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Order of the Stick


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Re: Order of the Stick


Hmm. Half-Dragon attacking with poisoned magic weapons?


Might just be someone trying to off the guys asking questions about the gate, but I'm guessing that V was the target from the beginning and this is somebody upset by all the Dragons she killed during her swim in the "deep end of the alignment pool"

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Re: Order of the Stick


I'm currently reading Don't Split the Party, and have noted the following:


Durkon and Elan always refer to V as "he."

Everyone else always refers to V as "He... or she" (the male pronoun is always first).


Which leads me to believe that V is a dude. But it's never been confirmed, and probably never will be -- at least not until the series is well and truly over.

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Re: Order of the Stick


Varsuvius' gender has never been identified one way or the other' date=' actually.[/quote']

Didn't Rich make a strip with a gag on this, with the guys in one room hearing Haley and Varsuvius talking about V's orbs?

Rich also went out of his way to keep from revealing V's gender in the parts with V's mate and children. Quite amusingly, IMO.

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Re: Order of the Stick


Didn't Rich make a strip with a gag on this, with the guys in one room hearing Haley and Varsuvius talking about V's orbs?

Rich also went out of his way to keep from revealing V's gender in the parts with V's mate and children. Quite amusingly, IMO.


Right. The boys in one room, the girls (Haley and Varsuvius) in another. edit: Actually, it was Haley's orbs (a pair of large round stones, that the listening males took to be something else entirely)


Mr. Burlew, so I understand, didn't originally intend it to be a big mystery, but when some fans were obviously confused he decided to make it a running gag - and it's had a good long run.


On the other hand, "Varsuvius" is a male name, so maybe he really intended to make it confusing from the start.


In any case - what got us on this subject at this particular point in time?


Lucius Alexander


I got here on a palindromedary

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