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Catching Players off guard.


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This thread hit me after reading a comment in the UV post:


In our latest scenario, the heroes boarded an alien space craft. After taking off they noticed that non of the controls were marked, the display screens were blank, and there were no lit identifiers on controls.


Not until later did they figure out that it was all in a different visual wavelength. The aliens had a much broader visual spectrum. So even if they could figure out how to fly the ship there were trapped on board because they could not read any displays. It was a fun concept that caught them off guard.


Have you done anything that caught playes totally off guard you would like to share?

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Re: Catching Players off guard.


One female character, Jade Dragon, has Danger Sense and likes to lie in the bath and listen to classical music after a hard day in Latex pounding on bad guys.


Wasn't she surprised when a bunch of Ninja with Invisibility to Danger Sense attacked her?

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Re: Catching Players off guard.


At least they got to see her nekkid before they died! ;)


In a more serious tone, one character was a defrocked priest now on the run from the law. He and his friends were trying to protect the archbishop of the region (his old mentor) from would-be assassins, only to have the esteemed clergyman turn on them. The look on the player's face was priceless.

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Re: Catching Players off guard.


My PCs were involved in some high epic, cross dimensional, time travelling madness... bout 2 years into the campaign, I start a scenario and it's the SAME scenatio as last time... they are confused as all hell but they have experience with time travel so they adapt...they encountered some mysterious strangers who needed them to NOT go where they were intent on going but to an alternate location, the PCs don't like being told what to do so they keep starting stuff... but no matter what they do, these guys are all over them, always one step ahead, knowing their every move, their every thought, the PCs were FUMING with me.


Fast Forward three four years or so... the PCs have grown, gained much power, they are still fighting to restore the timeline. They finally learn that one key event was that they went off after bad guy A when they SHOULD have been going to stop events at location B.


They got an opportunity to travel back in time to change the past... Before they leave, they decide to dress different and wear masks to not recognize themselves and polute the timeline more than it needs to...They get dressed and as I'm describing the way they look... they FINALLY clue in... the look on their face was awesome.


So they went back in time and tried to change their actions, caught up to themselves and I enjoyed nothing more than playing that scene again, years later, with my players, fully aware of who did what and all they tried... constantly stopping the past selves with their superior powers and skills.


Was fun...and three years later, they sacrificed themselves in a climacatic epic battle to save the universe and restore the timeline at long last.

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Re: Catching Players off guard.


In a Dark Champions campaign that I ran once the vigilantes had a secret base disguised to look like an abandoned warehouse. Eventually one of the major villians of the campaign managed to figure out where the base was. After the players fended off an attack by some of his minions they realized that their base had been compromised. The players immediately coughed up the 5 character points to establish a duplicate base in a differend location. They mothballed the old base and moved all of their personal equipment and assorted vital stuff to the new secret base.


It wasn't until the last trip from base to base that one of the characters suddenly had a frightening thought and said, "Hey, we wern't being followed were we?"




They had been so wrapped up in other things that nobody thought to even make a PER roll for possible shadowers.

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Re: Catching Players off guard.


This thread hit me after reading a comment in the UV post:


In our latest scenario, the heroes boarded an alien space craft. After taking off they noticed that non of the controls were marked, the display screens were blank, and there were no lit identifiers on controls.


Not until later did they figure out that it was all in a different visual wavelength. The aliens had a much broader visual spectrum. So even if they could figure out how to fly the ship there were trapped on board because they could not read any displays. It was a fun concept that caught them off guard.


Have you done anything that caught playes totally off guard you would like to share?


A much similar situation, but the aliens were psychics and all the controls were operated psionicly though Telepathy and Telekinesis.

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