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Ok... I am an avid roleplayer, GM and have even designed a couple game systems myself... I want to use the HERO system as a base and build a LARP system off it. SOOO... thie thread is for you avid larpers and any ideas for a systematic foundation...


and if you don't like larps... that is fine, there are threads for that... go post there

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


Some things are pretty easy to figure out. Damage, both resistance and dishing it out, should be done by DCs. Other thing will be harder to simulate, like super speed will be a bit harder to take care of.


However seeing as I have actually larped I suppose I could think of mechanics to use for some of the harder to simulate powers, given some time.


ed: Feel free to PM me if you want to go further with this, I would not be adverse to hleping out.

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


In general, Hero System is excellent for modling just about everything. This would include any stats you'd need to define a character's abilities.


As with any LARP, the biggest changes you'd be making to the game are in how challenges are resolved. Almost always, a LARP is diceless, with some simple, easily performed method for resolving challenges. WW for example uses a rock/paper/scissors method. Whatever method you come up with that is fair to all players will work.


To use a system similar to the existing rules, I'd suggest using a number of tokens. Each character is given a number of token corrosponding to their END, STUN & BODY. When they want to use an ability, they must hand in an END token. If they take damage, they'll hand in some STUN and possibly BODY tokens. Also, instead of dice of damage, each DC of an attack will do damage in tokens, and defenses would be bought in how many tokens of damage they stop. I'm not sure how to handle movement, though it might be better to ignore movement entirely in favor of the live action interaction.


That's all I can think of at the moment, though I'm sure others here will have some good ideas.

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


Ok... I am an avid roleplayer, GM and have even designed a couple game systems myself... I want to use the HERO system as a base and build a LARP system off it. SOOO... thie thread is for you avid larpers and any ideas for a systematic foundation...


and if you don't like larps... that is fine, there are threads for that... go post there

First of all, I have to ask what the focus of the game is going to be. Certain genres and types of stories lend themselves better to the LARP concept than others. It is my belief that a LARP is best used for games that are more about playing roles and interaction between player characters, not action or combat. For example, the MET (old WoD) combat rules are slow, inefficient, and somewhat arbitrary, but they never changed them through the life of the system. I claim that they were designed that way for a simple reason -- combat in LARPs is something to be avoided if possible. (Of course, this doesn't apply to "foam weapon" type LARPs, but if you want to use the HERO system for the rules base, this is probably not that kind of LARP.)


Second, what I have learned from playing and helping run LARPs is that the more things that you ask the players to carry, the more they detract from the in-character atmosphere. So, keeping damage and END on the character sheet is not a problem -- the player will probably have to pull out their character sheet to do that anyway, but using dice for skills and/or combat is not good. For the same reason, damage will probably need to use the Standard Effect rules or (like Dust Raven suggested) abstracted to DCs.


If I were to make a suggestion for task resolution (i.e. skill use and combat), I would say that it should be relatively simple and direct. Something like, if the normal skill target (9+CHAR/5), plus and/or minus any situational modifiers, exceeds a static target number, they succeed. Combat works similarly, with the opponent's DCV acting as a negative modifier, and combat maneuver OCVs adding / DCVs subtracting as appropriate. The GM should liberally apply situational modifiers for difficulty, local conditions, etc.


Of course, these are just my opinions.

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?




1) grins* having been an ST for Federation of Live Action Gamers, a WOD larp and an official Camarilla ST... I am familiar with how they go...


2) we're thinking more social, but combat DOES happen... so we want streamlined efficient rules... no "retest this and retest that" and no Cthulu live/ Amber diceless live where ALL the weight is on the st's...


3) we're debating non-physical conflict resolution versus boffer

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


I'd suggest strongly limiting how complex powers can be and use the standard result rule for anything that isn't a 3d6 roll.


Now, I've actually done a WoD LARP with dice. We created what we called a "Dice-o-matic", which is basically a plastic fishing tackle with a d10 in each chamber. Something similar could probably work for skill rolls (only with, you know, d6's).

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


I don't wish to be negative, but I think HERO might be the wrong system to try and use for a LARP (to be honest, I'm not sure there are many tabletop systems which are good for this). In my experience of "boffer" and non-contact LARP, it's vital the rules and system are as compact and memorable as possible.


So, I think you could probably create characters and so on using HERO, but you will have to simplify a huge amount to get down to a workable LARP ruleset. Honesty, I think you'd be better off determining what you want the game to feel like in play and build from the ground up, perhaps using some existing LARP-specific rules as a basis.

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


I have never played a LARP but when I was in collage I built a box that had led lights and could roll nealy any combination of dice. I thought it was very cool, but I use dice again because I like how they feel.

But a box like that would be so handy for LARPs, and running around outside.

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


See, I thought about that too... but a... I dun wanna make 200 little boxes (most of the larps we run end up with that many players) B) if we're gonna do it... I am trying to come up with a system that is diceless and lends itself to boffer if er decide to go that way

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


I'm a boffer supporter. Question really becomes, since HERO can model anything, what do you want to model in HERO? Do you follow me? As a HEROphile, who also happens to swing boffer LARP (i've done NERO & a few others) and I've also done a ton of Vampire LARP.


I also designed a melee combat system to work in conjunction with V:tDA so people could use Celerity, Potence etc. to deal extra damage. So the scope of what you're asking is pretty huge, if you could give me a ball park zone to focus on, it would be a big help.

