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The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery


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Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery


Debates about if/how to fix the Stun Lotto are mostly an excuse to pose and gripe.








I don't think that's true.







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Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery


If you score well enough, have the decency to stare in slack jawed amazement along with everybody else as Doctor Destroyer gets one-shotted by your 60 AP attack.

If you act like you expected it, and especially if you gloat, the rest of the team will feel entitled to kill your character for the good of humanity.

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Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery


1. You can't win if you don't play!

2. It costs nothing to play.

3. Everyone who plays is a winner sooner or later - usually sooner.


4. The only way to lose, is not to play!


If your group is playing "by the book" with no relevant house rules, you're a sucker to take a normal attack over a killing attack (unless maybe you're a brick, and even then a killing attack you can add STR to might be useful.)


If you want an attack with a high chance of stunning someone over actually hurting them, buy a killing attack with increased STUN multiplier. If you want a destructive attack that's more likely to kill or injure and less likely to knock someone out, buy a killing attack with decreased STUN multiplier.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary defines the crab cannon as a killing attack....

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Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery


If your group is playing "by the book" with no relevant house rules' date=' you're a sucker to take a normal attack over a killing attack.[/quote']

Especially if you attack cosmetic is non-killing and your plan is to boldly fly in the face of the intention of the rules. :thumbdown


I hate players like that. (Present company excluded, of course)

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Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery


Especially if you attack cosmetic is non-killing and your plan is to boldly fly in the face of the intention of the rules. :thumbdown


I hate players like that. (Present company excluded, of course)


When the rules set up a power that is clearly superior at inflicting stun than another power of comparable point cost;


When the rules further allow an advantage that makes the power even better at inflicting stun;


What, exactly, do you think the intention of the rules is?


It is even possible if you want to define a "killing attack" as "Stun only." or to make it Attack Vs. Limited Defense and therefore Stun only.


"Cosmetic" doesn't enter into it. If my character attacks with thrown boulders and I define the attack as working against Physical Defense, would you say I can't define it as an Energy Blast, because it's not an "energy" special effect? The names in game terms of the mechanical parts of the power don't matter. What matters is matching the mechanical effect you get with the power's intended effect. The game is full of "Invisibility to sound" and "Flash vs. hearing" and other constructs that wouldn't make sense if we took the rulebook names for powers as literal English.


Lucius Alexander


Flash vs. Palindromedary

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Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery


But based on your above arguments...

...you're a sucker to take a normal attack over a killing attack...
...I should still buy my attack as a KA even if I'm Super Clown and I throw rubber noses at people, just because I want to do allot of STUN?


BTW: In my world, if you're throwing boulders on people it's an RKA.:eek:

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Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery


1. You can't win if you don't play!

2. It costs nothing to play.

3. Everyone who plays is a winner sooner or later - usually sooner.


4. The only way to lose, is not to play!


If your group is playing "by the book" with no relevant house rules, you're a sucker to take a normal attack over a killing attack (unless maybe you're a brick, and even then a killing attack you can add STR to might be useful.)


If you want an attack with a high chance of stunning someone over actually hurting them, buy a killing attack with increased STUN multiplier. If you want a destructive attack that's more likely to kill or injure and less likely to knock someone out, buy a killing attack with decreased STUN multiplier.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary defines the crab cannon as a killing attack....


And there's always that pesky 'Code Against Killing' thing. :)

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