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Half Demon, Need Stats


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I admit, I am still quite new to the Hero System and I need a lot of help. The character concept I am working on is a half-demon trying to be a hero. The vibe I am working with is Majik from The New Mutants. I have 250 CP to work with to make my character and here's the things I would like to have especially.


The concept is a "Martial Artist" as far as combat skills go. The powers I would like to have are Teleportation, making portals for the group, extra dimensional movement (to my 'summer home') pretty good resistant damage and a sword that can cut through all but the most pure of heart. The last I figure to be an Energy Blast, NND with no range and a OIF. Not sure though. Other powers along the demonic theme would be awesome. I picture him as a graceful, charming swordsman.


For the sword, I thought about a HKA, but I really don't want to bust out killing attacks on people, there are a few 'boy scouts' in the group that would paste me.

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Re: Half Demon, Need Stats


KAs are a huge bone of contention to a lot of people... in reality, if you're gonna wave around a sword, it will always be a KA unless you have some means to suppress the BODY damage it inflict. Because, really, KAs are all about big STUN rolls. Let's leave it at that, and push the CvK out of the way. (I do recommend the "Reculant To Kill" variant off the Master List of Limitations, however. It leaves wiggle room against this sort of nonsense.)


Hrmm... you're off to a good start--how about giving him a small EB based off "hellfire?" And add some DR/Armor representing his demonic toughness? Ooo, and have some way to create wings... defintly want that option somewhere.

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Re: Half Demon, Need Stats


Hmm, I'm not sure about the sword part. An OIF that's also the character's major power would be too easy to lose or be taken away. I'd probably IIF it or OIHID it, or just call the sword part of the SFX and handwave it.


I'm also not big on your NND. "Pure of heart" doesn't sound like something too many people are. Effectively this is "no one", so I'd probably nix it.


Suggestion: go with Illyana's origninal power, ie the sword only damages supernatural beings. Use the sword as a "soul sword", it can trap (kill) demons which you can later summon to do your bidding. The characters main offense is therefore a Summoned demon, which is kinda cool imho.


You could have several types of demons that you summon, and give them useful abilities like flight + strength ("Pick me up and fly me around!"), tunneling, great strength, swift movement, etc. Just be careful to not step on too many other PC's toes and steal the lime light away from them.


Other ideas: Combat Luck, "Protection" spells (FF?), mystic armour, basic EBs, maybe some stealth powers like invisibility, darkness vs. sound, etc., strong will (mental defense), power defense,


A multipower with a FF and a basic EB would go a long ways for spell power. Add your TP in there and you're at least half way there.

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Re: Half Demon, Need Stats


I'd build the sword like this:

75.........Soul Sword: Multipower, 75-point reserve

5u.........Negate Magic: Dispel Magical Abilities 8d6, all Magic powers simultaneously (+2) (72 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) [7 END]

3u.........Sword Strike: HA +6d6, Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (45 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) [4 END]

5u.........Sword Swipe: HKA 2d6+1 (2 1/2d6 w/STR), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (52 Active Points) [5 END]



7u..........Spactial Rip: Teleportation 15", MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Usable Simultaneously (up to 16 people at once; +1 1/4) (75 Active Points) [7 END]


It wouldn't have any focus limitation, as she could always resummon it quite easily.

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