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What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


The wording may not be completely explicit, but it seems clear enough to me.

Subtract the DEF+BODY of the Entangle from the BODY and STUN of the Attack seperately and apply the remaining to the character normally.


I see no other reason to interpret it otherwise.

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


The full text:

If an Entangled character is attacked' date=' the Entangle takes damage from the attack first (unless the Entangle has the [i']Takes No Damage From Attacks[/i] Advantage; see below). After the attack does damage equal to the Entangle's current DEF+BODY, the Entangle is destroyed and the Engtangled character takes the remaining damage (if any) normally. Attacks that don't cause BODY damage (such as most NNDs or Drains) aren't affected by an entangle in this way; the damage injures the Entangled character directly, in the usual manner.


This seems to indicate that the Entangled character only takes damage once the entangle is destroyed.


The problem is that the text says "damage" but doesn't specify Body damage or Stun damage. Heck, by that reading, you could apply Stun equal to DEF+BODY and destroy it :P


I'll ask Steve.



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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


A GM once told me a villian with no flight or superleap could dodge a 6d6 area effect by jumping upward.


"He's got a 15 STR, he can leap a hex and a half straight up."


"The area effect has a 6 hex radius. He's still in the area."


"No, it's area, a circle, not a sphere. It's only 2 dimensional. It doesn't go up."


IIRC I finished the evening and didn't go back.


Okay Mister GM, it's two dimensional. Where does it say that it has to be a horizontal area of effect? Make it vertical splitting the villain in half. He jumps STRAIGHT up and is still in the area of effect.


[Actually, at that point you should have argued that it was four dimensional and that it actually existed prior to him jumping off the ground !]

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


I prefer to think of the mother as having a Limited Entangle that blocks the Sight Group and is Vulnerable to attacks from the inside (when the baby's of the appropriate str' date=' the little tyke can bust out with only a few hours work... in most cases).[/quote']


For just a second I was picturing "Alien" more than "Looks who's Talking".

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?



This seems to indicate that the Entangled character only takes damage once the entangle is destroyed.


The problem is that the text says "damage" but doesn't specify Body damage or Stun damage. Heck, by that reading, you could apply Stun equal to DEF+BODY and destroy it :P


I'll ask Steve.


According to Steve, the Def + Body act as defense against stun, but any Stun over that goes through to the character, even if the entangle isn't destroyed.



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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


According to Steve, the Def + Body act as defense against stun, but any Stun over that goes through to the character, even if the entangle isn't destroyed.




Yes, I had no doubt that I'd been doing this correctly all this time, mainly because 4th edition actually spelled it out clearly and I just assumed that 5th edition did too. I think the text in 5ER is just poorly worded.

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


I'm sorry, I've read your later posts.


Apparently the unicorn was quite evil... but I don't get the reference from which this is drawn.



Sorry, I forgot to mention that it was an evil unicorn - and also a bit of an inside joke with my group

(skip this if you are easily horrified)

Basically we wondered why unicorns only like women, esp. virgins and the pregnant - we decided it had something to do with the horn (no! you sicko!)

Unicorns eat fetus's'ss' (whats the plural of fetus? or moose for that matter) to maintain their eternal life and connection to nature.

The rest of the group had a rollicking good time laughing this up as the pregnant character's PC and the GM were off playing what happened, completly oblivious to the fact that the unicorn was, indeed, evil. When she came back sans equus and told us that it had tried to cut her stomach open with its horn while screaming something about a sacrifice to the dark god... well lets just say we gave our GM the evil eye before we explained what we had just been talking about. He then accused us of reading his notes - which we discovered were a pile of stained loose-leaf paper that we (and he) had been using as scratch for paranoia notes

Anyaways, I'll try to be less obscure/bizarre in the future.

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


Sorry, I forgot to mention that it was an evil unicorn - and also a bit of an inside joke with my group

(skip this if you are easily horrified)

Basically we wondered why unicorns only like women, esp. virgins and the pregnant - we decided it had something to do with the horn (no! you sicko!)

Unicorns eat fetus's'ss' (whats the plural of fetus? or moose for that matter) to maintain their eternal life and connection to nature.

