including the caster).


The HERO healing can be as flavorful as you want it, as soon as you know what you have an appetite for.

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Re: If Healing was a flavor: HERO = Vanilla


The HERO healing can be as flavorful as you want it' date=' as soon as you know what you have an appetite for.[/quote']


Yum yum! I have an appetite for "healing" by "eating the spiritual leeches that cause injury by their very presence"!


Of course, this might contradict everything that the GM and other players have established about the game world through their own SFX. If it's in my game, it's okay; but not, mind you, because it's my game. It would be okay because I've already established the existence and function of those leeches as a foundation for further powers and SFX. That foundation sure has saved me a lot of time, and ensured a very close-knit set of SFX ;)

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Re: If Healing was a flavor: HERO = Vanilla


It's also worth mentioning that if you do this, all healing spells need to be specialized. I'd say, just drop the limitations for the most useful types. Healing a sucking chest wound would have no lim. Healing a broken bone would have no lim. Healing a nose would be a -1 or so. ;)

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HERO = Tofu


I believe comparing Hero to Vanilla is incorrect. Hero allows you to build Vanilla, but it also allows you to build Chocolate, Strawberry and even Vomit flavor if you so choose.


There is nothing preventing you from building 100 different spells that allow you to heal very specific types of injuries. How finely detailed you want is completely up to you (Only to Heal Lacerations Received From A Metalic Object; -1).


Personally, I would not want to play a healer in a game where I have to dump 30 points in 10 different spells just to do my job while the fighter/warrior just adds +10 OCV w/Blades

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Re: HERO = Tofu


There is nothing preventing you from building 100 different spells that allow you to heal very specific types of injuries. How finely detailed you want is completely up to you (Only to Heal Lacerations Received From A Metalic Object; -1).


Personally, I would not want to play a healer in a game where I have to dump 30 points in 10 different spells just to do my job while the fighter/warrior just adds +10 OCV w/Blades

And this is the other side of my dilemma. Trying to balance the advancement of the "healer" various types of characters...

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Re: If Healing was a flavor: HERO = Vanilla


and, to be honest, Healing only needs 'chrome'. One nice Fx for a simple to execute mechanic, because the focus of the game is what leads to you needing healing, not the healing process itself. Just as long as the healing works in game balance and doesn't undermine the tone of a game; its hard to have gritty fantasy when your average healer can always bring you back from the brink of death with ease. Likewise high fantasy is derailed by 3 months of recovery after every fight.

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Re: Are Clerics the new Wizards?


What exactly is the balance issue you are having?


I think the problem is trying to make party advancement balanced among characters.


Rogue gets more stealthy, fighter gets more bashy, wizards gets more flashy, healer gets more healy.


As far as I can tell, HERO already does it. The healer would either use exp to buy better/different spells or buy off limitations on current spells or buy off disads or add advantages to current spells.


Just being able to remove/repair impairing or disabling wounds makes a world of difference in games that use those mechanics.

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Re: If Healing was a flavor: HERO = Vanilla


What about the Healer that becomes more combat viable? Or the Rouge who learns a healing spell?


Are you trying to enforce schtick through mechanics? I have never found that to work. I believe the best method is to have the players respect each other’s schticks.


If you want the healers to progress at a controlled pace, then creating multiple healing spells is a way to go. I would also control the level of healing. Maybe a Multipower with a base equal to some percentage of the character’s total points (1/10 = 150 pt standard = 15 Active Points). This would give some cost break over having to know 10 different healing spells while still requiring them and controlling the Active Points. After a session they could learn a new spell or save up for a few sessions and raise their cap. 1/10 may be too restrictive. You will have to play with the numbers.

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Re: If Healing was a flavor: HERO = Vanilla


One thing I don't do is control player direction (in-game or character development). More what I'm looking for is comparative level of effectiveness, which, the more I think about it, is an excersize in futility and will just coach the newer players a bit more than usual.

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Re: If Healing was a flavor: HERO = Vanilla


I agree with what everyone is saying.


Trying to force Hero to do things like RoleMaster is just silly. It can't and won't. They are two different systems. However, if you really like that kind of granularity and feel there are a number of options.


You can require specific healing spells.


Transform: Diseased/Sick to Healthy

BoneKnit: Heal, Bones Only

Suture: Heal, Cuts Only

UnBruise: Heal, Contusions Only

UnBurn: Heal, Burns Only


Cure Light Wounds: Heal, Only Wounds <= 2 BODY

Cure Serious Wounds: Heal, Only Wounds <= 6 BODY

Cure Critical Wounds: Heal, Only Wounds


There are a virtually unlimited number of specifics you can build into your healing spells. You determine how Healing works in your campaign. If you want extreme granularity with your Healing, build it in!

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