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


Live Action Role Playing: (Total: 180 Active Cost, 54 Real Cost) Mental Illusions 10d6, Sticky (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (150 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; Complex; -1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Only Through Mind Link (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) (Real Cost: 43) plus Mind Link , Specific Group of Minds, Number of Minds (x16) (30 Active Points); Only To Target Mental Illusions/Cannot Use For Communication (-1 1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) (Real Cost: 11)

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


I suppose I should apologize for Dust Raven... he has a truly warped mind sometimes... but since said apology would imply responsibility on my part for other past and future actions, I will forego that gesture. (I don't believe you sometimes!!!) *rolls eyes at his above post*


Ultimately, I like the chip system he suggested. (One of the reasons I will eventually forgive him the above silliness!) And, yes, I have heard tht WoD is now using numbered cards. I think a combination of Standard Effect might work well in tandem with this... whoever has the higher stat wins a challenge, unless somebody "pushes" by using up extra chips or what have you. It will probably take some working out. I don't know of any system that was put together effectively without a fair amount of test-retest. So ultimately, if you're not wanting to spend some testing time on this, at least with a few players, converting HERO to LARP will be an awfully big task.


Lots to think about... like to see where this thread goes!

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


Hal "what do you want to model in HERO?" THAT part is taken care of... my warped group of friends and I are using a system for creation that we've used in a lot of our games... Race and class package, (maybe 30 points total) and the rest into customization... we have the modelling aspect down... I would really like to see that WoD boffer...






Trystan: I have been rolling that around... and knowing Larpers as I do... I am concerned about cheats, etc... as opposed to chips... I am thinking end tokens of paper... rip it up, simplify end reserve to a daily basis... as ffor WoD... no... MET is STILL PLayin with rock paper scissors... the camarilla is using cards to prevent cheating... I have a staff and playtesters and one of the most devious minds I have ever seen workin with me... if there is a hole in something, corey WILL see it, no question... so... we go from there.

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


One thing the HERO System has that would be golden in a LARP is the Speed Chart. Nothing like being able to call out a segment and start counting down DEX to keep combat organised.


Really, I would just use the system as-is with a tacked on resolution mechanic to replace dice rolling. Karmakaze's suggestion about playing cards would work really well.


A set StunX for KA's would speed things up, and END/BODY/STUN could be tracked using a small pencil and a card with little boxes printed on it (maybe the reverse side of a compact character sheet).


I think the biggest factor in whether it works well or not is how familiar the players are with the system. If they are already HERO players, then I think it could go very smoothly. I remember the biggest problem I had when running a Vampire LARP was that large numbers of players would never bother to learn the rules properly and would have to be walked through every task, even after years of play.


Now you just need a venue with a floor painted in a two-meter hex grid...

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


Live Action Role Playing: (Total: 180 Active Cost' date=' 54 Real Cost) Mental Illusions 10d6, Sticky (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (150 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; Complex; -1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Only Through Mind Link (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) (Real Cost: 43) [b']plus[/b] Mind Link , Specific Group of Minds, Number of Minds (x16) (30 Active Points); Only To Target Mental Illusions/Cannot Use For Communication (-1 1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) (Real Cost: 11)


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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


Here's the issue... while I agree teh speed chart is excellent for who goes first... pen and paper trackng... destroys larps... period... I've seen several trys at it, and none were successful... and that is why we're trying to come up with a different dynamic

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


and Anomally...I know you personally...*wink* you just gonna quote? lol

Well, I really don't have much experience with LARPing...played in -- maybe 3? -- con-type LARPs altogether, and that's about it. Therefore, I don't really have any ideas to contribute. But I did get a good laugh outa his post. ;)

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


Okay, without going hogwild, here are some basic tips/tricks for organizing everything. I no longer have my old conversion rules that was years ago in college, but I remember enough of them to post intelligently. Today. Tomorrow may be different. Always is.


I'm assuming boffer LARP.


- Any power that works at range is going to be simmed with a Spell Packet. I suggest color coding. Blue for Normal, Red for Killing, White for Aid, Yellow for Drain, etc. Make sure the colors are consistent.


- Weapons should use someone else's standardized rules (NERO, Dagorhir, etc.). This makes sure all weapons are legal. Also, if you use boffer, make sure to issue appropriate rules, regs, etc. "Don't wear glasses if you can avoid it, or wear protective goggles." "No loose jewelry." "No headshots." And so on.


- You'll need an active point cap. :D


- Gestures & Incantations are usually lumped together; because the caster in many games must stand still to prep & cast, the 'standing still' becomes Gestures, and the Incant has to be load enough for the target to hear. This is a balance thing (it's also spelled out in the Gestures lim, oddly enough).


- You'll want to use SER for Weapon Damage, modified by STR scores, etc. You may wish to go the route of White Wolf and divide everything by four. So a STR 20 becomes a STR 5; a weapon may have a STR min of 4, and it costs 5 points to buy a point of STR. See where I'm going with this? It's a cleaner application for people who don't want to deal in double digits in their heads.


- A lot of what you'll need to do is balance action with mechanics. Many of the systems out there are either unfortunately simple (Mind's Eye) or absurdly messy (NERO). Your call which way you're going to go, but again, if you require assistance with building something, or general guidelines, I'm always happy to help.


I owe rep to Dust Raven. I've given out too much rep in the last 24 hours.

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


ok... I feel dirty after that... but where in the thread did we say super heros? this is a fantasy setting... we are using the HERO SYSTEM... but we're not building a supers larp... besides we're discussing this as an excercise in mental accumen...

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Re: HERO 5th LARP?


ok... at this point..for boffer sake..we are considering translating armor into aditional body, and then restrict all damage to killing and rank it based on a) standard effect and B) number of dice...


name tag indicates how many hits a character can take at 1,2,3 or 4 d6

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