The rest of the group had a rollicking good time laughing this up as the pregnant character's PC and the GM were off playing what happened, completly oblivious to the fact that the unicorn was, indeed, evil. When she came back sans eqqus and told us that it had tried to cut her stomach open with its horn while screaming something about a sacrifice to the dark god... well lets just say we gave our GM the evil eye before we explained what we had just been talking about. He then accused us of reading his notes - which we discovered were a pile of stained loose-leaf paper that we (and he) had been using as scratch for paranoia notes

Anyaways, I'll try to be less obscure/bizarre in the future.


Oh my freakin' god! That is horrible! Sharing paper for scratch in a paranoia game... shame on you!

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


Sorry, I forgot to mention that it was an evil unicorn - and also a bit of an inside joke with my group

(skip this if you are easily horrified)

Basically we wondered why unicorns only like women, esp. virgins and the pregnant - we decided it had something to do with the horn (no! you sicko!)

Unicorns eat fetus's'ss' (whats the plural of fetus? or moose for that matter) to maintain their eternal life and connection to nature.

I don't get it. Why would fetus-eaters like virgins? They're guaranteed not to provide munchies (barring divine intervention). And since when do unicorns traditionally like pregnant women?

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


Well, I consider the current editions stance on size change to be a "bizarre rule."


If you want to be able to become bigger or smaller, here are the powers Growth and Shrinking, with all the game effects of size change conveniently packaged.


But if you want to be just naturally bigger or smaller as your default state, you should purchase all the game effects seperately and are FORBIDDEN to take the nice convenient package with Persistant and Always On.


Say what???


Now, I could see doing it one way or the other. I could see doing in the old way, where big and small characters bought Growth and Shrinking at zero END, Persistant, etc. I could even see breaking up the packages and saying if you want to grow or shrink, you buy some set of these linked abilities, with these side effects. I once bought a Growth spell that way, as an Aid to a set of abilities.


But setting up a "package deal" for people who can actively change form, but denying it to people whose form differs from the "hidden template" of a normal Human?


I don't know what to call it but "bizarre" and I don't think I ever will understand it.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary warns not to get Lucius started on the adding damage rules.....


PPS (post palindromedary stuff) you know, if anyone should get the package deal at all, I'd think it should be the ones with a different size by DEFAULT......

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


I don't get it. Why would fetus-eaters like virgins? They're guaranteed not to provide munchies (barring divine intervention). And since when do unicorns traditionally like pregnant women?

I believe it supposed to be "pure" women, not virgins. And Married Pregnant women were held to be "pure." by virtue of leading a good/pure life..


Or somesuch. I don't really remember much on the Unicorn legends - been a long long time since I read up on them.

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


Well' date=' I consider the current editions stance on size change to be a "bizarre rule." ..[/quote']


That's my take on Instant Change. Okay so its a transform, fine.


but if you were going to make all talents built as powers,

why not toss in Instant Change constructed similarly ?


They left in Hand Attack (Str - Lift) , why not leave in IC the same way ?

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


The way my grandmother always explained the unicorn thing to me was that women, being able to create life in their womb, were more infused with life than men - and thats why unicorns like them. They like pregnant women because they are carrying/creating new life. As for virgins...

According to her unicorns are able to create, instill, and restore life (I'm summarizing parts of her stories like mad here) through their horn. And it used to be that after a woman was married, she would go spend a week out of every month in the forest (guess which week) where, if she was lucky, she would be visited by a unicorn. The unicorn would touch her with its horn, and BLAM! she's pregnant with her husbands child - you see, women could carry and create life, but they need help, and men didn't used to be able to do that.

Now for the virgin thing - if a virgin woman encountered a unicorn, it would likely treat her the same way as it would any other woman - and impregnate her. But since she didn't have a husband, she would give birth to a unicorn and remain in the forest to raise it, becoming a forest spirit herself.

Again, I apologize for my bizzarrity, the myths I grew up hearing are often pretty different than the 'main-stream' ones that fill our gaming books, and it's difficult for me to separate that stuff occassionally, especially since most of my friends have heard all of these stories too.

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


A GM once told me a villian with no flight or superleap could dodge a 6d6 area effect by jumping upward.


"He's got a 15 STR, he can leap a hex and a half straight up."


"The area effect has a 6 hex radius. He's still in the area."


"No, it's area, a circle, not a sphere. It's only 2 dimensional. It doesn't go up."


IIRC I finished the evening and didn't go back.

Heh. Funny thing is, that is shoulder height at the peak of the leap (5ER p. 35, first paragraph), so even if he were right about the 2D thing.... :D

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


Heh. Funny thing is' date=' that is [i']shoulder[/i] height at the peak of the leap (5ER p. 35, first paragraph), so even if he were right about the 2D thing.... :D


Good catch on that! That's probably something that could be mentioned in the obscure/rarely remembered rules thread.

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


The way my grandmother always explained the unicorn thing to me was that women, being able to create life in their womb, were more infused with life than men - and thats why unicorns like them. They like pregnant women because they are carrying/creating new life. As for virgins...

According to her unicorns are able to create, instill, and restore life (I'm summarizing parts of her stories like mad here) through their horn. And it used to be that after a woman was married, she would go spend a week out of every month in the forest (guess which week) where, if she was lucky, she would be visited by a unicorn. The unicorn would touch her with its horn, and BLAM! she's pregnant with her husbands child - you see, women could carry and create life, but they need help, and men didn't used to be able to do that.

Now for the virgin thing - if a virgin woman encountered a unicorn, it would likely treat her the same way as it would any other woman - and impregnate her. But since she didn't have a husband, she would give birth to a unicorn and remain in the forest to raise it, becoming a forest spirit herself.

Again, I apologize for my bizzarrity, the myths I grew up hearing are often pretty different than the 'main-stream' ones that fill our gaming books, and it's difficult for me to separate that stuff occassionally, especially since most of my friends have heard all of these stories too.


Fascinating. Was your grandmother French?


And do you mean, your friends grew up hearing the same stories, or that they've heard them all from you by now?


Lucius Alexander


Planning to tell my grandkids all about the palindromedary

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


No, that grandmother wasn't French - she was...odd. Irish/Welsh & English raised in America with a Pomo (local Native American Tribe) nanny. Either she made them all up or she is serious when she says her father's best friend was a travelling storyteller.

As for my friends, they have either heard them from me or, more often, from my mother and grandmother during and after dinner at sleepovers

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


Planning to tell my grandkids all about the palindromedary

Yeah... and whats the palindromedary all about? I can see it's a play on the word palindrome, and that your little camel is the same coming and going - is it just a joke you've taken to the limits?

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


A palindromedary is a Middle Eastern cousin to the the Asian pushmi-pullyu that is native to Mt. Everest.


Edit: to get the name spelled right. Never read the books, only saw the Rex Harrison movie.

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


Back on Topic:


Abort to "Dodge"


Abort to Dive for Cover


took our group weeks to work this out.

"Dodge" is a specific Hero term, not an english word anymore.





- is it just a joke you've taken to the limits?


"Limits" are a matter of taste.


What if I were to relate each of my posts back to Egypt ?

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


A palindromedary is a Middle Eastern cousin to the the Asian pushmi-pullyu that is native to Mt. Everest.


Edit: to get the name spelled right. Never read the books, only saw the Rex Harrison movie.


I thought the pushmi-pullyu was South American - a kind of bicephalous llama, native to the Andes mountains.


Lucius Alexander


The Arabian one humped camel is the dromedary (as opposed to the bactrian, the two humped camel of central Asia.) And thread drift is one thing, but further discussion of the palindromedary seems far off topic (it may be bizarre, but it's not a rules issue) and besides, I'm running out of time tonight. If people really want to hear about it, maybe I'll start a thread somewhere else - maybe Non Gaming Discussion.

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


Back on Topic:


Abort to "Dodge"


Abort to Dive for Cover


took our group weeks to work this out.

"Dodge" is a specific Hero term, not an english word anymore.

Dodge is a hero term, dodge is what you attempting.

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Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered?


Dodge is a hero term' date=' dodge is what you're attempting.[/quote']


the description of Dodge seems contradictory on the surface. pg.386.


1st sentence: you may avoid an attack.


2nd sentence: you get +3 DCV versus attacks.


but in english, the word dodge sounds like a miss.

so some newbies get confuzilated.


personally I would edit the 1st sentence to say "attempt to avoid an attack"




If people really want to hear about it

what are the odds Lucius ? :sneaky:

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